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 * Copyright 2002 Joachim Schrod Network and Publication Consultance GmbH, Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WDialog.
 * WDialog is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WDialog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id: wd_run_jserv.mli,v 1.3 2003-03-21 14:23:44 stolpmann Exp $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(** This module contains a customizable main program for application servers
    connected with the JSERV protocol

open Wd_types
open Netchannels
open Netcgi_jserv_app

val create_request_handler :
      ?charset:Pxp_types.rep_encoding ->      (* default: `Enc_iso88591 *)
      ?session_manager:session_manager_type -> (* defalt: instant_session_manager *)
      ?no_cache:bool ->                       (* default: true *)
      ?error_page:(out_obj_channel -> exn -> unit) ->  (* default: a simple error page *)
      ?response_header:response_header ->     (* default: see below *)
      ?reg:(universe_type -> unit) ->
      uifile:string ->
      unit ->
  (** This function creates a request handler for a JSERV-based application
   * server. Use this function like in this example:
   * {[let req_hdl = create_request_handler ... () in
   * let server = `Forking(20, [ "appname", req_hdl ]) in
   * Netcgi_jserv.jvm_emu_main
   *   ( server `Ajp_1_2)]}
   * This main program creates a "forking server" that starts a new
   * subprocess (up to 20) for every arriving request. This is currently
   * the recommended mode. It sounds a bit like CGI, but is much faster
   * because the subprocess is already initialized when it forks.
   * The application is accessible under the URL 
   * [http://yourserver/servlets/appname]. It is possible to bind several
   * request handlers at the same time.
   * Call the function [create_request_handler] as follows:
   * {[let req_hdl = create_request_handler ~reg ~uifile ()]}
   * The argument [~reg] registers the dialog classes (like in Wd_run_cgi).
   * The argument [~uifile] must be the absolute path of the UI definition.
   * The suffix of this file must be ".ui" or ".ui.bin".
   * @param charset determines the character set for the internal representation
   *   of strings and for the generated HTML pages. (Note that the parsed
   *   XML files can have character sets independent of this setting.)
   *   The default is [ISO-8859-1].
   * @param no_cache If [true]: The CGI response contains header directives
   *   preventing the browser (and all caches between server and browser)
   *   from storing the response. This ensures that never a cache copy
   *   is taken, and for many browsers, the history is no longer usable
   *   (when hitting the "Back" button, the user only gets a message
   *   that the data is expired, but not the old page).
   *   The default is [true].
   * @param error_page This function is called when an exception is caught.
   *   It can generate an error page by writing a nicely formatted
   *   message to the output channel. The default is a function that
   *   outputs a simple error page.
   * @param response_header If set, this parameter is taken as the initial
   *   HTTP response header while processing the request. If omitted, 
   *   the response header defaults to: The content type is text/html,
   *   the character set as determined by [charset], the caching header is
   *   set according to [no_cache].

(* ======================================================================
 * History:
 * $Log: wd_run_jserv.mli,v $
 * Revision 1.3  2003-03-21 14:23:44  stolpmann
 * 	ocamldoc updated
 * Revision 1.2  2003/01/04 21:55:25  stolpmann
 * 	new record response_header
 * Revision 1.1  2002/03/19 22:09:55  stolpmann
 * 	Initial revision.

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