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#! /bin/sh
# (*
exec ocaml "$0" "$@"
*) directory ".";;

(* Generate an O'Caml module defining
 * the variable "stdlib_1" containing the contents of the file
 * stdlib.bin

let fout = open_out "" in
  (fun (fn, vn) ->
     let fin = open_in fn in
     let fin_len = in_channel_length fin in
     let s = String.create fin_len in
     really_input fin s 0 fin_len;
     output_string fout ("let " ^ vn ^ " = \"");
     output_string fout (String.escaped s);
     output_string fout "\";;\n\n";
     close_in fin;
  [ "stdlib_lat1.bin", "stdlib_iso88591_1";
    "stdlib_utf8.bin", "stdlib_utf8_1";
close_out fout

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