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 * Copyright 2002 Joachim Schrod Network and Publication Consultance GmbH, Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WDialog.
 * WDialog is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WDialog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id:,v 3.26 2005-08-31 18:08:49 stolpmann Exp $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

open Wd_types
open Pxp_types
open Pxp_document
open Printf

module D = Wd_dictionary

(* Idea:
 * 'scan_application': Scans the whole tree and puts the result into the
 *     passed variable.
 * 'scan_dialog': Scans an ui:dialog tree and puts the result into the
 *     passed variable
 * The part of the tree from ui:application until ui:dialog is called
 * "application tree".
 * The part of the tree from ui:dialog until ui:page is called
 * "dialog tree".
 * The part of the tree below ui:page is called "page tree".

let escape_html = Wd_encoding.encode_as_html ;;

let escape_html_flags = Pcre.rflags [];;

let escape_comment_re = Netstring_pcre.regexp "--\\>";;

let escape_comment s =
  Netstring_pcre.global_replace escape_comment_re "==>" s

let buffer_add_escaped buffer s =
  (* Same as Buffer.add (escape_html s) - but much faster *)
  let l = String.length s in
  let rec dorec i =
    let i' =
      try (Pcre.pcre_exec
	     ~iflags:escape_html_flags ~rex:escape_html_re ~pos:i s).(0)
      with Not_found -> l
    if i' > i then
      Buffer.add_substring buffer s i (i' - i);
    if i' < l then begin
      begin match s.[ i' ] with
	  '<' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&lt;"
	| '>' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&gt;"
	| '&' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&amp;"
	| '"' -> Buffer.add_string buffer "&quot;"
	| _ -> assert false
      if i'+1 < l then
      	dorec (i' + 1)
  dorec 0

let only_whitespace_re = (Pcre.regexp "^[ \t\r\n]*$");;

let only_whitespace s =
  Pcre.pmatch ~rex:only_whitespace_re s

let escape_js = Wd_encoding.encode_as_js_string ;;

let split_re = Pcre.regexp "[ \t\r\n]+";;

let split s = Netstring_pcre.split split_re s;;

let list_mapi f l =
  let rec loop k l =
    match l with
	x :: l' ->
	  let y = f k x in
	  y :: loop (k+1) l'
      | [] ->
  loop 0 l

(***                       Syntax Tree                              ***)

let init_vars within_popup =
  { within_popup = within_popup;
    current_page = "";
    popup_env_initialized = false;
    condition_code = false;

class virtual type_method_to_html =
  (* Contains only the type of to_html to simplify the definitions below. *)
    method virtual to_html :
      ?context: syntax_tree_type dict ->
      ?vars:    trans_vars ->
      dialog_type ->
      Netchannels.out_obj_channel ->

class virtual type_method_to_text =
  (* Contains only the type of to_text to simplify the definitions below. *)
    method virtual to_text :
      ?context: syntax_tree_type dict ->
      ?vars:    trans_vars ->
      dialog_type ->
      Netchannels.out_obj_channel ->

class virtual type_method_instantiate =
  (* Contains only the type of [instantiate] *)
    method virtual instantiate :
      ?context: syntax_tree_type dict ->
      ?vars:    trans_vars ->
      ?params:  syntax_tree_type dict ->
      dialog_type ->

(* The class "syntax_tree" defines the type and default behaviour for
 * all nodes of the XML tree.
 * The nodes have the type: syntax_tree node, i.e. syntax_tree has the
 * role of the extension class of the XML node class.

class syntax_tree =
  object (self)
    inherit type_method_to_html
    inherit type_method_to_text
    inherit type_method_instantiate

    (* --- default_ext --- *)

    (* The definitions that are necessary such that this class can play
     * the role of an extension to XML nodes.

    val mutable node = (None : syntax_tree node option)

    method clone = {< >}
    method node =
      match node with
          None ->
            assert false
        | Some n -> n
    method set_node n =
      node <- Some n

    (* --- Here definitions of methods that have only a sensible meaning
     *     for some of the classes that follow below. The methods
     *     have the default behaviour to fail; they are overridden in
     *     classes that want to change that to some "real" action.

    method scan_application
              (appdecl : application_type) : unit =
      failwith "syntax_tree # scan_application"

    method scan_dialog (app : application_type) (dlgdecl : dialog_decl_type) : unit =
      failwith "syntax_tree # scan_dialog"

    method scan_enumeration (enumdecl : enum_decl) : unit =
      failwith "syntax_tree # scan_enumeration"

    method scan_literal() : var_value =
      failwith "syntax_tree # scan_literal"

    method instantiate ?context ?vars ?params dialog =
      failwith "syntax_tree # instantiate"     (* overridden below *)

    method study (_:application_type) : unit =
      failwith "syntax_tree # study"

    (* Advanced data nodes: [See class data_node] *)

    method escaped_data : string =
      failwith "syntax_tree # escaped_data"    (* overridden below *)

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      failwith "syntax_tree # to_html"

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      failwith "syntax_tree # to_text"

    method private major_version =
	   (self # node # dtd # par_entity "major-version"))

    (* The error methods return an exn value, but do not raise the exception.
     * This is because methods cannot be polymorphic.

    method private formal_user_error msg =
      let ent,line,pos = self # node # position in
      if line >= 1 then
	Formal_user_error("Entity " ^  ent ^ ", line " ^ string_of_int line ^
			  ", position " ^  string_of_int pos ^ ": " ^ msg)
	Formal_user_error(msg ^
			  " - Sorry, cannot remember where this error occurs");

    method private runtime_error msg =
      let ent,line,pos = self # node # position in
      if line >= 1 then
	Runtime_error("Entity " ^  ent ^ ", line " ^ string_of_int line ^
		      ", position " ^  string_of_int pos ^ ": " ^ msg)
	Runtime_error(msg ^
		      " - Sorry, cannot remember where this error occurs");

    method private bad_context =
      let name =
	(match self # node # node_type with
	     T_element n -> n
	   | _ -> assert false
      self # formal_user_error ("tried to expand <" ^  name ^ "> in bad context");


(* Typing constraints: *)
let _ = lazy (new syntax_tree :> syntax_tree_type) in ();;
let _ = lazy (new syntax_tree :> template_type) in ();;

(***                    Mixin Classes I                             ***)

class virtual mixin_skip_output =
  object (self)

    (* Defines a variant of 'to_html' which does not output any HTML text
     * for this node but continues directly with the subnodes.

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let n = (self # node : syntax_tree node) in
      n # iter_nodes
	(fun n' ->
	   n' # extension # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch);

    method to_text  ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let n = (self # node : syntax_tree node) in
      n # iter_nodes
	(fun n' ->
	   n' # extension # to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch);


class virtual mixin_no_output =
  object (self)
    inherit type_method_to_html
    inherit type_method_to_text

    (* Defines a variant of 'to_html' which does not output any HTML text
     * for this node nor for any subnode

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch = ()

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch = ()


let empty_elements =
  let ht = Hashtbl.create 50 in
    (fun (name, (_, constr)) ->
       if constr = `Empty then
	 Hashtbl.add ht name ()

class virtual mixin_output =
    inherit type_method_to_html
    inherit type_method_to_text

    val mutable element_name_lc = None
      (* The element name in lowercase characters *)

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =

      (* to_html: outputs the node and all subnodes as HTML into the 'outch'.
       * The other parameters, 'dlg', 'uidecl', 'appdecl', 'context'
       * and 'mode' modify the behaviour of various aspects.
       * The subnodes are output by recursively invoking 'to_html' on the
       * subnodes; many subnode objects redefine 'to_html'.

      let n = self # node in
      match n # node_type with
	  T_data ->
	    outch # output_string (n # extension # escaped_data)
	| T_element el ->
	    (* Note: it is tried to avoid allocating memory - this reduces
	     * the load on the GC
	    let out = outch # output_string in
	    out "<";
	    out el;
	    out " ";
	      (fun a ->
		 match n # attribute a with
		     Value s ->
		       out a;
		       out "=\"";
		       out (escape_html s);   (* OPTIMIZE *)
		       out "\" ";
		   | Implied_value ->
		   | _ ->
	      (n # attribute_names);
	    out ">";
	    (* The following test on empty elements is HTML-4.0-specific: *)
	    let el_lc =
	      match element_name_lc with
		  Some lc -> lc
		| None ->
		    let lc = String.lowercase el in
		    element_name_lc <- Some lc;
	    if not (Hashtbl.mem empty_elements el_lc) then begin
	      n # iter_nodes
		(fun n' ->
		   n' # extension # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch);
	      out "</";
	      out el;
	      out ">";
	| _ ->
	    assert false

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      (* to_text: outputs the node and all subnodes as plain text - this
       * method is used if a $-parameter occurs in an attribute to get the
       * replacement text.
       * The text is written into the 'outch'. The argument 'dlg'
       * modifies the behaviour (mostly if there are references to variables).
       * The subnodes are output by recursively invoking 'to_text' on the
       * subnodes; many subnode objects redefine 'to_text'.
      (* ui:* nodes are left out *)
      let out = outch # output_string in
      let n = self # node in
      match n # node_type with
	  T_data -> out (n # data)
	| T_element el ->
	    (* Note: it is tried to avoid allocating memory - this reduces
	     * the load on the GC
	    out "<";
	    out el;
	    out " ";
	      (fun a ->
		 match n # attribute a with
		     Value s ->
		       out a;
		       out "=\"";
		       out (escape_html s);   (* OPTIMIZE *)
		       out "\" ";
		   | Implied_value ->
		   | _ ->
	      (n # attribute_names);
	    out ">";
	    (* The following test on empty elements is HTML-4.0-specific: *)
	    let el_lc =
	      match element_name_lc with
		  Some lc -> lc
		| None ->
		    let lc = String.lowercase el in
		    element_name_lc <- Some lc;
	    if not (Hashtbl.mem empty_elements el_lc) then begin
	      n # iter_nodes
		(fun n' ->
		   n' # extension # to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch);
	      out "</";
	      out el;
	      out ">";
	| _ ->
	    assert false

(***              General-purpose subclasses                        ***)

(* The following classes are modifications of syntax_tree *)

class default_node =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree
    inherit mixin_output

    (* 'default_node': defines the behaviour for "neutral nodes". The scan_*
     * methods simply forward scanning to the subnodes (this is why this
     * class is called 'skip_node').

    method scan_application app =
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_application app)

    method scan_dialog app obj =
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_dialog app obj)

    method scan_enumeration obj =
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_enumeration obj)


class data_node =
  object (self)
    inherit default_node

    (* This is the data_node which is used together with character data
     * nodes.
     * It provides optimized access to HTMLized versions of the data
     * string.

    val mutable escaped_data = ref None
      (* May contain the version of the data string where the characters that
       * are special in HTML are converted to their entity representation
       * (e.g. "<" becomes "&lt;").
       * This slot is intentionally a reference (and not simply "mutable"),
       * because it is shared by the clone of a node and this node. This
       * means that if one of the clones of a node computes escaped_data,
       * all other clones and the original node will also see this.

    method set_node n =
      (* If this extension node has got a new main node, we must reset
       * 'escaped_data'. The criterion is the physical identity of the
       * data string.
      begin match node with
	  None ->
	    escaped_data <- ref None
	| Some n' ->
	    if n' # data != n # data then
      	      escaped_data <- ref None;
      node <- Some n;

    method escaped_data =
      (* Access the data string in its escaped form (HTML special characters
       * replaced by the corresponding entity invocations).
      match !escaped_data with
	  Some d -> d           (* We already have it *)
	| None ->
	    (* We must compute this string. *)
	    let d = escape_html (self # node # data) in
	    escaped_data := Some d;

class virtual application_tree =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree

    (* "Application tree": The part from ui:application to ui:dialog.
     * These nodes are special because they must have the capability
     * to collect the occurring templates and ui:dialogs (method
     * scan_application).

    (* We force that whoever inherits from application_tree must define
     * the following method.

    method virtual scan_application : application_type -> unit

class virtual literal_tree =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree

    (* "Literal tree": These are trees defining values (such as
     * ui:string-value). Nodes must be able to return the denoted value
     * (method scan_literal).

    (* We force that whoever inherits from literal_tree must define
     * the following methods.

    method virtual scan_literal : unit -> var_value


class virtual dialog_tree =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree

    (* "Object tree": The part of the tree below ui:dialog until ui:page.
     * These nodes can collect the occurring declarations and pages
     * (method scan_dialog).

    (* We force that whoever inherits from object_tree must define
     * the following methods.

    method virtual scan_dialog : application_type -> dialog_decl_type -> unit


class virtual page_tree =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree
    inherit mixin_output

    (* "Page tree": Everything below ui:page. There are a number of
     * special capabilities provided as private methods.

    method private get_variable ?(allow_assoc = false) dlg =
      let vname = self # node # required_string_attribute "variable" in
      let index = self # node # optional_string_attribute "index" in
      let is_associative =
	  match dlg # variable vname with
	      Alist_value _ -> true
	    | _             -> false
	    Not_found ->
	      raise (self # runtime_error("Reference to non-existent variable `" ^
					  vname ^ "'"))
      if is_associative then begin
	if index = None && not allow_assoc then
	  raise (self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^
				      "' is associative but used in a non-associative way (index attribute missing)"))
	if index <> None then
	  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^
				     "' is plain but used as associative variable (extra index attribute)"));

    method private get_assoc_variable dlg =
      let vname = self # node # required_string_attribute "variable" in
      let index = self # node # optional_string_attribute "index" in
      let is_associative =
	  match dlg # variable vname with
	      Alist_value _ -> true
	    | _             -> false
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error("Reference to non-existent variable `" ^
					 vname ^ "'"))
      if not is_associative then begin
	if index <> None then
	  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^
				     "' is plain but used as associative variable (extra index attribute)"));
      is_associative & index = None, vname, index

    method private allocate_variable dlg =
      let vname, index = self # get_variable dlg in

      let ui = dlg # interactors in

      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some vname
	  | _      -> assert false

      match index with
	  None ->
	      try Wd_interactor.add ui.ui_vars vname "" cgi_id (), vname, None
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id ->
		    id, vname, None
	| Some x ->
	      if cgi_id <> None then
		raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^ "': cgi='keep' incompatible with presence of 'index' attribute"));
	      try Wd_interactor.add ui.ui_vars vname x None (), vname, index
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id ->
		    id, vname, index

    method private get_base dlg =
      let vname =
	match self # node # attribute "base" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | Implied_value -> raise Not_found
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let index =
	self # node # optional_string_attribute "baseindex" in
      let is_associative =
	  match dlg # variable vname with
	      Alist_value _ -> true
	    | _             -> false
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error("Reference to non-existent variable `" ^
					 vname ^ "'"))
      if is_associative then begin
	if index = None then
	  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^
				     "' is associative but used in a non-associative way (index attribute missing)"))
	if index <> None then
	  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ vname ^
				     "' is plain but used as associative variable (extra index attribute)"));

    method private string_variable dlg name index =
      match index with
	  None   -> dlg # string_variable name
	| Some x ->
	      dlg # lookup_string_variable name x
		Not_found ->
		  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ name ^ "' not defined for index value `" ^ x ^ "'"))

    method private dyn_enum_variable dlg name index =
      match index with
	  None   -> dlg # dyn_enum_variable name
	| Some x ->
	      dlg # lookup_dyn_enum_variable name x
		Not_found ->
		  raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ name ^ "' not defined for index value `" ^ x ^ "'"))

    method private other_attributes but =
      (* Returns the values of the attributes of the node (except those
       * mentioned in 'but') as a single string to be included into
       * HTML tags.
      let atts =
	  (fun (aname,avalue) -> not (List.mem aname but))
	  (self # node # attributes) in
	" "
	   (fun (aname, avalue) ->
	      (* This must be a CDATA attribute. *)
	      let v =
		match avalue with
		    Value s -> s
		  | _ -> assert false
	      aname ^ "=\"" ^ escape_html v ^ "\""


(***                    Auxiliary classes/functions                 ***)

(* Output template of the standard library: *)

let stdlib_to_html ?context ?vars ?(params=[]) (dlg : dialog_type) outch name =
  let template =
    try dlg # application # template name
	Not_found -> failwith ("Standard library template not found: " ^  name);
  let dict_params =
	 (fun (n,v) ->
	   let d = new data_impl (new data_node) in
	   d # set_data v;
	   (n, d#extension ))
	 params) in
  let instance =
    template # instantiate ~params:dict_params ?context ?vars dlg in
  instance # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch

let make_template_parameter_from_node ?context ?vars dlg n =
  { Wd_templrep.param_tree = n;
    Wd_templrep.param_text = lazy (let b = Buffer.create 80 in
				   let ch = new Netchannels.output_buffer b in
				   n # extension # to_text
				     ?context ?vars dlg ch;
				   Buffer.contents b);

class container =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output

      (* This class serves only as container for sub nodes *)


let new_container() = new element_impl (new container);;

class uicontext =
    inherit page_tree

    val container = new_container()

    (* Note: ui:context is subject to whitespace normalization.
     * See [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method private process context =
      let rec process_subnodes context nodes =
	match nodes with
	    node :: nodes' ->
	      begin match node#node_type with
		  T_element "ui:param" ->
		    let name = node # required_string_attribute "name" in
		    let context' =
		      D.add name node#extension context in
		    process_subnodes context' nodes'

		| _ ->
		    assert false
	  | [] ->
      (* Assume the transformation of transl_ui_context (below): *)
      match self # node # sub_nodes with
	| n :: l when n # node_type = T_element "ui:internal:container" ->
	    (process_subnodes context (n # sub_nodes), l)
	| _ ->
	    assert false

    method scan_dialog app obj =
      (* Collect the ui:param subnodes, and set the default_context of
       * 'obj'.
      let context, body = self # process D.empty in
      if body <> [] then
	raise(self # runtime_error("ui:context is malformed"));

      if obj # default_context <> D.empty then
	raise(self # runtime_error("There is already a default context"));

      obj # set_default_context context;

    method to_html ?(context=D.empty) ?vars dlg outch =
      let context', body = self # process context in
	(fun n ->
	   n # extension # to_html ?context:(Some context') ?vars dlg outch)

    method to_text ?(context=D.empty) ?vars dlg outch =
      let context', body = self # process context in
	(fun n ->
	   n # extension # to_text ?context:(Some context') ?vars dlg outch)

let new_uicontext() = new element_impl (new uicontext);;

let collect_and_encode f n dlg =
  let encodings =
       match n # node # attribute "enc" with
	   Value s ->
	     split s
	 | Valuelist l ->
	 | _ ->
	 Not_found -> []
    ) in

  let buffer = Buffer.create 1000 in
  let outch' = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer in

  n # node # iter_nodes (f outch');

  let v = ref (Buffer.contents buffer) in
    (fun enc ->
       let f =
	 try dlg # application # output_encoding enc
	     Not_found ->
	       failwith ("Unknown encoding: " ^ enc)
       v := f !v


class uiencode =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
	let s =
	    (fun outch' n -> n # extension # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch')
	  outch # output_string s
	  Failure s -> raise(self # runtime_error s)

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
	let s =
	    (fun outch' n -> n # extension # to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch')
	  outch # output_string s
	  Failure s -> raise(self # runtime_error s)

let new_uiencode () = new element_impl (new uiencode);;

(***                    Mixin Classes II                            ***)

type scope = Lexical | Dynamic

class virtual mixin_instantiate
              (eltype : string) =
  object (self)

    inherit type_method_instantiate

    (* Defines the method 'instantiate' that interprets the subnodes of this
     * node as template definition.
     * 'eltype' is used to compose error messages.

    (* Note: ui:template is subject to whitespace normalization
     * (see [normalize_whitespace] below.

    val mutable prepared_template = None     (* See comment in 'instantiate' *)

    val container = new_container()
    val uicontext = new_uicontext()

    method private error_string =
      (* Returns a prefix for error messages *)
      let ent,line,pos = self # node # position in
	"In " ^ eltype ^ " `" ^
	( match self # node # attribute "name" with
	      Value s -> s
	    | _       -> "<anonymous>"
	) ^ "', found in entity " ^ ent ^ " at line " ^ string_of_int line ^
	  ", position " ^ string_of_int pos

    method private eval_expr dlg e =
      let rec eval e =
	match e with
	    Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ->
	      dlg # variable var_name
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_strconst s ->
	      String_value s
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply ("type", args) ->
	      ( match args with
		    [ Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ] ->
		      let d = dlg # declaration # variable var_name in
		      ( match d.var_type with
			    String_type -> String_value "string"
			  | Enum_type e -> String_value e.enum_name
			  | Dialog_type -> String_value "dialog"
			  | Dyn_enum_type -> String_value "dynamic-enumerator"
		  | _ ->
		      failwith "Function `type' must be applied to a variable"
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply (("is_associative" | "is-associative"), args) ->
	      ( match args with
		    [ Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ] ->
		      let d = dlg # declaration # variable var_name in
		      String_value(if d.var_associative then "yes" else "no")
		  | _ ->
		      failwith "Function `is_associative' must be applied to a variable"
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply ("default", args) ->
	      ( match args with
		    [ Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ] ->
		      let d = dlg # declaration # variable var_name in
		      ( match d.var_default with
			    Some def -> def
			  | None ->
			      failwith "Function `default': this variable does not have a default value"
		  | _ ->
		      failwith "Function `default' must be applied to a variable"
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply ("enum", args) ->
	      ( match args with
		    [ Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ] ->
		      ( try
			  let e = dlg # declaration # enumeration var_name in
			  Dyn_enum_value e.enum_definition
			    Not_found ->
			      failwith("Function `enum': enumeration not found: " ^ var_name)
		  | _ ->
		      failwith "Function `enum': bad usage"
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply ("words", args) ->
	      let s =
		String.concat " "
			| Wd_templrep.Expr_var var_name ->
			| _ ->
			    failwith "Function `words': bad usage"
		     args) in
	      String_value s
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_apply (fn_name, args) ->
	      let args' = (fun arg -> lazy(eval arg)) args in
	      let fn = 
		  dlg # application # lazy_var_function fn_name
		    Not_found ->
		      failwith("No such function: " ^ fn_name)
	      fn dlg args'
	  | Wd_templrep.Expr_param(_,_) -> 
	      assert false
	( match eval e with
	      String_value s -> s
	    | _ ->
		failwith("The final result of an expression must be a string")
	  Failure msg ->
	    raise(Instantiation_error msg)
	| No_such_variable msg ->
	    raise(Instantiation_error ("No such variable: " ^ msg))

    method study app =
      let version =
	match force_version with
	    Some v -> v
	  | None -> self # major_version
	match version with
	    1 -> self # study_v1 app
	  | 2 -> self # study_v2 app
	  | _ -> assert false
	    Formal_user_error msg ->
	      raise(Formal_user_error (self#error_string ^ ": " ^ msg))

    method instantiate ?context ?vars ?params dlg =
      let version =
	match force_version with
	    Some v -> v
	  | None -> self # major_version
      match version with
	  1 -> self # instantiate_v1 ?context ?vars ?params dlg
	| 2 -> self # instantiate_v2 ?context ?vars ?params dlg
	| _ -> assert false

    (****************** INSTANTIATION FOR VERSION 1 ***********************)

    val mutable prepared_expectparams = D.empty
      (* A list [ (name, (scope, default)); ... ] enumerating the parameters
       * declared with <ui:expectparam>. [name] are the names of the
       * params. [scope] is either [Lexical] or [Dynamic]. [default]
       * is [None] if no default is specified, or [Some t] where [t] is
       * the default value as syntax tree.

    method private study_v1 app =
      (* Prepare the template, i.e. scan it for $-variables etc. This is
       * only done once.
       * This method initializes [prepared_template] and
       * [prepared_expectparams]
      let dtd = ( self # node : syntax_tree node) # dtd in

      (* A function to extract the ui:expectparam clauses from the list
       * of subnodes. The function returns a list [name, (scope, default); ... ]
       * where the 'names' are the values from the "name" attributes
       * and where the 'scopes' are the values from the "scope" attributes.
       * The 'defaults' are the trees specifying the default value.
      let rec extract_expectparams nodes =
	match nodes with
	    n :: nodes' ->
	      ( match n # node_type with
		    T_element "ui:expectparam" ->
		      let name  = n # required_string_attribute "name" in
		      let scope =
			match n # required_string_attribute "scope" with
			    "lexical" -> Lexical
			  | "dynamic" -> Dynamic
			  | _ -> assert false
		      let force =
			n # required_string_attribute "force-default" = "yes" in
		      let default =
			if n # sub_nodes = [] && not force then
			else begin
			  let c = container # create_element
				    (T_element "ui:internal:container")
				    [] in
			  c # set_nodes
			       (fun m -> m # orphaned_clone)
			       (n # sub_nodes));
			  Some (c#extension :> syntax_tree_type)
		      let rest, nodes'' = extract_expectparams nodes' in
		      if List.mem_assoc name rest then
			raise(self # formal_user_error("double ui:expectparam for parameter `" ^
						   name ^ "'"));

		      ((name, (scope, default)) :: rest, nodes'')
		  | T_data when only_whitespace n#data ->
		      (* There is no previous whitespace normalization pass
		       * for DTD version 1, so we have to skip over whitespace
		       * here
		      extract_expectparams nodes'
		  | _ ->
		      ([], nodes)
	  | [] ->
	      ([], [])

      if prepared_template = None then begin
	(* The first subnodes of the template are usually the
	 * <ui:expectparam> nodes. We done now:
	 * (a) extract these nodes and store their contents in
	 *     [prepared_expectparams]
	 * (b) extract the part after the last <ui:expectparam> node,
	 *     and do whitespace stripping
	let expectparams, contents =
	  extract_expectparams (self # node # sub_nodes) in

	let tmpl_name = self # error_string in

	let new_pt =

	prepared_expectparams <- D.of_alist expectparams;
	prepared_template <- Some new_pt;

    method private instantiate_v1 ?(context = D.empty) ?vars ?(params = D.empty) dlg =
      (* 'context': contains the bindings of context parameters.
       * 'params': contains the bindings of the parameters passed by
       *    ui:param.
       * There are differences between 'context' and 'params' with respect
       * to the meaning of the ui:expectparam clauses.
       * Return value (c, new_context):
       * 'c': The node tree resulting from instantiation
       * 'new_context': The context that must be used to instantiate further
       *    templates within 'c'

      (* Get the prepared template 'pt' of type Templrep.t. If this is the first
       * time the template is instantiated, we must compute 'pt'. Otherwise,
       * we can use the old 'pt' value again; it is stored in the slot
       * 'prepared_template'.
      let dtd = ( self # node : syntax_tree node) # dtd in
      let pt =
      	match prepared_template with
	    Some x -> x
	  | None -> failwith "method [instantiate]: Template is not prepared"

      (* Compute the effective list of parameters. This list is actually used
       * for parameter replacement
      let eff_params =
	   (fun name (scope, default) ->
	      (* If the parameter has been passed using ui:param, it will
	       * always become an effective parameter.
		D.find name params
		  Not_found ->
		    (* Check if there is a default value. If yes, use it. *)
		    match default with
			Some d ->
		      | None ->
			  (* Search the parameter in 'context' *)
			    D.find name context
			      Not_found ->
				(* The required parameter is missing! *)
					("The required parameter `" ^
					 name ^ "' has neither been passed directly nor indirectly"))

      (* ONLY eff_params is passed to the instantiation function, so other
       * parameters are invisible.

      (* Next, we can instantiate 'pt'. We need a container that collects
       * the result objects.
      let c = container # create_element
		(T_element "ui:internal:container")
		[] in
      let eff_params' =
	  (fun node ->
	     make_template_parameter_from_node ~context ?vars dlg node#node)
      let eval_expr = self # eval_expr dlg in
      Wd_templrep.instantiate ~eval_expr pt [ eff_params' ] c;

      (* Last but not least compute the new context. Since WDialog 2.0, the
       * new context is no longer returned to the caller, but the necessary
       * <ui:context> elements are added to the resulting tree. The effect
       * is the same: the dynamic parameters are always added to the context.

      (* -- currently not needed:
      let lexical_params =
	List.filter (fun (_,(scope,_)) -> scope = Lexical) expectparams in

      let dynamic_params =
	  (fun n (scope,_) l -> if scope = Dynamic then n :: l else l)

      if dynamic_params = [] then
	c # extension   (* The context remains unchanged *)
      else begin
	(* Add the dynamic parameters n1, n2, ... to the context:
	 * <ui:context>
	 *    <ui:param name="n1">v1</ui:param>
	 *    <ui:param name="n2">v2</ui:param>
	 *    ...
	 *    <ui:internal:sep/>            (* A separator *)
	 *    c
	 * </ui:context>
	let context_node =
	  uicontext # create_element
	    (T_element "ui:context")
	    [] in
	let params =
	    (fun name ->
	       let pnode =
		 container # create_element
		   dtd (T_element "ui:param") ["name",name] in
	       pnode # set_nodes
		 [(D.find name eff_params)#node#orphaned_clone];
	    dynamic_params in
	let sep =
	  container # create_element dtd (T_element "ui:internal:sep") [] in
	context_node # set_nodes (params @ [sep; c]);
	context_node # extension

    (****************** INSTANTIATION FOR VERSION 2 ***********************)

    val mutable prepared_from_caller = D.empty
    val mutable prepared_from_context = D.empty

    method private study_v2 app =
      (* Prepare the template, i.e. scan it for $-variables etc. This is
       * only done once.
       * This method initializes [prepared_template], [ prepared_defaults], and
       * [prepared_from_caller]
      let dtd = ( self # node : syntax_tree node) # dtd in

      (* A function to extract the ui:default clauses from the list
       * of subnodes. The function returns the dictionary of default values.
      let rec extract_defaults nodes =
	match nodes with
	    n :: nodes' ->
	      ( match n # node_type with
		    T_element "ui:default" ->
		      let name  = n # required_string_attribute "name" in
		      let default = container # create_element
				      (T_element "ui:internal:container")
				      [] in
	              default # set_nodes
			   (fun m -> m # orphaned_clone)
			   (n # sub_nodes));
		      let rest, nodes'' = extract_defaults nodes' in
		      if D.mem name rest then
			raise(self # formal_user_error("double ui:default for parameter `" ^
						   name ^ "'"));
	              (D.add name default rest, nodes'')
		  | _ ->
		      (D.empty, nodes)
	  | [] ->
	      (D.empty, [])

      if prepared_template = None then begin
	(* The first subnodes of the template are usually the
	 * <ui:default> nodes. We do now:
	 * (a) extract these nodes and store their contents in
	 *     [prepared_defaults]
	 * (b) extract the part after the last <ui:default> node
	let defaults, contents =
	  extract_defaults (self # node # sub_nodes) in

	let from_caller =
	  self # node # optional_list_attribute "from-caller" in
	let from_context =
	  self # node # optional_list_attribute "from-context" in

	(* CHECK: [from_caller] and [from_context] must be disjoint *)
	  (fun n ->
	     if List.mem n from_context then
	       raise(self # formal_user_error("The parameter `" ^ n ^
					  "' is mentioned in both from-caller and from-context"));

	let tmpl_name = self # error_string in

	let new_pt =

        (* CHECKS:
	 * (a) Every parameter in [new_pt] is declared in [from_caller]
	 *     or [from_context]
	 * (b) Every default value in [defaults] is declared, too

	  (fun name _ ->
	     if not(List.mem name from_caller || List.mem name from_context)
	       raise(self # formal_user_error("The parameter `" ^ name ^
					  "' is not declared"));
	  (Wd_templrep.get_parameters new_pt);

	  (fun name _ ->
	     if List.mem name from_context then
	       raise(self # formal_user_error("The context parameter `" ^ name ^
					  "' must not have a default value"));
	     if not (List.mem name from_caller) then
	       raise(self # formal_user_error("The parameter `" ^ name ^
					  "' is not declared but has a default"));

	prepared_from_caller <-
	       (fun n ->
		   ( try Some((D.find n defaults) # extension)
		     with Not_found -> None
	prepared_from_context <-
	       (fun n -> n,())
	prepared_template <- Some new_pt;

    method private instantiate_v2 ?(context = D.empty) ?vars ?(params = D.empty) dlg =
      (* 'context': contains the bindings of context parameters.
       * 'params': contains the bindings of the parameters passed by
       *    ui:param.

      (* Get the prepared template 'pt' of type Templrep.t. If this is the first
       * time the template is instantiated, we must compute 'pt'. Otherwise,
       * we can use the old 'pt' value again; it is stored in the slot
       * 'prepared_template'.
      let dtd = ( self # node : syntax_tree node) # dtd in
      let pt =
      	match prepared_template with
	    Some x -> x
	  | None -> failwith "method [instantiate]: Template is not prepared"

      (* Compute the effective list of parameters. This list is actually used
       * for parameter replacement
      let eff_caller_params =
	  (fun name default ->
	      (* If the parameter has been passed using ui:param, it will
	       * always become an effective parameter.
		D.find name params
		  Not_found ->
		    (* Check if there is a default value. If yes, use it. *)
		    match default with
			Some d ->
		      | None ->
			  (* The required parameter is missing! *)
				  ("The from-caller parameter `" ^
				   name ^ "' has not been passed by the caller and does not have a default value"))
      let eff_context_params =
	  (fun name _ ->
	       D.find name context
		 Not_found ->
		   (* Defaults are not supported, so complain: *)
			   ("The from-context parameter `" ^
			    name ^ "' is not defined in the current context"));
      let eff_params = [ eff_caller_params; eff_context_params ] in

      (* Next, we can instantiate 'pt'. We need a container that collects
       * the result objects.
      let c = container # create_element
		(T_element "ui:internal:container")
		[] in
      let eff_params' =
	  (fun pl ->
	       (fun node ->
		  make_template_parameter_from_node ~context ?vars dlg node#node)
      let eval_expr = self # eval_expr dlg in
      Wd_templrep.instantiate ~eval_expr pt eff_params' c;

      c # extension

(***                    Application Tree                            ***)

class uiapplication =
  object (self)
    inherit application_tree

    method scan_application app =
      let attname = match self # major_version with
	  1 -> "start-object"
	| _ -> "start-dialog"
      let start_dlg_name =
	match self # node # attribute attname with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false
      app # set_start_dialog_name
      ( let debug_list = self # node # pinstr "wd-debug-mode" in
	match debug_list with
	    [] -> ()
	  | debug_pinstr :: _ ->
	      let style =
		match debug_pinstr # value with
		    "fully-encoded" -> `Fully_encoded
		  | "partially-encoded" -> `Partially_encoded
		  | "" -> `Partially_encoded
		  | _ ->
		      raise(self # formal_user_error("Bad processing instruction wd-debug-mode"))
	      app # set_debug_mode true style
      app # set_prototype_mode
	(self # node # pinstr "wd-prototype-mode" <> []);
      app # set_onstartup_call_handle
	(self # node # pinstr "wd-onstartup-call-handle" <> []);

      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_application app);
	ignore(app # dialog_declaration start_dlg_name)
	  Not_found ->
	    raise (self # formal_user_error ("The start-dialog of the ui:application does not exist"))

class uidialog =
  object (self)
    inherit application_tree

    method scan_application app =
      let name =
	match self # node # attribute "name" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let start_page_name =
	match self # node # attribute "start-page" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let lang_variable =
	  match self # node # attribute "lang-variable" with
	      Value s -> Some s
	    | _ -> None
	    Not_found -> None
      let obj = new Wd_dialog_decl.dialog_decl in
	obj # set_name name;
      obj # set_start_page start_page_name;
      ( match lang_variable with
	    Some v -> obj # set_language_variable v;
	  | _ -> ()
      app # add_dialog_declaration obj;
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_dialog app obj);

      (* CHECKS: *)
      begin try
	ignore(obj # page start_page_name)
	  Not_found ->
	    raise (self # formal_user_error ("The start-page of the ui:dialog `" ^
					     name ^ "' does not exist"))

      begin match lang_variable with
	  Some v ->
		let d = obj # variable v in (* or Not_found *)
		if d.var_type <> String_type then
		  raise (self # formal_user_error
			   ("The lang-variable of the ui:dialog `" ^
			    name ^ "' is not a string variable"));
		if d.var_associative then
		  raise (self # formal_user_error
			   ("The lang-variable of the ui:dialog `" ^
			    name ^ "' is associative"));
		  Not_found ->
		    raise (self # formal_user_error
			   ("The lang-variable of the ui:dialog `" ^
			    name ^ "' does not exist"));
	| _ ->


class uitemplate =
  object (self)
    inherit application_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output
    inherit mixin_instantiate "Template"

    method scan_application app =
      let name =
	match self # node # attribute "name" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let name' =
	  match self # node # attribute "xml:lang" with
	      Value l -> name ^ "#" ^  l
	    | Implied_value -> name
	    | _ -> assert false
	    Not_found -> name (* DTD version 1 *)
      app # add_template name' (self : #syntax_tree :> template_type)

class uilibtemplate =
  object (self)
    inherit application_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output
    inherit mixin_instantiate ~force_version:2 "Template"

    method scan_application app =
      let name =
	match self # node # attribute "name" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let name' =
	  match self # node # attribute "xml:lang" with
	      Value l -> name ^ "#" ^  l
	    | Implied_value -> name
	    | _ -> assert false
	    Not_found -> name (* DTD version 1 *)
      app # add_template ~lib:true name' (self : #syntax_tree :> template_type)

class uidefault =
  object (self)

    inherit syntax_tree
    inherit mixin_no_output

  (* ... until then, just inherit from uicontext, and don't output: *)

    inherit uicontext
    inherit mixin_no_output

(***                       Literal Tree                             ***)

class uistringvalue =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      String_value (self # node # data)

class uienumvalue =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      let slist = ref [] in
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n ->
	   slist := !slist @
	   [ match n # extension # scan_literal() with
		 Enum_value [ s ] -> s
	       | _ -> assert false
      Enum_value !slist

class uienumitem =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      match self # node # attribute "internal" with
	  Value s -> Enum_value [ s ]
	| _ -> assert false

class uidynenumvalue =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      let slist = ref [] in
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n ->
	   slist := !slist @
	   [ match n # extension # scan_literal() with
		 Dyn_enum_value [ s,t ] -> s,t
	       | _ -> assert false
      Dyn_enum_value !slist

class uidynenumitem =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      let ival =
      	match self # node # attribute "internal" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let eval =
      	match self # node # attribute "external" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | Implied_value -> ival
	  | _ -> assert false in
      Dyn_enum_value [ ival, eval ]

class uialistvalue =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      let slist = ref [] in
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n ->
	   slist := !slist @
	   [ match n # extension # scan_literal() with
		 Alist_value [ s,t ] -> s,t
	       | _ -> assert false
      Alist_value !slist

class uialistitem =
  object (self)
    inherit literal_tree

    method scan_literal() =
      let index =
      	match self # node # attribute "index" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      match self # node # sub_nodes with
	  [ single ] ->
	    Alist_value [ index, single # extension # scan_literal() ]
	| _ ->
	    assert false

(***                       Object Tree                              ***)

class uienumeration =
  object (self)
    inherit dialog_tree

    method scan_dialog app obj =
      let name =
	match self # node # attribute "name" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let e =
	{ enum_name = name;
	  enum_definition = [];
	} in
      self # node # iter_nodes
	(fun n -> n # extension # scan_enumeration e);
      obj # add_enumeration e

class uienum =
  object (self)
    inherit syntax_tree

    method scan_enumeration e =
      let internal_name =
	match self # node # attribute "internal" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let external_name =
	match self # node # attribute "external" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | Implied_value -> internal_name
	  | _ -> assert false in

      if List.mem_assoc internal_name e.enum_definition then
	raise (self # formal_user_error ("In the definition of the enumerator `" ^
					 e.enum_name ^ "' the value `" ^
					 internal_name ^  "' is defined twice"))
	e.enum_definition <- e.enum_definition @ [internal_name, external_name]


class uivariable =
  object (self)
    inherit dialog_tree

    method scan_dialog app obj =
      let var_name =
	match self # node # attribute "name" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let var_type_name =
	match self # node # attribute "type" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let var_temporary =
	match self # node # attribute "temporary" with
	    Value "yes" -> true
	  | Value "no"  -> false
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let var_associative =
	match self # node # attribute "associative" with
	    Value "yes" -> true
	  | Value "no"  -> false
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let var_protected =
	  match self # node # attribute "protected" with
	      Value "yes" -> true
	    | Value "no"  -> false
	    | _ -> assert false
	    Not_found -> false (* DTD version 1 *)

      let var_type =
	match var_type_name with
	    "string" -> String_type
	  | "object" when self#major_version = 1 -> Dialog_type
	  | "dialog" when self#major_version = 2 -> Dialog_type
	  | "dynamic-enumerator" -> Dyn_enum_type
	  | _ ->
	      let e =
		try obj # enumeration var_type_name
		    Not_found ->
		      raise (self # formal_user_error ("Variable `" ^ var_name ^
						       "' is declared with the unknown type `" ^
						       var_type_name ^  "'"))
	      Enum_type e
      let default =
      	match self # node # sub_nodes with
	    [] -> None
	  | [ single ] -> Some (single # extension # scan_literal())
	  | _ -> assert false
      let var =
	{ var_name = var_name;
	  var_type = var_type;
	  var_default = default;
	  var_temporary = var_temporary;
	  var_associative = var_associative;
	  var_protected = var_protected;
	} in

      obj # add_variable var

class uipage =
  object (self)
    inherit dialog_tree
    inherit mixin_instantiate "Page"
    inherit mixin_skip_output as skipper

    val mutable page_name = ""
    val mutable page_replace = false

    (* Note: ui:page is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method scan_dialog app obj =
      (* "replace": A feature of the DTD version 1. In version 2,
       * assume replace="yes" always
      let replace = self # node # optional_string_attribute "replace" in
      let name = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      obj # add_page name (self : #syntax_tree :> syntax_tree);
      page_name <- name;
      page_replace <- (replace = Some "yes") || replace = None;

      if page_replace then
	self # study app;

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      (* page invocations can be nested (for popup pages). So we have to save
       * the name of the current page and restore it later.

      let old_current_page = vars.current_page in
      vars.current_page <- page_name;

      if not page_replace then
	(* The simple case: no '$' expansion within the page definition.
	 * We can directly output all sub nodes as HTML.
	skipper # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch

      else begin
	(* It is allowed that '$' parameters occur in the page definition.
	 * We need to instantiate the definition with the default context
	 * as context, and to call to_html on the result.
      	let instance =
	    self # instantiate ?context ~vars dlg
	      Instantiation_error msg ->
		raise(self # runtime_error msg)

      	instance # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch


      vars.current_page <- old_current_page;

(***                         Page Tree                              ***)

class uiform =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =

      let env = dlg#environment in

      let action_suffix = 
	self # node # required_string_attribute "action-suffix" in

      let add_debug_mode_output outch =
	(* If we are currently in debugging mode, dump the state of the object *)
	let out = outch # output_string in
      	if env.debug_mode then begin
	  out  "<!--\n  ***************** DUMP ********************\n";
	  let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
	  let f = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
    	  dlg # dump f;
	  Format.pp_print_newline f ();
	  let escaped =
	    match env.debug_mode_style with
		`Fully_encoded -> escape_html (Buffer.contents b)
	      | `Partially_encoded -> escape_comment (Buffer.contents b)
	  out escaped;
    	  out  "\n  *******************************************\n-->"

      (* There are three situations resulting in different forms:
       * (1) An ordinary page is being generated.
       * (2) A static popup page (for ui:popup) is being generated.
       * (3) The response to a popup request (ui:server-popup) is being
       *     generated

      let out = outch # output_string in
      if not vars.within_popup then begin
	(* Case (1): Output the form (method POST), and generate the material
	 * which is embraced by the form tags.
	let s = sprintf
		  "<form method=post name=\"uiform\" action=\"%s%s\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" accept-charset=\"%s\" %s>\n"
		  (escape_html env.self_url)
		  (escape_html action_suffix)
		     (dlg#application#charset :> Netconversion.encoding))
		  (self # other_attributes
		     ["method"; "name"; "action"; "enctype"; "accept-charset"])
	out s;

	stdlib_to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch "wd-core-jsfunc-form";

        (* The following iteration has the important side-effect that the
	 * "interactors" instance variable of "dlg" will be initialized.
	 * Because of this we must go into the children here, and not after
	 * the hidden fields have been printed.
	let n = self # node in
	n # iter_nodes
	  (fun n' -> n' # extension # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch);

	out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_session\" value=\"";
	out (vars.serialize_session());
	out "\">\n";

	out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_extra_args\" value=\"\">\n";
	let s = sprintf
		  "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_visible_pages\" value=\"%s\">\n"
		  (escape_html (dlg # page_name)) in
	out s;
	out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_popup_index\" value=\"\">\n";

	add_debug_mode_output outch;

	out "</form>\n";

	(* Include now an alternate form, which is used to submit server
	 * popups:
	 *   When the user submits a popup window that was generated by a
	 * server request, the CGI parameters of the form in the popup window
	 * are collected and added to the uiobject_extra_args variable in
	 * the uialtform. The uialtform is then submitted. The effect is
	 * exactly the same as if the form in the popup window had been
	 * submitted; however the request comes from the main window and
	 * the main window will display the next page (and not the popup
	 * window which is closed at the same time).
	 *   There is one problem: Upload elements cannot be copied from the
	 * popup window to the main window, and because of this, file upload
	 * elements are not allowed in popup windows.
	 *   Note that _static_ popup windows do not use uialtform. For these
	 * windows, the CGI parameters are copied to the uiobject_extra_args
	 * field of _uiform_, and not uialtform. This has the advantage that
	 * modifications of user input fields of the main window are also sent
	 * to the server instead of being discarded. -- For server popup
	 * windows, this technique is not possible, because of name conflicts
	 * of the CGI parameters.
	let s = sprintf
		  "<form name=\"uialtform\" method=\"post\" action=\"%s%s\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" accept-charset=\"%s\">\n"
		  (escape_html env.self_url)
		  (escape_html action_suffix)
		     (dlg#application#charset :> Netconversion.encoding)) in
	out s;
	out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_extra_args\" value=\"\">\n";
	out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_visible_pages\" value=\"\">\n";
	out "</form>\n";

      else begin
	(* Cases (2) and (3) *)
	let s = sprintf
		  "<form name=\"uiform\" \n\
                 onsubmit=\"opener.popup_submit(document,'%s',%s); return false;\" accept-charset=\"%s\" %s>\n"
		  (escape_js vars.current_page)
		  (if dlg # is_server_popup_request then "1" else "0")
		     (dlg#application#charset :> Netconversion.encoding))
		  (self # other_attributes ["name"; "onsubmit"; "accept-charset"]) in
	out s;

	(* Forms in popup windows have an ONSUBMIT handler because these
	 * forms are never directly submitted to the server. The function
	 * popup_submit collects the form fields of the popup window,
	 * and puts them into uiobject_extra_args of the main window
	 * (by encoding them appropriately).
	 * The ONSUBMIT handler is forced to return 'false' such that the
	 * form of the popup window is not submitted itself.

        (* The following iteration has the important side-effect that the
	 * "interactors" instance variable of "dlg" will be initialized.
	 * Because of this we must go into the children here, and not after
	 * the hidden fields have been printed.
	let n = self # node in
	n # iter_nodes
	  (fun n' -> n' # extension # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch);

	(* Only server popups: Because these popup windows are submitted
	 * through the uialtform of the main window, these windows must
	 * provide their own parameters storing the state of the object.
	 * (Static popup windows submit their forms by copying the fields
	 * to the uiform of the main window which already contains
	 * uiobject_name and uiobject_state, so it is not necessary to
	 * include them here.)
	if dlg # is_server_popup_request then begin

	  out "<input type=hidden name=\"uiobject_session\" value=\"";
	  out (vars.serialize_session());
	  out "\">\n";

	  add_debug_mode_output outch;

	out "</form>\n";

class virtual mixin_popup_environment =
  object (self)
    method private print_popup_environment outch vars dlg =
      (* The following functions need only be included once in the generated
       * output. Furthermore, they need only be included if the page contains
       * references to popup windows. So we output these function only on
       * demand, and only at most once.

      if not vars.popup_env_initialized then begin
	let page_name = dlg # page_name in
	  ~vars ~params:["page_name", page_name]
	  dlg outch "wd-core-jsfunc-popup";
	vars.popup_env_initialized <- true;

class uipopup =
object (self)
  inherit page_tree
  inherit mixin_popup_environment

  method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =

    (* Nested popup pages are not supported: *)
    if vars.within_popup then
      raise(self # runtime_error("Nested popups not supported"));

    (* Get the page_name of the page that is included as popup page;
     * and the page definition of the page:
    let page_name = self # node # required_string_attribute "page" in
    let page =
	dlg # declaration # page page_name
	  Not_found ->
	    raise(self # runtime_error("There is no such page"))

    (* The following is quite tricky:
     * The HTML code for the popup window is written into a separated buffer,
     * i.e. into outch' and not outch. Later the contents of outch' will
     * be converted into code that opens a new window displaying the contents
     * of outch'.
     *    However, the generated page is not completely separated from the
     * current page: The other variables passed to to_html are the same
     * we are currently using. dlg, uidecl, appdecl, and context
     * are exactly the same; vars is temporarily modified such that it is
     * known that popup code is produced (i.e. vars.within_popup is true).
     *    Especially sharing dlg has an important side effect: all
     * interactors occuring on the popup page are counted as if they were
     * part of the main page. This means that the interactor IDs of the
     * popup page do not conflict with the IDs of the main page, such that
     * the form fields of both pages can be safely merged and processed in
     * the same submit request.
     *    uidecl, appdecl are not modified while the HTML generation is in
     * progress.
     *    Sharing context means that the template parameters are visible
     * which are currently set. context is a read-only variable.

    let buffer' = Buffer.create 1000 in
    let outch' = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer' in
    let old_within_popup = vars.within_popup in
    let old_popup_env_initialized = vars.popup_env_initialized in
    vars.within_popup <- true;
    vars.popup_env_initialized <- false;

    page # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch';
    (* Note: This updates dlg # interactors such that the interactors
     * of the popup page are included into the current list of interactors
     * (for the main window).

    vars.within_popup <- old_within_popup;
    vars.popup_env_initialized <- old_popup_env_initialized;

    (* Generate javascript functions managing the popup window *)
    self # print_popup_environment outch vars dlg;

    (* Generate a javascript function that opens a window and
     * writes the contents of outch' into it.
      ?context ~vars
      ~params:[ "popup_name", page_name;
		"data", Buffer.contents buffer' ]

class uiserverpopup =
object (self)
  inherit page_tree
  inherit mixin_popup_environment

  method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
    (* Nested popup pages are not supported: *)
    if vars.within_popup then
      raise(self # runtime_error("Nested popups not supported"));

    let env = dlg#environment in

    (* Get the page_name of the page that is included as popup page;
     * and the page definition of the page:
    let page_name = self # node # required_string_attribute "page" in
    let page =
	dlg # declaration # page page_name
	  Not_found ->
	    raise(self # runtime_error("There is no such page"))

    (* Generate javascript functions managing the popup window *)
    self # print_popup_environment outch vars dlg;

    (* Now the HTML code for the popup page is generated. This code is
     * different from the code of static popup (class uipopup), as the
     * contents of the popup window are dynamically determined. This means
     * that we cannot know the contents now, and we only generate code
     * that performs another server request getting the contents.
     * This request is a form that is submitted immediately. It is filled
     * with several hidden fields of which some are copied from the uiform
     * of the main window, and some have constant texts. The fields listed
     * in duplicated_variables are copied from the main window; they contain
     * the current state of the main window.
     * Furthermore, the field uiobject_server_popup is set and contains the
     * name of the page that will be displayed in the popup window.
     * As a first step, we collect in 'popup_buffer' the HTML/Javascript code to
     * perform the server request that fetches the HTML code we really want
     * to see on the popup window:

    let popup_buffer = Buffer.create 1024 in
    let popup_outch = new Netchannels.output_buffer popup_buffer in

      ~params:[ "popup_name", page_name;
		"action", env.self_url ]

    (* For the main window, we generate now the Javascript functions opening
     * the popup window and writing the contents of 'popup_buffer' into that window
     * (trigerring the server request).

      ?context ~vars
      ~params:[ "popup_name", page_name;
		"data", Buffer.contents popup_buffer ]

class uidynamic =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method private to_any ?(force_special=false) ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let vname, index = self # get_variable dlg in
      let encodings =
	match self # major_version with
	    1 ->
	      ( match self # node # attribute "type" with
		    Value "text" -> [ "html" ]
		  | Value "html" -> [ ]
		  | _ -> []
	  | 2 ->
	      let special =
		force_special || self # node # required_string_attribute "special" = "yes" in
	      ( match self # node # attribute "enc" with
		    Value s ->
		      split s
		  | _ ->
	      ) @ (if special then [] else ["html"])
	  | _ -> assert false
      let v = ref (self # string_variable dlg vname index) in
	(fun enc ->
	   let f =
	     try dlg # application # output_encoding enc
		 Not_found ->
		   raise(self#runtime_error("Unknown encoding: " ^ enc))
	   v := f !v
      outch # output_string !v;

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      match self # major_version with
	  1 -> self # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch
	| _ -> self # to_any ~force_special:true ?context ?vars dlg outch

class uibutton =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let name  = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      let goto  = self # node # optional_string_attribute "goto" in
      let label =
	match self # node # attribute "label" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | Implied_value -> name
	  | _ -> assert false in

      (* Add interactor and get 'id' *)
      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some name
	  | _      -> assert false
      let ia = dlg # interactors in  (* needed anyway *)
      let prefix, id =
      	match self # node # attribute "index" with
	    Implied_value ->
	      begin try
		Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_buttons name "" cgi_id goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	  | Value index ->
	      if cgi_id <> None then
		raise(self # runtime_error("Button `" ^ name ^ "': cgi='keep' incompatible with presence of 'index' attribute"));
	      begin try
		Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_indexed_buttons name index None goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	| _ -> assert false
      (* HTML: The name of the CGI parameter is "button_<id>". *)
      (* ONCLICK: unfortunately, the function opener.popup_submit cannot
       * figure out which button of the popup window was pressed.
       * Because of this, the ONCLICK handler saves the name of the
       * button.
      let user_onclick =
	match self # node # optional_string_attribute "onclick" with
	    None -> ""
	  | Some s -> s

      let s = sprintf
		"<input type=submit name=\"%s_%s\" value=\"%s\" %s %s>"
		(escape_html label)
		(if vars.within_popup then
		   "onclick=\"opener.save_button_name('" ^  prefix ^  "_" ^ id ^ "'); "
		   ^ escape_html user_onclick
		   ^ "\""
		   if user_onclick <> "" then
		     "onclick=\"" ^  escape_html user_onclick ^  "\""
		(self # other_attributes ["type"; "name"; "value"; "index";
					  "label"; "goto"; "cgi"; "onclick" ])
      outch # output_string s

class uirichbutton =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let name  = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      let goto  = self # node # optional_string_attribute "goto" in

      (* Add interactor and get 'id' *)
      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some name
	  | _      -> assert false
      let ia = dlg # interactors in  (* needed anyway *)
      let prefix, id =
      	match self # node # attribute "index" with
	    Implied_value ->
	      begin try
		Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_buttons name "" cgi_id goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	  | Value index ->
	      if cgi_id <> None then
		raise(self # runtime_error("Richbutton `" ^ name ^ "': cgi='keep' incompatible with presence of 'index' attribute"));
	      begin try
		Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_indexed_buttons name index None goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	| _ -> assert false
      (* HTML: The name of the CGI parameter is "button_<id>". *)
      (* ONCLICK: unfortunately, the function opener.popup_submit cannot
       * figure out which button of the popup window was pressed.
       * Because of this, the ONCLICK handler saves the name of the
       * button.
      let user_onclick =
	match self # node # optional_string_attribute "onclick" with
	    None -> ""
	  | Some s -> s

      let s = sprintf
		"<button type=\"submit\" name=\"%s_%s\" value=\"1\" %s %s>"
		(if vars.within_popup then
		   "onclick=\"opener.save_button_name('" ^  prefix ^  "_" ^ id ^ "'); "
		   ^ escape_html user_onclick
		   ^ "\""
		   if user_onclick <> "" then
		     "onclick=\"" ^  escape_html user_onclick ^  "\""
		(self # other_attributes ["name"; "type"; "index"; "value";
					  "goto"; "cgi"; "onclick" ])
      outch # output_string s;
      let n = self # node in
      n # iter_nodes
	(fun n' -> n' # extension # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch);
      outch # output_string "</button>";

class uiimagebutton =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let name  = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      let goto  = self # node # optional_string_attribute "goto" in
      let src   = self # node # required_string_attribute "src" in
      let align =
	match self # node # attribute "align" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | Implied_value -> "BOTTOM"
	  | _ -> assert false in

      (* Add interactor and get 'id' *)
      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some name
	  | _      -> assert false
      let ia = dlg # interactors in  (* needed anyway *)
      let prefix, id =
      	match self # node # attribute "index" with
	    Implied_value ->
	      begin try
		Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_imagebuttons name "" cgi_id goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	  | Value index ->
	      if cgi_id <> None then
	      	raise(self # runtime_error("Imagebutton `" ^ name ^ "': cgi='keep' incompatible with presence of 'index' attribute"));
	      begin try
	      	Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_indexed_imagebuttons name index None goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> id
	  | _ -> assert false
      (* HTML: The name of the CGI parameter is "imagebutton_<id>". *)
      (* ONCLICK: unfortunately, the function opener.popup_submit cannot
       * figure out which button of the popup window was pressed.
       * Because of this, the ONCLICK handler saves the name of the
       * button.
      let user_onclick =
	match self # node # optional_string_attribute "onclick" with
	    None -> ""
	  | Some s -> s
      let s = sprintf
		"<input type=image name=\"%s_%s\" src=\"%s\" align=\"%s\" %s %s>"
		(escape_html src)
		(escape_html align)
		(if vars.within_popup then
		   "onclick=\"opener.save_button_name('" ^  prefix ^  "_" ^ id ^ "'); "
		   ^ escape_html user_onclick
		   ^ "\""
		   if user_onclick <> "" then
		     "onclick=\"" ^  escape_html user_onclick ^  "\""
		(self # other_attributes ["type"; "name"; "src"; "index";
					  "goto"; "cgi"; "align"; "onclick" ])
      outch # output_string s

class uianchor =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let name  = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      let goto  = self # node # optional_string_attribute "goto" in

      (* Add interactor and get 'id' *)
      let ia = dlg # interactors in  (* needed anyway *)
      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some name
	  | _      -> assert false
      let prefix, (exists, id) =
      	match self # node # attribute "index" with
	    Implied_value ->
	      begin try
		false, Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_anchors name "" cgi_id goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> true, id
	| Value index ->
	      if cgi_id <> None then
	      	raise(self # runtime_error("Anchor `" ^ name ^ "': cgi='keep' incompatible with presence of 'index' attribute"));
	      begin try
		false, Wd_interactor.add ia.ui_indexed_anchors name index None goto
		  Wd_interactor.Element_exists id -> true, id
	| _ -> assert false

      (* HTML: The name of the CGI parameter is "anchor_<id>". *)
      let out = outch # output_string in
      if not exists then
      	out (sprintf
	       "<input type=hidden name=\"%s_%s\" value=\"0\">"
      (* If exists: The hidden box has already been generated. *)

      if vars.within_popup then
	out (sprintf
	       "<a href=\"javascript:opener.popup_click(document,'%s','%s_%s',%s)\" %s>"
	       (escape_js vars.current_page)
	       (if dlg # is_server_popup_request then "1" else "0")
	       (self # other_attributes ["href"; "name"; "index"; "goto"; "cgi"])
	out (sprintf
	       "<a href=\"javascript:uiform_click('%s_%s')\" %s>"
	       (self # other_attributes ["href"; "name"; "index"; "goto"; "cgi"]));

      let n = self # node in
      n # iter_nodes
	(fun n' -> n' # extension # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch);
      out "</a>";
      Printf.bprintf buffer "<noscript><input type=submit name=\"%s_%s\" value=\"Go\"></noscript>"
      (* Note: The "value" in the last input element must not be "0". *)

class uicheckbox boxtype =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let id, vname, index = self # allocate_variable dlg in
      let value = self # node # required_string_attribute "value" in
      (* interactors: *)
      let ia = dlg # interactors in
      let pg = vars.current_page in
      ia.ui_enumvars <- (vname,index,pg) :: ia.ui_enumvars;
      (* HTML *)
      let v = 
	match (dlg # variable_decl vname).var_type with
	    Enum_type _ 
	  | Dyn_enum_type -> 
	      self # dyn_enum_variable dlg vname index
	  | String_type when boxtype = "radio" ->
	      let x = self # string_variable dlg vname index in
	      [ (x,x) ]
	  | _ ->
	      raise(Runtime_error("ui:select: bad type of variable `" ^
				  vname ^ "'"))
      let checked = List.mem_assoc value v in
      outch # output_string
	   "<input type=%s name=\"var_%s\" value=\"%s\" %s %s>"
	   (escape_html value)
	   (if checked then "CHECKED" else "")
	   (self # other_attributes ["type"; "name"; "value"; "variable";
				     "index"; "cgi"]))

class uiselect =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      let id, vname, index = self # allocate_variable dlg in
      let multiple =
	match self # node # attribute "multiple" with
	    Value "yes" -> true
	  | Value "no"  -> false
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let size =
	match self # node # attribute "size" with
	    Value s -> "size=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      (* Interactors: *)
      let ia = dlg # interactors in
      let pg = vars.current_page in
      ia.ui_enumvars <- (vname,index,pg) :: ia.ui_enumvars;
      (* HTML: *)
      let v = 
	match (dlg # variable_decl vname).var_type with
	    Enum_type _ 
	  | Dyn_enum_type -> 
	      self # dyn_enum_variable dlg vname index
	  | String_type ->
	      if multiple then
		raise(Runtime_error("ui:select is tied to the string variable `" ^
				    vname ^ "' but allows multiple selection"));
	      let x = self # string_variable dlg vname index in
	      [ (x,x) ]
	  | _ ->
	      raise(Runtime_error("ui:select: bad type of variable `" ^
				  vname ^ "'"))

      let base_set =
      	  let base,baseindex = self # get_base dlg in
	  self # dyn_enum_variable dlg base baseindex
	    Not_found ->
		match (dlg # variable_decl vname).var_type with
		    Enum_type e -> e.enum_definition
		  | Dyn_enum_type -> v
		  | String_type ->
		      raise(Runtime_error("ui:select is tied to a string variable, but a base variable is missing"))
		  | _ -> assert false

      let out = outch # output_string in

      out (sprintf
	     "<select name=\"var_%s\" %s %s %s>\n"
	     (if multiple then "multiple" else "")
	     (self # other_attributes ["name"; "variable"; "index"; "multiple";
				       "size"; "base"; "baseindex"; "cgi" ]));
	(fun (intern,extern) ->
	   let selected = List.mem_assoc intern v in
	   out (sprintf "<option value=\"%s\" %s>%s\n"
		  (escape_html intern)
		  (if selected then "selected" else "")
		  (escape_html extern))
      out "</select>"

class uitranslate =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let vtype  = self # node # required_string_attribute "type" in
      let intern =
	match self # major_version with
	    1 -> self # node # required_string_attribute "intern"
	  | 2 -> self # node # required_string_attribute "internal"
	  | _ -> assert false
      let e =
	try dlg # declaration # enumeration vtype
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error ("ui:translate does not find enumerator `" ^
					  vtype ^ "'"))
      let extern =
	try List.assoc intern e.enum_definition
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error ("ui:translate does not find internal value `" ^
					  intern ^ "'"))
      outch # output_string (escape_html extern)

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch

class uitext tagname =    (* tagname = "text" or "password" *)
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let id, vname, index = self # allocate_variable dlg in
      let maxlength =
	match self # node # attribute "maxlength" with
	    Value s -> "maxlength=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let size =
	match self # node # attribute "size" with
	    Value s -> "size=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let v = self # string_variable dlg vname index in
      outch # output_string
	   "<input type=%s name=\"var_%s\" value=\"%s\" %s %s %s>"
	   (escape_html v)
	   (self # other_attributes ["type"; "name"; "value"; "variable";
				     "index"; "maxlength"; "size"; "cgi"]))


class uitextarea =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let id, vname, index = self # allocate_variable dlg in
      let rows =
	match self # node # attribute "rows" with
	    Value s -> "rows=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let cols =
	match self # node # attribute "cols" with
	    Value s -> "cols=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let wrap =
	match self # node # attribute "wrap" with
	    Value s -> "wrap=\"" ^ escape_html s ^ "\""
	  | Implied_value -> ""
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let v = self # string_variable dlg vname index in
      outch # output_string
	   "<textarea name=\"var_%s\" %s %s %s %s>%s</textarea>"
	   (self # other_attributes ["name"; "variable"; "rows"; "cols";
				     "index"; "wrap"; "cgi"])
	   (escape_html v))


class uifile =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      if vars.within_popup then begin
      	raise(self # runtime_error("File uploads within popups are not supported"));

      let name = self # node # required_string_attribute "name" in
      let ui = dlg # interactors in
      let cgi_id =
	match self # node # required_string_attribute "cgi" with
	    "auto" -> None
	  | "keep" -> Some name
	  | _      -> assert false
      let id =
	try Wd_interactor.add ui.ui_uploads name "" cgi_id ()
	    Wd_interactor.Element_exists _ ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error("File upload element with name `" ^
					 name ^ "' is defined twice"))

      outch # output_string
	(sprintf "<input type=file name=\"upload_%s\" %s>"
	   (self # other_attributes ["type"; "name"; "cgi"]))


let lookup_template dlg template_name =
  (* look up the template:
   * - If there is a language variable, try first
   *   template_name ^ "#" ^  language, then template_name
   * - Otherwise only try template_name
   * - raise Not_found if not found
    begin match dlg # declaration # language_variable with
	None -> raise Not_found
      | Some v ->
	  let lang = dlg # string_variable v in
	    dlg # application # template (template_name ^ "#" ^ lang)
	      (* or raise Not_found *)
      Not_found ->
	dlg # application # template template_name

class ui_iterate_stuff =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method private iterate ?(mode=`HTML) ?context ?vars dlg outch values =
      let to_any =
	match mode with
	    `HTML -> (fun n -> n # to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch)
	  | `Text -> (fun n -> n # to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch)

      let template_name =
	match self # node # attribute "template" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in

      (* look up the template: *)
      let template =
	try lookup_template dlg template_name
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error ("Unknown template `" ^
					  template_name ^ "'"))

      (* get the parameters, and other configuration stuff *)
      let base_params = ref [] in
      let iter_empty = ref None in
      let iter_head = ref None in
      let iter_foot = ref None in
      let iter_separator = ref None in

	(fun n ->
	   match n # node_type with
	       T_element "ui:param" ->
		 let param_name = n # required_string_attribute "name" in
		 base_params := (param_name, n#extension) :: !base_params
	     | T_element "ui:iter-empty"     -> iter_empty := Some n
	     | T_element "ui:iter-head"      -> iter_head := Some n
	     | T_element "ui:iter-foot"      -> iter_foot := Some n
	     | T_element "ui:iter-separator" -> iter_separator := Some n
	     | _ -> ()
		   (* TODO: questionable. Ignore at least whitespace *)
	( self # node # sub_nodes);

      let dtd = self # node # dtd in
      let data_exempl = new data_impl (new data_node) in
      let new_data s = data_exempl # create_data dtd s in

      if values = [] & !iter_empty <> None then begin
	match !iter_empty with
	    Some n ->
	      to_any n#extension
	  | None ->
	      assert false
      else begin
	( match !iter_head with
	      Some n ->
		to_any n#extension
	    | None ->
	let is_first = ref true in
	  (fun (intern,extern) ->
	     if not !is_first then
	       ( match !iter_separator with
		     Some n ->
		       to_any n#extension
		   | None ->
	     is_first := false;
	     let tree_params =
	       !base_params @
	       ( match self # major_version with
		     1 ->  let intern_js = escape_js intern in
			   let extern_js = escape_js extern in
			     [ "intern",    (new_data intern)#extension;
			       "intern_js", (new_data intern_js)#extension;
			       "extern",    (new_data extern)#extension;
			       "extern_js", (new_data extern_js)#extension;
		   | 2 -> [ "int",    (new_data intern)#extension;
			    "ext",    (new_data extern)#extension;
		   | _ -> assert false
	     let inst_node =
		 template # instantiate ?context ?vars ~params:(D.of_alist tree_params) dlg
		   Instantiation_error msg ->
		     raise(self # runtime_error msg)
	     to_any inst_node
	( match !iter_foot with
	      Some n ->
		to_any n#extension
	    | None ->


type f_type =   (* auxiliary definition for [to_any] below *)
    syntax_tree_type ->
    ?context:syntax_tree_type dict ->
    ?vars:trans_vars -> dialog_type -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel ->

class uiuse =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method private to_any ?context ?vars (f:f_type) dlg outch =
      let template_name =
	match self # node # attribute "template" with
	    Value s -> s
	  | _ -> assert false in
      let template =
	try lookup_template dlg template_name
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error ("ui:use refers to unknown template `" ^
					  template_name ^ "'"))
      (* get the tree parameters: *)
      let tree_params =
	     (fun n ->
		(* n: must be a "ui:param" element *)
		assert (n # node_type = T_element "ui:param");
		let param_name =
		  match n # attribute "name" with
		      Value s -> s
		    | _ -> assert false in
		  ( param_name, n#extension )
	     ( self # node # sub_nodes )
	  ) in
      let inst_node =
	  template # instantiate ?context ?vars ?params:(Some tree_params) dlg
	    Instantiation_error msg ->
	      raise(self # runtime_error msg)
      f inst_node ?context ?vars dlg outch

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun n -> n # to_html) dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun n -> n # to_text) dlg outch

class uiiterate =
  object (self)
    inherit ui_iterate_stuff

    method private to_any ?mode ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let is_associative, vname, index = self # get_assoc_variable dlg in
      let values =
	if is_associative then
	    (fun (n,v) ->
	       match v with
		   String_value s -> n,s
		 | _ -> n, ""		     
	    (dlg # alist_variable vname)
	  match (dlg # variable_decl vname).var_type with
	      Dyn_enum_type -> 
		self # dyn_enum_variable dlg vname index
	    | String_type -> 
		let s = self # string_variable dlg vname index in
		list_mapi (fun n word -> (string_of_int n),word) (split s)
	    | _ ->
		raise(self # runtime_error("ui:iterate is not defined for this type of variable"))
      self # iterate ?mode ?context ?vars dlg outch values

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ~mode:`HTML ?context ?vars dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ~mode:`Text ?context ?vars dlg outch


class uienumerate =
  object (self)
    inherit ui_iterate_stuff

    method private to_any ?mode ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      let values =
	match self # node # attribute "type" with
	    Value s ->
	      let e =
		try dlg # declaration # enumeration s
		with Not_found ->
		  raise(self # runtime_error ("ui:enumerate with unknown type `" ^
					      s ^ "'"))
		match self # node # attribute "variable" with
		    Implied_value -> ()
		  | _ ->
		      raise(self # runtime_error "ui:enumerate with both attributes 'type' and 'variable' not allowed")
	  | Implied_value ->
	      let vname, index = self # get_variable dlg in
	      self # dyn_enum_variable dlg vname index
	  | _ -> assert false
      self # iterate ?mode ?context ?vars dlg outch values

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ~mode:`HTML ?context ?vars dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ~mode:`Text ?context ?vars dlg outch


type f'_type =   (* auxiliary definition for [to_any] below *)
    unit ->
    ?context:syntax_tree_type dict ->
    ?vars:trans_vars -> dialog_type -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel->

class uiifvar =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output as skipper

    (* Note: ui:ifvar is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method private to_any ?context ?vars (f:f'_type) dlg outch =

      let get_var_value() =
	let name,index = self # get_variable ~allow_assoc:true dlg in
	let v = dlg # variable name in
	match index with
	    None -> v
	  | Some k ->  (* ==> the variable is associative *)
	      (match v with
		   Alist_value alist ->
		     (try List.assoc k alist
			  Not_found ->
			    raise(self # runtime_error("Variable `" ^ name ^ "' not defined for index value `" ^ k ^ "'"))
		 | _ -> assert false

      let op = self # node # required_string_attribute "op" in

      let args = 
	[ lazy(get_var_value());
	  lazy(String_value(self # node # required_string_attribute "value")) ] in

      let f_op =
	try dlg # application # lazy_var_function op 
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error ("No such function: " ^ op)) in
      let r = 
	  f_op dlg args 
	    Failure msg ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error msg) in
      let do_output =
	match r with
	  | String_value s ->
	      let n =
		try int_of_string s 
		with _ -> 
		  raise(self#runtime_error "Return value must be boolean for ui:ifvar") in
	      n <> 0
	  | _ ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error "Return value must be boolean for ui:ifvar")
      if do_output then
	f () ?context ?vars dlg outch;
      match vars with
	  Some v -> v.condition_code <- do_output;
	| None -> ()

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_html) dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_text) dlg outch

class uiif =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output as skipper

    (* Note: ui:if is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method private to_any ?context ?vars (f:f'_type) dlg outch =
      let rec get_values n =
	match self # node # optional_string_attribute ("value" ^ string_of_int n) with
	  | None -> []
	  | Some s -> s :: (get_values (n+1)) in

      let op = self # node # required_string_attribute "op" in

      let args = (fun s -> lazy(String_value s)) (get_values 1) in

      let f_op =
	try dlg # application # lazy_var_function op 
	    Not_found ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error ("No such function: " ^ op)) in
      let r = 
	  f_op dlg args 
	    Failure msg ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error msg) in
      let do_output =
	match r with
	  | String_value s ->
	      let n =
		try int_of_string s 
		with _ -> 
		  raise(self#runtime_error "Return value must be boolean for ui:if") in
	      n <> 0
	  | _ ->
	      raise(self#runtime_error "Return value must be boolean for ui:if")

      if do_output then
	f () ?context ?vars dlg outch;
      match vars with
	  Some v -> v.condition_code <- do_output;
	| None -> ()

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_html) dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_text) dlg outch

class uiifexpr =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output as skipper

    (* Note: ui:ifexpr is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method private to_any ?context ?vars (f:f'_type) dlg outch =
      let expr = self # node # required_string_attribute "expr" in

      let do_output =
	let n =
	  try int_of_string expr 
	  with _ -> 
	    raise(self#runtime_error "Expression must be boolean for ui:ifexpr") in
	n <> 0

      if do_output then
	f () ?context ?vars dlg outch;
      match vars with
	  Some v -> v.condition_code <- do_output;
	| None -> ()

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_html) dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_text) dlg outch

class uiiflang =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output as skipper

    (* Note: ui:iflang is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method private to_any ?context ?vars (f:f'_type) dlg outch =

      let lang = self # node # required_string_attribute "xml:lang" in
      let do_output =
	match dlg # declaration # language_variable with
	    None -> false
	  | Some v ->
	      let lang' = dlg # string_variable v in
	      lang = lang'
      if do_output then
	f () ?context ?vars dlg outch;
      match vars with
	  Some v -> v.condition_code <- do_output;
	| None -> ()

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_html) dlg outch

    method to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      self # to_any ?context ?vars (fun () -> skipper # to_text) dlg outch

exception Cond_exit

class uicond =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    (* Note: ui:cond is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      vars.condition_code <- false;
	self # node # iter_nodes
	  (fun n ->
	     n # extension # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch;
	     if vars.condition_code then raise Cond_exit
	  Cond_exit -> ()

    method to_text ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      vars.condition_code <- false;
	self # node # iter_nodes
	  (fun n ->
	     n # extension # to_text ?context ~vars dlg outch;
	     if vars.condition_code then raise Cond_exit
	  Cond_exit -> ()

class uifalse =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      vars.condition_code <- false;

    method to_text ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      vars.condition_code <- false;

class uitrue =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output as super

    (* Note: ui:true is subject to whitespace normalization. See
     * [normalize_whitespace] below.

    method to_html ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      super # to_html ?context ~vars dlg outch;
      vars.condition_code <- true;

    method to_text ?context ?(vars=raise self#bad_context) dlg outch =
      super # to_text ?context ~vars dlg outch;
      vars.condition_code <- true;

class uispecial =
  object (self)
    inherit page_tree
    inherit mixin_skip_output

    method to_html ?context ?vars dlg outch =
      (* The difference: data is not html-escaped. *)
      self # to_text ?context ?vars dlg outch


open Pxp_yacc

let mk_tag_map () =
  let make ext = new element_impl ext in
      (new data_impl (new data_node))
      (make (new default_node))
      [ "ui:application", (make (new uiapplication));
	"ui:object",      (make (new uidialog));  (* DTD version 1.1 *)
	"ui:dialog",      (make (new uidialog));
	"ui:template",    (make (new uitemplate));
	"ui:expectparam", (make (new uidefault)); (* DTD version 1.1 *)
	"ui:enumeration", (make (new uienumeration));
	"ui:enum",        (make (new uienum));
	"ui:variable",    (make (new uivariable));
	"ui:string-value",(make (new uistringvalue));
	"ui:enum-value",  (make (new uienumvalue));
         "ui:enum-item",   (make (new uienumitem));
	"ui:dyn-enum-value", (make (new uidynenumvalue));
	"ui:dyn-enum-item",  (make (new uidynenumitem));
	"ui:alist-value", (make (new uialistvalue));
	"ui:alist-item",  (make (new uialistitem));
	"ui:default",     (make (new uidefault));
	"ui:page",        (make (new uipage));
	"ui:dynamic",     (make (new uidynamic));
	"ui:form",        (make (new uiform));
	"ui:popup",       (make (new uipopup));
	"ui:server-popup",(make (new uiserverpopup));
	"ui:button",      (make (new uibutton));
	"ui:imagebutton", (make (new uiimagebutton));
	"ui:richbutton",  (make (new uirichbutton));
	"ui:a",           (make (new uianchor));
	"ui:checkbox",    (make (new uicheckbox "checkbox"));
	"ui:radio",       (make (new uicheckbox "radio"));
	"ui:select",      (make (new uiselect));
	"ui:extern",      (make (new uitranslate));  (* DTD version 1.1 *)
	"ui:translate",   (make (new uitranslate));
	"ui:text",        (make (new uitext "text"));
	"ui:password",    (make (new uitext "password"));
	"ui:textarea",    (make (new uitextarea));
	"ui:file",        (make (new uifile));
	"ui:use",         (make (new uiuse));
	"ui:param",       (make (new container));
	"ui:iterate",     (make (new uiiterate));
	"ui:enumerate",   (make (new uienumerate));
	"ui:guard",       (make (new uiifvar));     (* DTD version 1.1 *)
	"ui:ifvar",       (make (new uiifvar));
	"ui:if",          (make (new uiif));
	"ui:ifexpr",      (make (new uiifexpr));
	"ui:iflang",      (make (new uiiflang));
	"ui:cond",        (make (new uicond));
	"ui:true",        (make (new uitrue));
	"ui:false",       (make (new uifalse));
	"ui:context",     (make (new uicontext));
	"ui:special",     (make (new uispecial));
	"ui:iter-empty",  (make (new container));
	"ui:iter-head",   (make (new container));
	"ui:iter-foot",   (make (new container));
	"ui:iter-separator", (make (new container));
	"ui:encode",      (make (new uiencode));
	"ui:library",     (make (new default_node));
	"ui:libtemplate", (make (new uilibtemplate));

let tag_map = ref (mk_tag_map());;

let reset() =
  tag_map := mk_tag_map()

let rec normalize_whitespace xml_preserve_space tree =
  (* Removes whitespace at the following locations:
   * - After the start tags <ui:template>, <ui:page>, <ui:guard>, <ui:context>,
   *   and before the corresponding end tags
   * - After the end tags </ui:expectparam>, </ui:param>, and </ui:default>
   *   (but only if they occur inside of one of the elements mentioned first)

  let strip_left s =
    let k = ref 0 in
      while !k < String.length s &&
        (let c = s.[ !k ] in
           c = ' ' || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\t')
        incr k
      if !k > 0 then
        String.sub s !k (String.length s - !k)

  let strip_right s =
    let l = String.length s in
    let k = ref (l-1) in
      while !k >= 0 &&
        (let c = s.[ !k ] in
           c = ' ' || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\t')
        decr k
      if !k < l-1 then
        String.sub s 0 (!k + 1)

  let visit_sub_nodes xml_preserve_space tree =
    tree # iter_nodes
      (fun sub ->
         match sub # node_type with
	   | T_element _ ->
               normalize_whitespace xml_preserve_space sub
	   | _ ->

  match tree # node_type with
      T_element "ui:template"
    | T_element "ui:libtemplate"
    | T_element "ui:page"
    | T_element "ui:guard"
    | T_element "ui:if"
    | T_element "ui:ifexpr"
    | T_element "ui:ifvar"
    | T_element "ui:iflang"
    | T_element "ui:cond"
    | T_element "ui:true"
    | T_element "ui:context" ->
	(* Remove whitespace at the beginning of the sub list, and at the
	 * end. Interpret xml:space.
	let xml_preserve_space =
	    try tree # attribute "xml:space" with Not_found -> Implied_value
	      Value "preserve" -> true
	    | Value "ignore" -> false
	    | _ -> xml_preserve_space
	if not xml_preserve_space then begin
	  let left_side_done = ref false in
	  let right_side = ref None in
	  tree # iter_nodes
            (fun sub ->
               match sub # node_type with
		 | T_data ->
                     if not !left_side_done then begin
                       let s = strip_left (sub # data) in
		       sub # set_data s;
		       if s = "" then
			 sub # delete
		       else begin
			 left_side_done := true;
			 right_side := Some sub;  (* candidate for right side *)
		     else right_side := Some sub
		 | T_element "ui:expectparam"   (* DTD version 1 *)
		 | T_element "ui:default"
		 | T_element "ui:param" ->
                     right_side := None;
                     normalize_whitespace xml_preserve_space sub
		 | T_element _ ->
                     left_side_done := true;
                     right_side := None;
                     normalize_whitespace xml_preserve_space sub
		 | T_comment ->
		 | _ ->
                     left_side_done := true;
                     right_side := None;
	    match !right_side with
		None ->
              | Some sub ->
		  let s = strip_right (sub # data) in
		  sub # set_data s;
		  if s = "" then sub # delete;

	  visit_sub_nodes xml_preserve_space tree

    | T_element _ ->
	let xml_preserve_space =
	    try tree # attribute "xml:space" with Not_found -> Implied_value
	      Value "preserve" -> true
	    | Value "ignore" -> false
	    | _ -> xml_preserve_space
	  visit_sub_nodes xml_preserve_space tree

    | _ ->

let rec transl_shorthand_notations n =
  (* Translates <t:NAME> and <q:NAME> to <ui:use>;
   * translates <p:NAME> to <ui:param>;
   * translates <l:LANG> to <ui:iflang>;
   * returns the new tree

  let transl_error n msg =
    let ent,line,pos = n # position in
      if line >= 1 then
	  Formal_user_error("Entity " ^  ent ^ ", line " ^ string_of_int line ^
			    ", position " ^  string_of_int pos ^ ": " ^ msg))
	  Formal_user_error(msg ^
			    " - Sorry, cannot remember where this error occurs"));

  let visit_subnodes n =
    let changed = ref false in
    let new_nodes =
	(fun sub ->
	   let sub' = transl_shorthand_notations sub in
	   changed := !changed || sub <> sub';
	n#sub_nodes in
    if !changed then n # set_nodes new_nodes;
      (* Call [set_nodes] only if really nodes have been exchanged.
       * [set_nodes] is expensive.

  let transl_l eltype =
    (* Translate <l:LANG>CONTENTS</l:LANG> to
     * <ui:iflang xml:lang="LANG">CONTENTS</ui:iflang>
    let lang = String.sub eltype 2 (String.length eltype - 2) in
    let n' =
	~att_values:[ "xml:lang", Value lang ]
	[] in
    (* Move the subnodes from n to n': *)
    let subnodes = n # sub_nodes in
    n # set_nodes [];   (* Important! The [subnodes] are now orphaned *)
    n' # set_nodes subnodes;
    (* Finally descend into the tree: *)
    visit_subnodes n'

  let transl_p eltype =
    (* Translate <p:NAME>CONTENTS</p:NAME> to
     * <ui:param name="NAME">CONTENTS</ui:param>
    let name = String.sub eltype 2 (String.length eltype - 2) in
    let n' =
	~att_values:[ "name", Value name ]
	[] in
    (* Move the subnodes from n to n': *)
    let subnodes = n # sub_nodes in
    n # set_nodes [];   (* Important! The [subnodes] are now orphaned *)
    n' # set_nodes subnodes;
    (* Finally descend into the tree: *)
    visit_subnodes n'

  let transl_t eltype =
    (* Translate <t:NAME PARAM1="VALUE1" PARAM2="VALUE2"...>CONTENTS</t:NAME> to
     * <ui:use template="NAME">
     *   <ui:param name="PARAM1">VALUE1</ui:param>
     *   <ui:param name="PARAM2">VALUE2</ui:param>
     *   ...
     *   CONTENTS
     * </ui:use>
     * Furthermore, it is checked that the CONTENTS consist only of <p:NAME>
     * nodes.
    let dtd = n#dtd in
    let name = String.sub eltype 2 (String.length eltype - 2) in
    let position = n#position in
    let n' =
	~att_values:[ "template", Value name ]
	[] in
    (* Translate the attributes to <ui:param> nodes: *)
    let att_params =
	(fun (n,v) ->
	   let p =
	       ~att_values:[ "name", Value n ]
	       [] in
	   let data =
	     match v with
		 Value s -> s
	       | _ -> assert false
	   let d =
	     Pxp_document.create_data_node !tag_map dtd data in
	   p # set_nodes [d];
	n#attributes in
    (* Check whether the subnodes are valid: *)
    n # iter_nodes
      (fun p ->
	 match p # node_type with
	     T_element eltype ->
	       if String.length eltype < 2 || eltype.[0] <> 'p' ||
		  eltype.[1] <> ':'
		 transl_error p "This element type is not allowed here"
	   | T_data ->
	       (* The node must only consist of white space. Delete it *)
	       if only_whitespace (p # data) then
		 p # delete
		 transl_error n "Character data are not allowed in this element"
	   | _ ->
	       transl_error n "Something is not allowed here"
    (* Move the subnodes from n to n': *)
    let subnodes = n # sub_nodes in
    n # set_nodes [];   (* Important! The [subnodes] are now orphaned *)
    n' # set_nodes (att_params @ subnodes);
    (* Finally descend into the tree: *)
    visit_subnodes n'

  let transl_q eltype =
    (* Translate <q:NAME PARAM1="VALUE1" PARAM2="VALUE2"...>CONTENTS</q:NAME> to
     * <ui:use template="NAME">
     *   <ui:param name="PARAM1">VALUE1</ui:param>
     *   <ui:param name="PARAM2">VALUE2</ui:param>
     *   ...
     *   <ui:param name="body">CONTENTS</ui:param>
     * </ui:use>
    let dtd = n#dtd in
    let name = String.sub eltype 2 (String.length eltype - 2) in
    let position = n#position in
    let n' =
	~att_values:[ "template", Value name ]
	[] in
    (* Translate the attributes to <ui:param> nodes: *)
    let att_params =
	(fun (n,v) ->
	   let p =
	       ~att_values:[ "name", Value n ]
	       [] in
	   let data =
	     match v with
		 Value s -> s
	       | _ -> assert false
	   let d =
	     Pxp_document.create_data_node !tag_map dtd data in
	   p # set_nodes [d];
	n#attributes in
    (* Create the body parameter: *)
    let body_param =
	~att_values:[ "name", Value "body" ]
	[] in
    (* Move the subnodes from n to body_param: *)
    let subnodes = n # sub_nodes in
    n # set_nodes [];   (* Important! The [subnodes] are now orphaned *)
    body_param # set_nodes subnodes;
    n' # set_nodes (att_params @ [body_param]);
    (* Finally descend into the tree: *)
    visit_subnodes n'

  match n # node_type with
      T_element eltype ->
	if String.length eltype >= 2 && eltype.[1] = ':' then begin
	  match eltype.[0] with
	      't' ->
		transl_t eltype
	    | 'q' ->
		transl_q eltype
	    | 'p' ->
		transl_p eltype
	    | 'l' ->
		transl_l eltype
	    | _ ->
		visit_subnodes n
	  visit_subnodes n

    | _ ->

let rec transl_ui_context n =
  (* Translates
   * <ui:context>
   *   <ui:param .../>
   *   <ui:param .../>
   *   ...
   *   other
   * </ui:context>
   * to:
   * <ui:context>
   *   <ui:internal:container>
   *     <ui:param .../>
   *     <ui:param .../>
   *     ...
   *   </ui:internal:container>
   *   other
   * </ui:context>
   * This avoids ambiguities (e.g. <ui:context><ui:param .../>$body</ui:context> -
   * without the translation the replacement of $body is taken as another context
   * parameter).
   * This must happen after whitespace normalization.
  let visit_sub_nodes tree =
    tree # iter_nodes
      (fun sub ->
         match sub # node_type with
	   | T_element _ ->
                transl_ui_context sub
	   | _ ->

  let rec split_list l =
    match l with
      | x :: l' when x#node_type = T_element "ui:param" ->
	  let params, non_params = split_list l' in
	  (x :: params, non_params)
      | _ :: l' ->
	  ( [], l )
      | [] ->
	  ( [], [] ) in

  match n # node_type with
    | T_element "ui:context" ->
	let params, non_params = split_list n # sub_nodes in
	let container =
	    [] in
	  (fun param ->
	     param # remove();  (* Remove from ui:context children *)
	     container # append_node param;
	n # insert_nodes ?pos:(Some 0) [container];
	visit_sub_nodes n
    | T_element _ ->
	visit_sub_nodes n
    | _ ->

let restore_stdlib dtd =
  let stdlib_string =
    match (dtd # encoding : Pxp_types.rep_encoding :> Pxp_types.encoding) with
	`Enc_iso88591 -> Wd_stdlib.stdlib_iso88591_1
      | `Enc_utf8     -> Wd_stdlib.stdlib_utf8_1
      | e             -> failwith ("WDialog restriction: This encoding is not supported: " ^ Netconversion.string_of_encoding e)
  let stdlib_pos = ref 0 in
    let tree =
	(fun () ->
	   let p = !stdlib_pos in
	     stdlib_pos := !stdlib_pos + Marshal.total_size stdlib_string p;
	     Marshal.from_string stdlib_string p
    normalize_whitespace false tree;
    ignore(transl_shorthand_notations tree);
    transl_ui_context tree;
      error ->
	failwith ("Wd_transform.restore_stdlib: " ^ Printexc.to_string error)

let string_error = string_of_exn;;

let catalog =
  [ "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 1.1//EN", Wd_application_dtd.dtd_1;
    "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.1//EN", Wd_application_dtd.dtd_2;
    "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.2//EN", Wd_application_dtd.dtd_2;
    "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.3//EN", Wd_application_dtd.dtd_2;

let xml_parse_uiapplication charset filename =
  let url = Pxp_reader.make_file_url filename in
  let resolver =
    new Pxp_reader.combine
      [ Pxp_reader.lookup_public_id_as_string catalog;
	new Pxp_reader.resolve_as_file();
    (* reset(); *)
    let doc =
	{ default_config with Pxp_yacc.encoding = charset }
	(ExtID (System (Neturl.string_of_url url), resolver))
    if Pxp_dtd.Entity.replacement_text (doc#dtd#par_entity "major-version")
       <> "1"
    then begin
      normalize_whitespace false doc#root;
      (* The DTD version 1 did not normalize whitespace *)
      ignore(transl_shorthand_notations doc#root);
      transl_ui_context doc#root;
      ( At (_,_) | Validation_error _ | Error _ | WF_error _ |
          Character_not_supported | Undeclared ) as x ->
        raise (Formal_user_error (string_error x))

let restore_uiapplication tree =
  let app = new Wd_application.application tree#dtd in
  let stdlib = restore_stdlib tree#dtd in
  stdlib # root # extension # scan_application app;
  tree # root # extension # scan_application app;
  app # study();

let parse_uiapplication ?(charset = `Enc_iso88591) filename =
  let tree = xml_parse_uiapplication charset filename in
  restore_uiapplication tree

let load_uiapplication ?(charset = `Enc_iso88591) filename =
  (* reset(); *)
  let ch = open_in filename in
  let tree = try
    let warner = Pxp_yacc.default_config.Pxp_yacc.warner in
    let config =
        { Pxp_yacc.default_config
	    Pxp_yacc.encoding = charset;
            Pxp_yacc.accept_only_deterministic_models = false;
        } in
    let pubid =
      (Marshal.from_channel ch : string) in
    let dtd =
	let dtd_string = List.assoc pubid catalog in
	Pxp_yacc.parse_dtd_entity config (Pxp_yacc.from_string dtd_string)
	  Not_found ->
	    failwith ("This version of WDIALOG does not define the PUBLIC ID "
		      ^  pubid)
    dtd # set_id (External (Public(pubid, "")));
    dtd # set_root "ui:application";   (* always the same *)
    let nodes =
    let doc = new Pxp_document.document warner dtd#encoding in
    doc # init_xml_version "1.0";
    doc # init_root nodes (match dtd#root with Some x -> x | _ -> assert false);
    close_in ch;
      any -> close_in ch; raise any
  restore_uiapplication tree


let to_text ?context ?vars (dlg : dialog_type) outch (node : syntax_tree_type) =
  let context' =
    match context with
	None   -> dlg # declaration # default_context
      | Some c -> c in
  node # to_text ~context:context' ?vars dlg outch

let to_html ?context ?vars (dlg : dialog_type) outch (node : syntax_tree_type) =
  let context' =
    match context with
	None   -> dlg # declaration # default_context
      | Some c -> c in

  node # to_html ~context:context' ?vars dlg outch
  (* TODO:  (init_vars mode in_popup) *)

let instantiate ?context ?params dlg (template:template_type) =
  template # instantiate ?context ?params dlg

let mk_use_param_node dtd name params =
  let uiuse_node =
      [ "template", name ] in
    (fun (param_name, param_t) ->
       let uiparam_node =
	   [ "name", param_name ] in
       uiparam_node # add_node (param_t # node);
       uiuse_node # add_node uiparam_node;
  uiuse_node # extension

let mk_text_node dtd text =
  (create_data_node !tag_map dtd text) # extension

let mk_html_node dtd text =
  let uispecial_node =
      [] in
  let html_node =
    create_data_node !tag_map dtd text in

  uispecial_node # add_node html_node;
  uispecial_node # extension

let concat ?sep dtd l =
  let container = new_container() in
  let rec dorec (c : container node)  l =
    match l with
      	[]      -> ()
      | [ x ]   -> c # add_node (x # node)
      | x :: l' ->
	  (* l' is not empty *)
	  (* If x is already an orphan, simply add it to the new tree.
	   * If x is not an orphan, make a copy.
	  let y = x # node in
	  let y' =
	    try ignore(y # parent); y # orphaned_clone
	    with Not_found -> y
	  c # add_node y';
	  begin match sep with
	      None -> ()
	    | Some sep0 ->
		(* Same logic for 'sep' *)
		let s = sep0 # node in
		let sep' =
		  try ignore(s # parent); s # orphaned_clone
		  with Not_found -> s
		c # add_node sep';
	  dorec c l'
  match l with
      []    -> mk_text_node dtd ""
    | [ x ] -> x
    | _ ->
  	let c =
	  container # create_element
	    (T_element "ui:internal:container")
	    [] in
	dorec c l;
	c # extension

let compile ?(charset = `Enc_iso88591) filename out =
  let tree = xml_parse_uiapplication charset filename in
  let dtd = tree # dtd in
  let id = dtd # id in
  let pubid =
    match id with
	Some (External (Public(p,s))) -> p
      | Some (External (System s)) ->
	  failwith "compile: needs a PUBLIC identifier of the DTD"
      | Some (Derived (Public(p,s))) ->
	  prerr_endline "Warning: The DTD has both an internal and an external subset. The element, attribute, notation, and pi declarations of the internal subset are ignored and not included into the binary format. (Entities do not cause problems.)";
      | Some (Derived (System s)) ->
	  failwith "compile: needs a PUBLIC identifier of the DTD"
      | Some Internal ->
	  failwith "compile: needs an external DTD"
      | None ->
	  failwith "compile: needs a DTD"
      | _ ->
	  failwith "compile: something is wrong with the DTD"
  Marshal.to_channel out pubid [];
    (* ~omit_positions:true *)
    (tree # root)

let pxp_spec() = !tag_map;;

(* ======================================================================
 * History:
 * $Log:,v $
 * Revision 3.26  2005-08-31 18:08:49  stolpmann
 * Fix ui:ifexpr
 * Revision 3.25  2005/08/31 14:51:31  stolpmann
 * Fix in the error handling of ui:select
 * Revision 3.24  2005/06/11 14:24:14  stolpmann
 * Extension of bracket expressions: many new functions.
 * Functions in bracket expressions may now lazily evaluate their arguments.
 * ui:if and ui:ifvar may refer to any functions defined for bracket
 * expressions.
 * New: ui:ifexpr
 * Parsing of bracket expressions is now done with ulex. Private interfaces
 * of PXP are no longer used for this purpose.
 * Serialization has been rewritten, and it is now safe.
 * Fix: In ui:context there may now be macro references at any location.
 * Also documented all these changes.
 * Revision 3.23  2003/02/21 14:34:37  stolpmann
 * 	New: enum special form for bracket expressions.
 * Revision 3.22  2003/02/16 23:48:15  stolpmann
 * 	Improved wd-debug-mode: there are now two styles
 * Revision 3.21  2003/02/16 21:33:58  stolpmann
 * 	Renamed ui:longbutton into ui:richbutton
 * Revision 3.20  2002/11/13 02:02:50  stolpmann
 * 	Added: op="mentions"
 * Revision 3.19  2002/11/12 23:36:43  stolpmann
 * 	Enhancement: ui:radio accepts string variables. ui:select
 * accepts them, too, but only for single-selection boxes.
 * Revision 3.18  2002/11/09 15:48:59  stolpmann
 * 	Added missing ui:true and ui:false implementations.
 * Revision 3.17  2002/11/09 11:41:19  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: ui:select accepts dot notation. A new method
 * variable_decl needs to be defined for dialogs. This method
 * returns the var_decl record and interprets the dot notation.
 * Revision 3.16  2002/11/03 21:17:48  stolpmann
 * 	New functions: type, is_associative, default
 * Revision 3.15  2002/11/03 19:59:39  stolpmann
 * 	ui:iterate works now for associative variables that are not
 * strings. The $ext parameter is set to the empty string.
 * Revision 3.14  2002/10/20 19:39:17  stolpmann
 * 	New feature: The brackets $[...] can contain expressions,
 * not only variables
 * Revision 3.13  2002/10/12 23:09:03  stolpmann
 * 	Enhancement: ui:iterate can now iterate over strings. The
 * strings are splitted into whitespace-separated words. $int is the
 * index of the word >= 0, and $ext is the word itself.
 * Revision 3.12  2002/10/12 22:17:22  stolpmann
 * 	New element: ui:longbutton
 * Revision 3.11  2002/09/25 00:15:40  stolpmann
 * 	Fix for PXP-1.1.92
 * Revision 3.10  2002/03/19 23:31:19  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: [compile] outputs to the passed channel, not to stdout.
 * Revision 3.9  2002/03/19 23:27:09  stolpmann
 * 	When loading a compiled XML file, the ID and the name of the
 * root element of the DTD object are set to reasonable values.
 * Revision 3.8  2002/02/28 22:25:23  stolpmann
 * 	Typo (ui:gurad -> ui:guard)
 * Revision 3.7  2002/02/28 22:05:19  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: Skipping over whitespace between <ui:expectparam> elements
 * for DTD version 1
 * Revision 3.6  2002/02/28 18:52:09  stolpmann
 * 	Bugfix for DTD version 1
 * Revision 3.5  2002/02/27 00:02:17  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: Integer comparison for ui:if, ui:ifvar works now.
 * Revision 3.4  2002/02/26 16:01:58  stolpmann
 * 	Fix: ui:iterate and ui:enumerate work now in attribute context.
 * Revision 3.3  2002/02/16 17:29:45  stolpmann
 * 	mostly ocamldoc.
 * Revision 3.2  2002/02/14 16:15:21  stolpmann
 * 	Added copyright notice.
 * Revision 3.1  2002/02/12 20:29:21  stolpmann
 * 	Initial release at sourceforge.
 * Revision 1.44  2002/02/07 18:49:59  gerd
 * 	Standard library
 * Revision 1.43  2002/02/05 18:49:55  gerd
 * 	Fix: Empty HTML elements are printed without end tag.
 * 	Support for the new DTD features: <?wd-debug-mode?>,
 * <?wd-prototype-mode?>, <?wd-onstartup-call-handle?>, and the
 * attributes "protected" and "popup".
 * 	The CGI variable containing the session state is now
 * called "uiobject_session" (instead of "uiobject_state" and
 * "uiobjtect_name"). Session managers are used to serialize
 * sessions.
 * Revision 1.42  2002/01/31 23:06:39  gerd
 * 	Revised conditional expansion (ui:if, ui:ifvar, ui:iflang,
 * ui:cond).
 * 	Added some support for internationalization (xml:lang).
 * Revision 1.41  2002/01/30 15:15:25  gerd
 * 	New: ~charset
 * 	Support for ${name/enc1/enc2/...} and $[name/enc1/enc2/...]
 * 	<ui:dynamic> with enc and special attributes
 * 	<ui:encode>
 * Revision 1.40  2002/01/28 02:13:55  gerd
 * 	Added shorthand notations <t:NAME>, <q:NAME>, <p:NAME>.
 * 	ui:dynamic uses now the enc attribute to determine the encodings.
 * Revision 1.39  2002/01/27 19:14:20  gerd
 * 	Revised template definitions (ui:template, ui:default, ui:context)
 * Revision 1.38  2002/01/26 22:38:26  gerd
 * 	Changed the type for passing parameters to templates. It is
 * now syntax_tree dict instead of a simple list. Furthermore, the
 * method [instantiate] no longer returns the new context. The new element
 * ui:context creates the new contexts now.
 * Revision 1.37  2002/01/24 23:37:25  gerd
 * 	<ui:template> and <ui:page> ignore whitespace at the beginning
 * and at the end of the list of subnodes.
 * 	Templates can be studied.
 * 	On instantiation, the special exception [Instantiation_error]
 * is raised when an error happens. So the caller can reports its own
 * line number.
 * Revision 1.36  2002/01/14 15:03:24  gerd
 * 	Major change: Typing has been completely revised, and almost
 * every tiny thing has now a new type. Also renamed a lot.
 * Revision 1.35  2001/04/05 12:57:18  gerd
 * 	Changed the binary format: It does no longer contain the DTD
 * textually, but only the PUBLIC identifier.
 * Revision 1.34  2001/04/04 16:39:53  gerd
 * 	Bugfix
 * Revision 1.33  2001/04/04 16:22:42  gerd
 * 	Bugfix
 * Revision 1.32  2001/04/04 16:19:14  gerd
 * 	Versions for the DTD.
 * Revision 1.31  2001/04/03 14:39:21  gerd
 * 	The parser accepts now a PUBLIC("-//NPC/DTD WDIALOG//EN","")
 * ID as ID for the DTD. In this case, the built-in DTD (latest version)
 * is used.
 * Revision 1.30  2001/04/03 12:46:23  gerd
 * 	Workaround for IE-5.5: current_popup was sometimes not set.
 * This is a bug in IE-5.5, but it can be avoided by setting
 * current_popup earlier when windows are opened.
 * Revision 1.29  2001/03/13 18:30:44  gerd
 * 	ui:expectparam has new attribute force-default.
 * Revision 1.28  2001/02/26 18:11:50  gerd
 * 	After some trouble: The character '%' is now considered
 * as being unsafe even for the escape_js function. Even though it is
 * not strictly required, this step reduces the likeliness of quoting
 * errors.
 * Revision 1.27  2001/01/15 12:28:31  gerd
 * 	Improvement for Netscape 4.04
 * Revision 1.26  2001/01/08 17:13:21  gerd
 * 	Improvement: The user can now specify an onclick handler for
 * ui:button and ui:imagebutton even if the button is in a popup
 * dialogue. The user's handler is simply appended to the
 * generated handler: onclick="generated; user"
 * Revision 1.25  2001/01/08 11:27:12  gerd
 * 	Fix in Javascript code for older browsers.
 * Revision 1.24  2000/12/21 15:51:43  gerd
 * 	ui:iterate and ui:enumerate now set the parameters intern_js
 * and extern_js, too. These correspond to intern and extern, resp., but
 * are Javascript-quoted.
 * Revision 1.23  2000/12/21 15:00:37  gerd
 * 	Server popups: The generated "open" function has now a second
 * parameter which is passed back to the application. The Popup_request
 * event gets this parameter. The parameter can be used freely by the
 * application.
 * Revision 1.22  2000/12/21 12:08:04  gerd
 * 	Bugfix: Clicked submit buttons in popup windows are now passed
 * back to the applications.
 * Revision 1.21  2000/12/06 17:52:25  gerd
 * 	New: compile
 * Revision 1.20  2000/12/06 15:30:21  gerd
 * 	New: mk_html_node
 * 	Added support for the ~self_url parameter.
 * Revision 1.19  2000/12/04 11:59:29  gerd
 * 	Fix: The method of the uialtform form must be POST.
 * Revision 1.18  2000/11/30 18:39:13  gerd
 * 	Implementation of ui:server-popup.
 * 	Beautifications, new comments.
 * 	Several changes because parser.mli has been introduced.
 * Revision 1.17  2000/09/26 15:53:23  gerd
 * 	Fixed for popup dialogues.
 * Revision 1.16  2000/09/25 16:58:39  gerd
 * 	Fix: Setting also the ONSUBMIT handler of the popup formular.
 * Revision 1.15  2000/09/25 16:27:21  gerd
 * 	Javascript: document.write only invoked with small strings.
 * Revision 1.14  2000/09/25 13:22:13  gerd
 * 	New ui:popup element
 * Revision 1.13  2000/09/21 15:12:34  gerd
 * 	Updated for O'Caml 3 and PXP
 * Revision 1.12  2000/05/15 11:46:33  gerd
 * 	Necessary changes for uidebugger.
 * Revision 1.11  2000/05/10 16:19:04  gerd
 * 	Bug in uitextarea.
 * Revision 1.10  2000/05/10 13:54:34  gerd
 * 	Improved iterators.
 * Revision 1.9  2000/05/10 11:12:16  gerd
 * 	Added ui:guard.
 * Revision 1.8  2000/05/09 16:42:56  gerd
 * 	Many ui:xxx elements now accept undeclared attributes, and
 * simply pass them to the HTML output.
 * Revision 1.7  2000/05/09 14:26:24  gerd
 * 	The "cgi" attribute is recognized, and the name of the CGI
 * parameter is derived from it.
 * Revision 1.6  2000/05/08 17:56:22  gerd
 * 	Changed such that arbitrary strings can be used as interactor
 * IDs as well as automatically generated numbers.
 * Revision 1.5  2000/05/08 16:43:38  gerd
 * 	Implemented the "replace" attribute of "ui:page".
 * 	Changed the semantics of lexical parameter passing.
 * Revision 1.4  2000/05/08 15:32:44  gerd
 * 	Added ui:default.
 * 	Added exceptions and functions processing default contexts.
 * Revision 1.3  2000/05/08 10:33:18  gerd
 * 	Changed the instantiation technique: First, there is a new class,
 * "mixin_instantiate", that contains the instantiation method. Second,
 * this method uses the new functionality of the Templrep module. Third,
 * the core of dynamic parameters is implemented - there is a new
 * "context" argument for the to_html method passing dynamic parameters.
 * Revision 1.2  2000/04/17 10:10:52  gerd
 * 	New Cgi module.
 * 	File upload strongly improved.
 * Revision 1.1  2000/04/13 17:42:58  gerd
 * 	Initial revision.

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