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 * Copyright 2002 Joachim Schrod Network and Publication Consultance GmbH, Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WDialog.
 * WDialog is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WDialog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id:,v 3.15 2005-06-11 14:24:14 stolpmann Exp $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

open Wd_types
open Printf

module S = Netstring_str

let debug = false;;
  (* Note debug messages:
   * These are written to stderr. The Apache server adds such messages to
   * the error log. Other servers (e.g. Netscape) do not do this; in this
   * case it is recommended to start the CGI program with a shell script
   * that redirect stderr to a log file.

class empty_dialog universe name env =
    (* An empty dialog implementation *)
    inherit Wd_dialog.dialog universe name env
    method prepare_page() = ()
    method handle() = ()

(* TODO: document the 'force_handle_invocation' hack.
 * - Some notes:
 * Normally, when the application has just been started, there is no need
 * to invoke the 'handle' callback; there has been no previous user interaction
 * and so the application need not to react on it. When the form is
 * submitted by a Javascript handler, a similar situation happens; no
 * user interaction is recognized.  However, there are situations
 * requiring a 'handle' invocation even in these cases; to enforce that
 * the 'handle' callback is always performed, one can set the CGI variable
 * 'force_handle_invocation' to a value other than "".

let extended_arguments (cgi:Netcgi.cgi_activation) =
  (* Return the CGI arguments plus the decoded contents of
   * 'uiobject_extra_args'.
   * - Some notes:
   * Normally, the web browser simply posts the form containing the
   * CGI parameters. This technique is simple, but it is limited because
   * it must be known which parameters exist in the form at the moment
   * when the form is created (by HTML elements). However, some interactions
   * require that parameters must be dynamically added just before the
   * form is submitted. The special CGI parameter 'uiobject_extra_args'
   * can be used for this purpose: It is interpreted as url-encoded set
   * of extra parameters that are added to the ordinary set of
   * CGI parameters.
   * From Javascript, it is a simple task to set 'uiobject_extra_args'
   * because there is a function (escape) actually url-encoding its
   * input.
  lazy begin
    let cgi_args = (fun arg -> arg#name, arg) cgi # arguments in
    let extra = cgi # argument_value ~default:"" "uiobject_extra_args" in
    let extra' = Pcre.qreplace ~pat:"\\+" ~templ:"%2b" extra in
      (* Unfortunately, the Javascript function 'escape' does not protect
       * the plus character. So we do it here; otherwise '+' would be
       * converted to space.
    let extra_decoded =
      Netencoding.Url.dest_url_encoded_parameters extra' in  (* TODO *)
    let extra_args =
	(fun (n,v) -> n, (Netcgi.Argument.simple n v))
	extra_decoded in
      extra_args @ cgi_args
	(* Note: extra_args are returned first. Usually, this means that CGI
	 * parameters occuring in both lists are preferred from extra_args,
	 * such that the dynamically added parameters can even override the
	 * statical ones.

let debug_print_args cgi =
  (* Dumps the real set of CGI parameters to stderr *)
  prerr_endline "*** Beginning dump of CGI parameters:";
    (fun arg ->
       prerr_endline (arg#name ^ "=" ^ arg#value);
    (cgi # arguments);
  prerr_endline "--- End of dump";

let arg cgi n =
  let args = Lazy.force (extended_arguments cgi) in
  List.assoc n args

let argval cgi n =
  (arg cgi n) # value

let ( !% ) n =
  (* !% "name": returns the CGI parameter called "name" as abstract value,
   * or raises Not_found if it does not exist.
  List.assoc n (arguments())

let ( !$ ) n = Cgi.arg_value (!% n)
  (* !$ "name": returns the CGI parameter called "name" as string value,
   * or raises Not_found if it does not exist.

let update_variables_from_cgi cgi dlg=
  (* Examines the CGI parameters for changed variable values. For example,
   * if the previous page contained a text box, the variable bound to the
   * box must now be updated to the value of the corresponding CGI
   * parameter.
  let ( !$ ) = argval cgi in
  let var_re = S.regexp "^var_\\(.*\\)$" in
  let digits_re = S.regexp "^[0-9_]+$" in
  let ia = dlg # interactors in
  let dlg_name = dlg # name in
  let dlg_decl = dlg # declaration in

  (* Iterate over all CGI parameters and recognize the parameters whose
   * name match 'var_re'. These parameters contain the new variable
   * values.
   * Furthermore, we must find out which variable is meant by a CGI
   * parameter. If the suffix (the string following 'var_') of the
   * CGI name is a number, we can look up the name of the variable in
   * the interactor structure.
   * If the suffix is not a number, we assume that the suffix already
   * denotes the name of the variable (and that the variable is not
   * associative). Note that you can force this type of CGI parameter
   * by using the cgi="keep" attribute (in the XML element).
   * The name_index_list is a list of (vname, (vindex, vvalue)),
   * where vname is the variable name, vindex is the variable index
   * (or "" if not applicable), and vvalue is the new value of the
   * variable.
   * Note: protected variables are simply ignored.
  let name_index_list =
	 (fun (cgiparam,arg) ->
	    match S.string_match var_re cgiparam 0 with
		Some r ->
		  let v = arg#value in
		  let n = S.matched_group r 1 cgiparam in
		  if S.string_match digits_re n 0 <> None then begin
	      	    (* The variable is passed by numerical ID *)
		    let (name,index,_) = Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_vars n  in
		    [ name, (index,v) ]
		  else begin
		    (* The variable is passed by name *)
		    [ n, ("",v) ]
	      | None ->
	 (Lazy.force(extended_arguments cgi))

  (* visble_pages contains the names of the pages that were
   * visible at the moment the form was submitted (i.e. the
   * name of the main page and the names of the popup pages).
   * When a popup window is submitted, this means that the
   * fields of the form are copied to the form of the main
   * window, and that the form in the main window is actually
   * submitted. Consequently, not only the interactors of the
   * popup window exist, but also the interactors of the main
   * window.
   *    The variable 'uiobject_visible_pages' contains a space-separated
   * list of the pages that were submitted in the last action;
   * i.e. either the page name of the only visible window, or the
   * page names of the main window and the popup window.
   *    In the following code, an interactor is only accepted
   * if it occurs on a page listed in visible_pages.
  let visible_pages =
    let v = " " ^ try !$ "uiobject_visible_pages" with Not_found -> "" in
    S.split (S.regexp "[ \t]+") v

  (* findall n0 name_index_list:
   * Returns all (vindex, vvalue) pairs in name_index_list for the
   * variable n0.
  let findall n0 l = snd (List.filter (fun (n,v) -> n=n0) l) in

  (* findenums n0 name_index_page_list:
   * Returns all (vindex, vvalue, page) pairs in name_index_page_list for the
   * variable n0.
  let findenums n0 l =
      (fun (a,b,c) -> b)
      (List.filter (fun (n,v,pg) -> n=n0 && List.mem pg visible_pages) l) in

  let definedenum n0 l =
      (fun (n,v,pg) -> n=n0 && List.mem pg visible_pages) l in

  let rec unprotected_variables dlg =
    (* Returns the unprotected variables of [dlg] and of subdialogs;
     * names of dialog variables are not returned
    let dlg_decl = dlg # declaration in
    let unprotected = 
	(fun vname -> not (dlg_decl # variable vname).var_protected)
	dlg_decl#variable_names in
    (* Expand dialogs: *)
	 (fun vname ->
	    if (dlg_decl # variable vname).var_type = Dialog_type then begin
	      match dlg # dialog_variable vname with
		  Some dlg' ->
		    let unprotected' = unprotected_variables dlg' in (fun vname' -> vname ^ "." ^ vname') unprotected'
		| None ->
		    []   (* drop this variable *)

  (* Iterate over all declared variables of the dialog, look up whether
   * there are values for the variables in name_index_list, and update
   * the values stored in the dialog.
    (fun vname ->
       let var = dlg # variable_decl vname in
       (* Contains the declaration of the variable *)

       let index_value_pairs = findall vname name_index_list in
       (* All (vindex,vvalue) pairs for the variable 'vname' *)

       let update_alist_value new_associations =
	 (* Update the associations of the alist variable 'vname': The
	  * associations in 'new_associations' are changed; the other
	  * associations are kept.
	  * The order of the old associations is retained. Totally new
	  * entries are appended.
	 let old_associations = dlg # alist_variable vname in
	 let new_dict = Wd_dictionary.of_alist new_associations in
	 let new_dict' = ref Wd_dictionary.empty in

	 let al =
	     (fun (n,v) ->
		  let v' = Wd_dictionary.find n new_dict in (* or Not_found *)
		  new_dict' := Wd_dictionary.add n () !new_dict';
		    Not_found -> (n,v)
	     old_associations in

	 let al' = ref [] in
	   (fun n v ->
	      if not(Wd_dictionary.mem n !new_dict') then
		al' := (n,v) :: !al'

	 dlg # set_variable vname (Alist_value (al @ !al'));

       (* How the values from the CGI parameters are to be interpreted mainly
	* depends on the type of the variable. So here is a case for every
	* variable type.
       match var.var_type with
	   String_type ->
	     if var.var_associative then begin
	       (* Associative strings: The new (vindex,vvalue) pairs replace
		* the existing associations from indexes to values.
		* Associations for which no index has been passed by CGI
		* parameter are kept as they are.
	       let new_strings = (fun (x,s) -> x,String_value s) index_value_pairs in
	       update_alist_value new_strings
	     else begin
	       (* Non-associative strings: Set the value to one of the
		* values found in name_index_list (should be
		* [ name, ("", value) ] ).
		 let _, v = List.assoc vname name_index_list (* or Not_found *)
		 in dlg # set_variable vname (String_value v)
		   Not_found -> ()
	 | Enum_type _ ->
	     (* Enumerators: We must only set the enumerator variables for
	      * which there was an interactor on the last page (otherwise
	      * the values of enumerators would be reset without reason).
	      * The list of enumerators of the last page is stored in
	      * ia.ui_enumvars.
	     if var.var_associative then begin
	       (* Associative enumerators: Set only the associations
		* occuring in ia.ui_enumvars.
	       let relevant_index_values = findenums vname ia.ui_enumvars in
	       (* Only these index values must me set! *)
	       let new_enums =
		   (fun some_indexvalue ->
		      match some_indexvalue with
			  None -> assert false
			| Some indexvalue ->
			    let values = findall indexvalue index_value_pairs in
			    indexvalue, Enum_value values
		   relevant_index_values in
	       update_alist_value new_enums
	     else begin
	       (* Non-associative enumerators: Set the enumerator value
		* only if the name occurs in ia.ui_enumvars.
	       if definedenum vname (ia.ui_enumvars) then begin
		 let values = snd index_value_pairs in
		 dlg # set_variable vname (Enum_value values)
	 | Dyn_enum_type ->
	     (* Dynamic enumerators: Same problem as with simple enumerators;
	      * we must only set those enumerators occuring in the last
	      * page.
	     if var.var_associative then begin
	       let relevant_index_values = findenums vname ia.ui_enumvars in
	       let new_enums =
		   (fun some_indexvalue ->
		      match some_indexvalue with
			  None -> assert false
			| Some indexvalue ->
			    let values = findall indexvalue index_value_pairs in

			    Dyn_enum_value ( (fun v -> v, "") values)
		   relevant_index_values in
	       update_alist_value new_enums
	     else begin
	       if definedenum vname (ia.ui_enumvars) then begin
		 let values = snd index_value_pairs in
		 dlg # set_variable
		   (Dyn_enum_value ( (fun v -> v, "") values))
	 | Dialog_type ->
	     (* It is not possible to set dialog variables by CGI parameters *)
    (unprotected_variables dlg)

exception Result of (event * string option);;
  (* Used locally in get_event_from_cgi *)

let get_event_from_cgi cgi dlg =
  (* Examine the CGI parameters, and search the parameter expressing the
   * last event ("click").
   * Return a pair (event, default_next_page) denoting the found event
   * and the page that should be displayed next (unless overridden by
   * the 'handle' method of the dialog).
   * The 'default_next_page' may be set by the "goto" attribute of the
   * interactor that caused the event; because of this, the
   * default_next_page is determined in this function.
  let ( !$ ) = argval cgi in
  let ia = dlg # interactors in
  let button_re  = S.regexp "^button_\\(.*\\)$" in
  let xbutton_re = S.regexp "^xbutton_\\(.*\\)$" in
  let anchor_re  = S.regexp "^anchor_\\(.*\\)$" in
  let xanchor_re = S.regexp "^xanchor_\\(.*\\)$" in
  let ibuttonx_re = S.regexp "^imagebutton_\\(.*\\)\\.x$" in
  let ibuttony_re = S.regexp "^imagebutton_\\(.*\\)\\.y$" in
  let xibuttonx_re = S.regexp "^ximagebutton_\\(.*\\)\\.x$" in
  let xibuttony_re = S.regexp "^ximagebutton_\\(.*\\)\\.y$" in

  (* 'matchers': This is a list of functions which will be tried in turn
   * in order to find the CGI parameter expressing the event. The functions
   * have signature
   * (cginame:string) * (cgivalue:string) -> event * (nextpage:string),
   * i.e. they get the name of the CGI parameter and its value as input,
   * and the function returns the event and the name of the next page
   * if it recognizes the CGI parameter. The function may also raise Not_found
   * to indicate that it does not know the kind of parameter.
   * Later, every CGI parameter will be passed to every function, and the first
   * function that does not raise Not_found recognizes the event, and the
   * result of the function is taken as event and default next page.
   * There is a bug in some browsers causing the following strange
   * behaviour:
   * When the user clicks on a ui:a anchor, the form is submitted; however
   * the first submit button is also selected.
   * To work around this bug, the first matchers are the anchor matchers
   * and the loop searching the right CGI parameter first tries to match
   * all parameters with the anchor pattern. So the anchor will be found before
   * the submit button.

  let matchers =
      (fun (n,arg) ->
	 (* Test on (non-indexed) anchor events *)
	 match S.string_match anchor_re n 0 with
	     Some r when arg#value <> "0" ->
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, _, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_anchors id_str in
	       (* Note: Anchor events are represented as Button, too *)
	       Button name, goto
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
      (fun (n,arg) ->
	 (* Test on indexed anchor events *)
	 match S.string_match xanchor_re n 0 with
	     Some r when arg#value <> "0" ->
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, index, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_indexed_anchors id_str in
	       (* Note: Anchor events are represented as Button, too *)
	       Indexed_button (name,index), goto
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
      (fun (n,arg) ->
	 (* Test on (non-indexed) button events. *)
	 match S.string_match button_re n 0 with
	     Some r ->
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, _, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_buttons id_str in
	       Button name, goto
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
      (fun (n,arg) ->
	 (* Test on indexed button events *)
	 match S.string_match xbutton_re n 0 with
	     Some r ->
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, index, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_indexed_buttons id_str in
	       Indexed_button(name,index), goto
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
      (fun (n,argx) ->
	 (* Test on (non-indexed) image buttons *)
	 match S.string_match ibuttonx_re n 0 with
	     Some r ->
	       let vx = argx#value in
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, _, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_imagebuttons id_str in
	       let ny = "imagebutton_" ^ id_str ^ ".y" in
	       let vy =
		 try !$ ny
		 with Not_found ->
		   failwith ("Cannot find CGI param " ^ ny)
	       Image_button(name, int_of_string vx, int_of_string vy), goto
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
      (fun (n,argx) ->
	 (* Test on indexed image buttons *)
	 match S.string_match xibuttonx_re n 0 with
	     Some r ->
	       let vx = argx#value in
	       let id_str = S.matched_group r 1 n in
	       let (name, index, goto) =
		 Wd_interactor.lookup ia.ui_indexed_imagebuttons id_str in
	       let ny = "ximagebutton_" ^ id_str ^ ".y" in
	       let vy =
		 try !$ ny
		 with Not_found ->
		   failwith ("Cannot find CGI param " ^ ny)
			       	    int_of_string vx,
			       	    int_of_string vy),
	   | _ ->
	       raise Not_found
    ] in

  let event, default_next_page =
    (* Iterate over every combination of CGI parameter and matcher function,
     * and try the matcher function.
     * On success, the found event is passed back using the 'Result'
     * exception (to jump out of the two iterators).
     * Note: Because of the mentioned browser bug, this loop iterates first
     * over all matchers, and then over the CGI parameters; see the explanations
     * above.
    begin try
	(fun matcher ->
	     (fun (n,arg) ->
		  raise (Result (matcher (n,arg)))
		    (* will be caught right below *)
		    Not_found -> ()
	     (Lazy.force (extended_arguments cgi))

      (* If no matcher function recognizes a CGI parameter: *)
      No_event, None
	(* Catch the exception used to exit from the search loop: *)
	Result (e,g) -> e,g

  (event, default_next_page)

let printf (cgi:Netcgi_types.cgi_activation)
           (arg : ('a, Buffer.t, unit) format) : 'a =
  let b = Buffer.create 16 in
  Printf.bprintf b arg;
  cgi # output # output_buffer b

let default_response_header = 
  { rh_status = `Ok;
    rh_content_type = "text/html";
    rh_cache = `Unspecified;
    rh_filename = None;
    rh_language = None;
    rh_script_type = None;
    rh_style_type = None;
    rh_set_cookie = [];
    rh_fields = [];

let make_environment cgi =
  { debug_mode = false;
    debug_mode_style = `Partially_encoded;
    prototype_mode = false;
    server_popup_mode = false;
    self_url = "";
    response_header = default_response_header;
    cgi = cgi;

let in_session_scope session f =
  let dlg = session # dialog in
  dlg # enter_session_scope session;
    f dlg;
    dlg # leave_session_scope()
      any ->
	dlg # leave_session_scope();
	raise any

let process_request
     ?(session_manager = new Wd_dialog.instant_session_manager())
     ?(response_header = default_response_header)
     (universe:universe_type) (cgi:Netcgi.cgi_activation) =
  (* Main processing function: Interprets CGI parameters, and outputs
   * the next page according to CGI.

  (* General note about CGI parameters:
   * We must avoid to get the value of arbitrary CGI parameters, because this
   * would mean that also uploaded files are loaded into memory.

  let ( !$ ) = argval cgi in

  if debug then debug_print_args cgi;

  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in

  let ui_pipe_ch =
    (* If present, open pipe to uidebugger right at the beginning.
     * Otherwise it may happen that the pipe is never closed, and the
     * uidebugger hangs.
      let ui_pipe = Sys.getenv "UI_PIPE" in
      Some(open_out ui_pipe)
	Not_found -> None

  let prototype_mode =
    universe # application # prototype_mode in
  (* Prototype mode: If there is no registered dialog for a declared
   * dialog, an empty implementation of the dialog will be assumed.

  let force_handle_invocation =
    universe # application # onstartup_call_handle in
  (* force_handle_invocation: Forces that the 'handle' method of the
   * dialog is called even if there was no previous event (e.g.
   * when the application is started).
   * (There is also a comment above about force_handle_invocation.)

  let server_popup_page =
    try !$ "uiobject_server_popup" with Not_found -> "" in
  let is_server_popup_request = server_popup_page <> "" in

  (* server_popup_page: Is set if a popup window has been opened whose
   * contents are dynamically generated (so-called "server popup windows").
   * server_popup_page contains the name of the page that will be displayed
   * in the popup window.

  let env =
    { debug_mode = universe # application # debug_mode;
      debug_mode_style = universe # application # debug_mode_style;
      prototype_mode = prototype_mode;
      server_popup_mode = is_server_popup_request;
      self_url = (match self_url with Some url -> url | None -> cgi#url());
      response_header = { response_header 
			  with rh_status = response_header.rh_status };
      cgi = cgi;

  if prototype_mode then begin
    (* Add empty dialogs as needed: *)
      (fun name ->
	 (* Does the dialog with 'name' exist? *)
	 try ignore(universe # create env name)
	     Not_found ->
	       (* No: Register an empty implementation with 'name' *)
	       universe # register name (new empty_dialog))
      (universe # application # dialog_names)

  (****************************** STAGE 1 *****************************)

  (* First, we get the current dialog, and modify it. The current event
   * must be set in this dialog; and the variables of the dialog must
   * updated (from the values passed in CGI parameters).

  (* Decode the current session *)
  let session =
      let s = !$ "uiobject_session" in      (* or raise Not_found *)
      let s_obj = session_manager # unserialize universe env s in
      (* Server popup request: Create a copy of the session! *)
      if is_server_popup_request then
	session_manager # create (s_obj # dialog)
	Not_found ->
	  if debug then prerr_endline "Starting with brand-new dialog!";
	  let n = universe # application # start_dialog_name in
	  let start_dlg =
	    try universe # create env n
	    with Not_found ->
	      raise (Runtime_error ("The start dialog has claimed to be `" ^ n ^
				    "'; however such a dialog has not been found in the registered universe of dialogs"))
	  session_manager # create start_dlg

  let t1 = ref 0.0 in

    (fun dlg ->

       (* If this is a server popup request, store this piece of information
	* in dlg such that dlg knows that the current request comes from a new
	* popup window.
       if is_server_popup_request then
	 dlg # set_server_popup_request();
       if debug then begin
	 prerr_endline "*** Dump of initial dialog:";
	 dlg # dump (Format.err_formatter);
	 prerr_endline "\n--- End of dump";

       (* TODO: check here all pages, and check whether the "goto" attributes of
	* all buttons are valid page names.

       if is_server_popup_request then begin
	   if not(dlg # declaration # page_is_declared_as_popup server_popup_page) then
	     raise(Runtime_error("The popup page `" ^ server_popup_page ^
				 "' has been requested, but this page is not declared as popup page"));
	     Not_found ->
	       raise(Runtime_error("The popup page `" ^ server_popup_page ^
				   "' has been requested, but this page does not exist"))

       (* Examine the CGI parameters for the current event:
	* Normally, the CGI parameter describing the last "click" (anchor or
	* button) is searched, and the page associated with this click is
	* returned (this does get_event_from_cgi).
	* However, if this request results from opening a server popup,
	* the event is Popup_request.

       let (event, default_next_page) =
	 if not is_server_popup_request then
	   get_event_from_cgi cgi dlg              (* normal case *)
	 else begin
	   let index =
	     try !$ "uiobject_popup_index" with Not_found -> "" in
	   Popup_request index, Some server_popup_page    (* server popup request *)

       (* Set the event in 'dlg', and set the next page in 'dlg': *)
       dlg # set_event event;
       begin match default_next_page with
	   None ->   (* The default default next page is the current page: *)
	     dlg # set_next_page (dlg # page_name);
	 | Some n -> 
	     dlg # set_next_page n

       (* Update variables in 'dlg' from CGI parameters:
	* (Skip if this is a server popup request; such requests do not set any
	* variables.)
       if not is_server_popup_request then
	 update_variables_from_cgi cgi dlg;

       (****************************** STAGE 2 *****************************)

       (* The 'dlg' is now ready for further processing. The 'handle' method
	* of the dialog is invoked.
	* The result may be
	* - (a) we continue with this dialog
	* - (b) we continue, but on a different page
	* - (c) we change to a new dialog
       t1 := Unix.gettimeofday();

       if event <> No_event  ||  force_handle_invocation then begin
      	   dlg # handle();
	   (* Case (a) *)
	     Change_dialog dlg' ->
	       (* Case (c) *)
	       (* This is illegal in a popup request, because the page displayed
		* in the popup window must belong to the same dialog as the
		* page in the main window.
	       if is_server_popup_request then
		 raise(Runtime_error("The 'handle' method tried to change the current dialog although this is a request for a popup window"));
	       session # change_dialog dlg';
	   | Change_page pg ->
	       (* Case (b) *)
	       dlg # set_next_page pg;
    );    (* Terminate old session scope... *)

    (fun dlg ->
       (* ... because a different dialog might be in scope now! *)
       let dlg_name = dlg # name in
       let dlg_decl = dlg # declaration in

       (****************************** STAGE 3 *****************************)

       (* Now, 'dlg' denotes the dialog that displays the next page.
	* The 'prepare_page' method is invoked such that the dialog
	* has the chance to set further variables.

       let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday() in

       (* Tell the dialog which page comes next: *)
       dlg # init (dlg # next_page);

       let t3 = Unix.gettimeofday() in

       dlg # prepare_page();

       (* Maybe we have to init again, because set_next_page has been called
	* from prepare_page: 
       if dlg # page_name <> dlg # next_page then (
	 dlg # init (dlg # next_page);

       (****************************** STAGE 4 *****************************)

       (* The state of 'dlg' is now ready such that the HTML page can be
	* generated.
       let t4 = Unix.gettimeofday() in

       (* Get the next page (as syntax_tree): *)
       let page =
	 try (dlg # declaration) # page (dlg # page_name)
      	     Not_found ->
	       raise (Runtime_error ("The next page `" ^ (dlg # page_name) ^
			      	     "' is not declared"))

       let vars =
	 { within_popup = is_server_popup_request;
	   current_page = "<outside>";
	   popup_env_initialized = false;
	   condition_code = false;
	   serialize_session = (fun () ->
				  session # commit_changes();
				  session # serialize;
       let rh = env.response_header in
       cgi # set_header 

       (* Generate HTML: *)
	 (cgi # output :> Netchannels.out_obj_channel)

       let want_stats =
	   (Netstring_pcre.regexp "^text/html")
	 <> None in

       (* Finally, some statistics is appended: *)
       if want_stats then begin
	 let b = Buffer.create 5000 in
	 let t5 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
	 bprintf b "\n<!-- Real time for process_request until start of output: -->\n";
	 bprintf b "<!-- Total time:           %5.1f seconds -->\n" (t5 -. t0);
	 bprintf b "<!-- Initialization:       %5.1f seconds -->\n" (!t1 -. t0);
	 bprintf b "<!-- 'handle':             %5.1f seconds -->\n" (t2 -. !t1);
	 bprintf b "<!-- Setting up next page: %5.1f seconds -->\n" (t3 -. t2);
	 bprintf b "<!-- 'prepare_page':       %5.1f seconds -->\n" (t4 -. t3);
	 bprintf b "<!-- Generation:           %5.1f seconds -->\n" (t5 -. t4);
	 let p = Unix.times() in
	 bprintf b "\n<!-- Process time until start of output: -->\n";
	 bprintf b "<!-- User time:       %5.1f seconds -->\n"
	   (p.Unix.tms_utime +. p.Unix.tms_cutime);
	 bprintf b "<!-- System time:     %5.1f seconds -->\n"
	   (p.Unix.tms_stime +. p.Unix.tms_cstime);
	 let gc = Gc.stat() in
	 bprintf b "\n<!-- Memory consumption: -->\n";
	 bprintf b "<!-- Number of minor collections: %d -->\n"
	 bprintf b "<!-- Number of major collections: %d -->\n"
	 cgi # output # output_buffer b;
       if env.debug_mode && want_stats then begin
	 (* Add 'ps' output: (Assumes Unix98 ps) *)
	 let ps_out =
	     ("ps -l -y -p " ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getpid())) ^ " 2>/dev/null") in
	   while true do
	     let line = input_line ps_out in
	     printf "<!-- ps: %s -->\n" line
	 with End_of_file ->
	   ignore(Unix.close_process_in ps_out)
       (* If working with uidebuggger, output the new dialog state now to the
	* communication pipe.
       begin match ui_pipe_ch with
	   Some ch ->
      	     output_string ch dlg_name;
      	     output_string ch "\n";
      	     output_string ch (Netencoding.Base64.encode (dlg # serialize));
      	     output_string ch "\n";
      	     close_out ch;
	 | None ->

(* ======================================================================
 * History:
 * $Log:,v $
 * Revision 3.15  2005-06-11 14:24:14  stolpmann
 * Extension of bracket expressions: many new functions.
 * Functions in bracket expressions may now lazily evaluate their arguments.
 * ui:if and ui:ifvar may refer to any functions defined for bracket
 * expressions.
 * New: ui:ifexpr
 * Parsing of bracket expressions is now done with ulex. Private interfaces
 * of PXP are no longer used for this purpose.
 * Serialization has been rewritten, and it is now safe.
 * Fix: In ui:context there may now be macro references at any location.
 * Also documented all these changes.
 * Revision 3.14  2004/12/12 17:57:32  stolpmann
 * 	Added <q:wd-link> and <q:wd-xlink> to generate links for
 * applications that cannot use Javascript. Limited functionality, however.
 * See stdlib.xml for details.
 * Revision 3.13  2004/08/01 18:30:33  stolpmann
 * 	Removed dependency on Cgi.
 * Revision 3.12  2003/03/09 17:09:12  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: The current session is duplicated when a server popup
 * request arrives
 * Revision 3.11  2003/02/16 23:48:15  stolpmann
 * 	Improved wd-debug-mode: there are now two styles
 * Revision 3.10  2003/01/26 17:59:46  stolpmann
 * 	new: Wd_cycle.make_environment
 * Revision 3.9  2003/01/26 16:03:46  stolpmann
 * 	It is now allowed to call [set_next_page] from [prepare_page].
 * Revision 3.8  2003/01/15 23:04:28  stolpmann
 * 	Statistics are only appended if output type is text/html
 * Revision 3.7  2003/01/04 21:55:25  stolpmann
 * 	new record response_header
 * Revision 3.6  2002/11/09 12:19:12  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: ui:select accepts dot notation
 * Revision 3.5  2002/11/06 01:43:51  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: digit_re
 * Revision 3.4  2002/06/06 12:03:59  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: when a popup request is received, the variable
 * [within_popup] is set to [true].
 * 	Workaround: In current versions of ocamlnet there is
 * a bug in [split]. By prepending a space character to
 * [visible_pages], the problematic case can be avoided.
 * Revision 3.3  2002/02/26 16:00:42  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: The order of associative variables is preserved if
 * possible.
 * Revision 3.2  2002/02/14 16:15:21  stolpmann
 * 	Added copyright notice.
 * Revision 3.1  2002/02/12 20:28:59  stolpmann
 * 	Initial release at sourceforge.
 * Revision 1.20  2002/02/11 11:14:21  gerd
 * 	Fix: It is now possible to change the dialog of sessions (required
 * for the Change_dialog exception)
 * Revision 1.19  2002/02/05 18:51:22  gerd
 * 	Support for session managers.
 * 	Protected variables can no longer be set by CGI parameters.
 * 	Popup pages must be declared with popup="yes".
 * Revision 1.18  2002/01/31 23:06:39  gerd
 * 	Revised conditional expansion (ui:if, ui:ifvar, ui:iflang,
 * ui:cond).
 * 	Added some support for internationalization (xml:lang).
 * Revision 1.17  2002/01/14 15:03:23  gerd
 * 	Major change: Typing has been completely revised, and almost
 * every tiny thing has now a new type. Also renamed a lot.
 * Revision 1.16  2001/05/21 12:54:24  gerd
 * 	Removed debugging output: "OCaml memory in words". The
 * type changed from int to float in O'Caml 3.01, and this information
 * is not very useful at all.
 * Revision 1.15  2001/01/15 12:28:52  gerd
 * 	Fix: Added close_process_in for ps_out
 * Revision 1.14  2000/12/21 17:08:57  gerd
 * 	Fixed the workaround.
 * Revision 1.13  2000/12/21 17:05:22  gerd
 * 	Workaround for the strange behaviour of the Javascript
 * 'escape' function which does not protect '+'.
 * Revision 1.12  2000/12/21 15:00:37  gerd
 * 	Server popups: The generated "open" function has now a second
 * parameter which is passed back to the application. The Popup_request
 * event gets this parameter. The parameter can be used freely by the
 * application.
 * Revision 1.11  2000/12/06 17:52:45  gerd
 * 	CGI arguments can be reset.
 * Revision 1.10  2000/12/06 15:25:59  gerd
 * 	Support for the ~self_url parameter.
 * Revision 1.9  2000/11/30 18:39:28  gerd
 * 	Implementation of ui:server-popup.
 * Revision 1.8  2000/09/25 13:22:13  gerd
 * 	New ui:popup element
 * Revision 1.7  2000/05/15 11:46:33  gerd
 * 	Necessary changes for uidebugger.
 * Revision 1.6  2000/05/09 14:27:15  gerd
 * 	Added many comments; changed the structure to make the
 * concepts clearer.
 * 	Furthermore, support for the "cgi" attribute.
 * Revision 1.5  2000/05/08 17:56:22  gerd
 * 	Changed such that arbitrary strings can be used as interactor
 * IDs as well as automatically generated numbers.
 * Revision 1.4  2000/05/08 15:30:08  gerd
 * 	The default context is passed to the 'to_html' invocation.
 * Revision 1.3  2000/05/08 10:34:32  gerd
 * 	Dynamic parameters: An empty initial context is used. This
 * is questionable, but currently the only possible way.
 * Revision 1.2  2000/04/17 10:10:52  gerd
 * 	New Cgi module.
 * 	File upload strongly improved.
 * Revision 1.1  2000/04/13 17:42:58  gerd
 * 	Initial revision.

This web site is published by Informatikbüro Gerd Stolpmann
Powered by Caml