<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1"?> <!-- $Id: wd_application_2.dtd,v 3.7 2006-03-08 16:05:02 stolpmann Exp $ --> <!-- This DTD should be referred to by the PUBLIC identifier: PUBLIC "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.4//EN" Version numbers: have the form major.minor; a change in a major number means that the versions are incompatible, while a change in the minor number means that the an application designed for a lower version number can also be parsed by the DTD with the higher version number (and it _should_ mean the same; however you should not rely on that). Table of PUBLIC IDs and CVS revision numbers: CVS revision Corresponding PUBLIC ID ==================================================== 1.1 to 1.10 no assigned PUBLIC ID >= 1.11 "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 1.1//EN" >= 2.1 "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.1//EN" >= 3.2 "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.2//EN" >= 3.6 "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.3//EN" >= 3.7 "-//NPC//DTD WDIALOG 2.4//EN" --> <!-- TODO: add xml:space as valid attribute --> <!-- Changes between 1.1 and 2.1: NEW - ui:context - ui:encode - Processing instructions: <?wd-debug-mode?> <?wd-prototype-mode?> <?onstartup-call-handle?> - ui:page has new attribute "popup" - ui:variable has new attribute "protected" RENAMED ELEMENTS: - ui:object -> ui:dialog - ui:extern -> ui:translate RENAMED ATTRIBUTES - start-object -> start-dialog - intern -> internal - For <ui:dynamic>, the attribute "type" has been replaced by "enc" and "special": type="html" is now enc="", special="no" (the default) type="text" is now enc="", special="yes" OTHER RENAMINGS - The special variable type "object" is now called "dialog". - $intern -> $int - $extern -> $ext - $intern_js -> ${int/js} - $extern_js -> ${ext/js} STRUCTURAL CHANGES - ui:declaration has been removed. The element ui:variable may occur directly in a ui:dialog - There is no longer a certain order for ui:enumeration, ui:variable, ui:default, and ui:page WHITESPACE - Whitespace after the start tags <ui:template>, <ui:guard>, <ui:context>, and <ui:page> is ignored. Whitespace before the corresponding end tags is ignored, too - Whitespace after </ui:default> (inside <ui:template>), and after </ui:ui:param> (inside <ui:context) is ignored, too OTHER - The shorthand notations <t:NAME>, <q:NAME>, and <p:name> are now available - The notation ${name/enc1/enc2/...} applies the list of encodings before replacing the parameter. Works just like <ui:encode enc="enc1 enc2 ...">$name</ui:encode> - The notation $[name] is replaced by the contents of the dialog variable, just like <ui:dynamic variable="name"/> - The notation $[name/enc1/enc2/...] is replaced by the encoded contents of the dialog variable, like <ui:encode enc="enc1 enc2 ..."><ui:dynamic variable="name"/></ui:encode> --> <!-- Changes between 2.1 and 2.2: - New: ui:richbutton that maps to the BUTTON html element - New: "dot notation" can be used to access variables of subdialogs. --> <!-- Changes between 2.2 and 2.3: - ui:if: accepts now any number of values, and op can be any function name - ui:ifvar: op can be any function name - New: ui:ifexpr --> <!-- Changes between 2.3 and 2.4: - new: <ui:matrix-value>, <ui:any-value>, <ui:map-value>, <ui:ds-value> to set the initial values for variables - new: ui:catalog, ui:msgs to define catalogs - ui:select has new attribute "display" --> <!ENTITY % major-version "2"> <!ENTITY % nametoken 'CDATA'> <!-- This was NMTOKEN, but NMTOKEN does not allow the character "$" we need for the formal parameters. So use CDATA instead. --> <!ENTITY % nametokens 'CDATA'> <!-- This was NMTOKENS --> <!ELEMENT ui:application ( ui:dialog | ui:template )+ > <!ATTLIST ui:application start-dialog %nametoken; #REQUIRED > <!-- ui:application may contain the following processing instructions: <?wd-debug-mode?> The HTML output contains the state of the current dialog as HTML comments <?wd-prototype-mode?> Missing dialogs are invented on the fly <?wd-onstartup-call-handle?> Normally, the first method that is called after application startup is "prepare_page". This instruction causes that the first invoked method is "handle", followed by "prepare_page". --> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <!ELEMENT ui:dialog ( ( ui:enumeration | ui:variable | ui:context | ui:catalog | ui:page )* ) > <!ATTLIST ui:dialog name %nametoken; #REQUIRED start-page %nametoken; #REQUIRED lang-variable %nametoken; #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT ui:enumeration ( ui:enum )*> <!ATTLIST ui:enumeration name %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ui:enum EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:enum internal %nametoken; #REQUIRED external CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- If "external" is left out, the default is to use the same value as for "internal. --> <!ENTITY % value-literal "(ui:string-value | ui:enum-value | ui:dyn-enum-value | ui:alist-value)" > <!ELEMENT ui:variable ( %value-literal; )? > <!ATTLIST ui:variable name %nametoken; #REQUIRED type %nametoken; "string" temporary (yes|no) "no" associative (yes|no) "no" protected (yes|no) "no" > <!-- The name is an NMTOKEN with the exception that variable names must not contain '.' --> <!-- "type": either "string", "dialog", "dynamic-enumerator", or the name of a declared enumerator. "temporary": if "yes", the variable is not put into the persistent store. "protected": if "yes", the variable cannot be modified by CGI parameters --> <!-- NOTE dynamic enumerators: These have a different behaviour than declared enumerators. You can use them whereever an enumerator is allowed; but: - ui:checkbox, ui:radio, ui:select: A dynamic enumerator can be used to set up these interactors. After the page has been submitted, only those values of the enumerator are left which have been selected (the other values are lost forever). Only the internal values are sent back; the external values are lost. This has to do with the nature of dynamic enumerators; the base set of the enumerator is not known. In the case of ui:checkbox and ui:radio, two dynamic enumerators can be used to specify both the base set and the set of selected entries: <ui:template name="enum_template"> <ui:checkbox variable="$v" value="$int"/>$ext </ui:template> <ui:enumerate template="enum_template" variable="base_enum"> <ui:param name="v">select_enum</ui:param> </ui:enumerate> - ui:select: to solve this problem, use the attribute "base" --> <!ELEMENT ui:catalog (ui:msg)* > <!ATTLIST ui:catalog uplink NMTOKENS #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT ui:msg EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:msg lang NMTOKEN #REQUIRED internal NMTOKEN #REQUIRED external CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- VALUE LITERALS: necessary to specify default values in variable declarations --> <!ELEMENT ui:string-value (#PCDATA)* > <!ELEMENT ui:enum-value (ui:enum-item)* > <!ELEMENT ui:enum-item EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:enum-item internal %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ui:dyn-enum-value (ui:dyn-enum-item)* > <!ELEMENT ui:dyn-enum-item EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:dyn-enum-item internal %nametoken; #REQUIRED external CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- If "external" is left out, the default is to use the same value as for "internal. --> <!ELEMENT ui:alist-value (ui:alist-item)* > <!ELEMENT ui:alist-item %value-literal; > <!ATTLIST ui:alist-item index CDATA #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ui:matrix-value ((ui:matrix-head)*, (ui:matrix-row)*) > <!ELEMENT ui:matrix-head EMPTY > <!ATTLIST ui:matrix-head column CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ui:matrix-row (ui:matrix-cell)* > <!ELEMENT ui:matrix-cell (#PCDATA)* > <!ATTLIST ui:matrix-cell column CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ui:map-value %value-literal; > <!ATTLIST ui:map-value mapping CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT ui:any-value (#PCDATA)* > <!ELEMENT ui:ds-value (#PCDATA)* > <!ATTLIST ui:ds-value ds CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- ************************************************************ --> <!ELEMENT ui:page ANY> <!-- actually: ELEMENT ui:page (ui:expectparam*, ANY) --> <!ATTLIST ui:page name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED from-caller NMTOKENS #IMPLIED from-context NMTOKENS #IMPLIED popup (yes|no) "no" > <!-- popup: whether the page can be used as popup page --> <!ELEMENT ui:popup EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:popup page %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!-- Puts here the javascript code to define the popup window referring to the specified page: Javascript functions open_<pagename>(), and close_popups() --> <!ELEMENT ui:server-popup EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:server-popup page %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!ELEMENT ui:dynamic EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:dynamic variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED special (yes|no) "no" enc %nametokens; ""> <!-- insert the value of "variable". The attribute enc determines the encodings to apply to the value (default: do not apply encodings). Predefined encodings are: html, para, pre, js, jslong (see wd_encoding.mli for details) special="no": The replaced text is handled as any other data node. This usually means that it is html-encoded before output. special="yes": The replaced text is handled as if there were a <ui:special> around <ui:dynamic>. This turns the html-encoding off. --> <!ELEMENT ui:encode ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:encode enc %nametokens; #REQUIRED> <!-- Encode the contents of the node --> <!ELEMENT ui:form ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:form action-suffix CDATA ""> <!-- ui:form: An ui:form adds the necessary hidden fields, and automatically determines the <form> attributes. action-suffix: This string is appended to the ACTION attribute of the generated FORM element --> <!ELEMENT ui:button EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:button name %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED label CDATA #IMPLIED goto %nametoken; #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- Parameter "cgi": "auto" means that the names of CGI parameters are automatically determined. This is the default and works always, but you do not know the name of the CGI parameter. "keep" means that the names of CGI parameters are derived from the name of the element or the variable the element refers to. This option is incompatible with "index". --> <!-- CGI parameters for buttons: cgi="auto", no index: "button_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "xbutton_<id>" cgi="keep", name="<name>" "button_<name>" --> <!-- planned: "indirect": 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes', "goto" is interpreted as the the name of the variable containing the page name "save": the name of a variable storing the current page --> <!ELEMENT ui:imagebutton EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:imagebutton name %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED src CDATA #REQUIRED align CDATA #IMPLIED goto %nametoken; #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for imagebuttons: cgi="auto", no index: "imagebutton_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "ximagebutton_<id>" cgi="keep", name="<name>" "imagebutton_<name>" --> <!-- planned: see ui:button --> <!ELEMENT ui:richbutton ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:richbutton name %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED goto %nametoken; #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for richbuttons: (same as for buttons) cgi="auto", no index: "button_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "xbutton_<id>" cgi="keep", name="<name>" "button_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:checkbox EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:checkbox variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED value %nametoken; #REQUIRED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- The checkbox is "on" if the "value" is member of the enumeration "variable". --> <!-- CGI parameters for checkboxes: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:radio EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:radio variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED value %nametoken; #REQUIRED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- The radio button is "on" if the "value" is member of the enumeration "variable". The radio buttons are glued together by their shared variable. --> <!-- CGI parameters for radio buttons: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:translate EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:translate type %nametoken; #REQUIRED internal %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!-- maps the internal value into an external value, for enumerator "type". This works only for declared enumerators. --> <!ELEMENT ui:file EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:file name %nametoken; #REQUIRED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for file uploads: cgi="auto": "upload_<id>" cgi="keep", name="<name>" "upload_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:password EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:password variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED maxlength CDATA #IMPLIED size CDATA #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for password elements: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:text EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:text variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED maxlength CDATA #IMPLIED size CDATA #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for text boxes: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:select EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ui:select variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED multiple (yes|no) "no" size CDATA #IMPLIED base %nametoken; #IMPLIED baseindex CDATA #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" display CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- 'base' is the name of a variable containing the base set. If 'base' is left out, either the base set of the declared enumerator of the 'variable' is used, or the current value of the dynamic enumerator 'variable'. --> <!-- CGI parameters for selection boxes: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:textarea ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:textarea variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED rows CDATA #IMPLIED cols CDATA #IMPLIED wrap (off|hard|soft) "off" cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- CGI parameters for text areas: cgi="auto", no index: "var_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "var_<id>" cgi="keep", variable="<name>" "var_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:a ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:a name %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED goto %nametoken; #IMPLIED cgi (auto|keep) "auto" > <!-- ui:a: Although a hyperlink, it generates a Button event --> <!-- CGI parameters for anchors: cgi="auto", no index: "anchor_<id>" cgi="auto", index="..." "xanchor_<id>" cgi="keep", name="<name>" "anchor_<name>" --> <!ELEMENT ui:special ANY> <!-- ui:special outputs the subnodes as raw HTML. No further ui:* elements are recognized (they are discarded). To include JavaScript, use: <ui:special><![CDATA[ <script language=javascript> ... </script> ]]> </ui:special> --> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <!-- Conditionals. ui:if, ui:ifvar, ui:iflang expand their contents only when a condition holds, otherwise these elements do not expand anything. --> <!ELEMENT ui:if ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:if op CDATA "eq" > <!-- There must also be attributes value1, value2, ... which are the arguments of the operation selected by op. --> <!ELEMENT ui:ifvar ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:ifvar variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index %nametoken; #IMPLIED value CDATA #REQUIRED op CDATA "eq" > <!-- condition: the variable, optionally the item at the selected index, is equal (op="eq"), or not equal (op="ne") to the value. If you do not need index, and the variable is a string variable, <ui:if value1="$[variable]" value2=...> means the same and is shorter. --> <!ELEMENT ui:iflang ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:iflang xml:lang CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- condition: the selected language is xml:lang --> <!ELEMENT ui:ifexpr ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:ifexpr expr CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- This conditional is evaluated when expr is a non-zero integer --> <!ELEMENT ui:true ANY> <!-- condition: always true --> <!ELEMENT ui:false ANY> <!-- condition: always false --> <!ELEMENT ui:cond ( (ui:if | ui:ifexpr | ui:ifvar | ui:iflang | ui:true | ui:false)+ )> <!-- ui:cond tries the conditions in turn, and expands the first matching condition. PROBLEM: ui:use (and t:*, q:*) are missing as possible conditions. It would be nice to allow them, because templates are useful to formulate custom conditions. But these templates must fulfill the constraint that they expand to a condition. --> <!-- ************************************************************ --> <!ELEMENT ui:template ANY> <!-- actually: ELEMENT ui:template (ui:default*, ANY) --> <!ATTLIST ui:template name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED from-caller NMTOKENS #IMPLIED from-context NMTOKENS #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED > <!-- Within a template, use $param for (formal) parameters. NOTES ON PARAMETER PASSING: - Parameters are allowed either within an attribute, or between elements. Examples: <ui:template name="sample"> <a href="$url">This is my link</a> $further_text </ui:template> - When a parameter inside an attribute is instantiated, the value is "flattened". This means that markup metacharacters and normal characters are not distinguished; both kinds of symbols are protected by entities if necessary. Example: If $url="<b>&</b>", (i.e. <ui:param name="url"><b>&amp;a</b></ui:param>) then <a href="$url">This is my link</a> is expanded to HTML: <a href="<b>&amp;</b>">This is my link</a> - Parameters between elements are passed in their internal representation; the difference between characters and metacharacters is kept. Example: if $further_text="<b>&</b>", then $further_text is expanded to HTML: <b>&amp;</b> - Further instantiations are done only if needed (lazy evaluation). - Parameters must be declared. Put them into the from-caller list or the from-context list - from-caller parameters are passed from the caller by <ui:param> elements occuring in the calling <ui:use>, <ui:iterate> or <ui:enumerate>. Example: <ui:template name="t1" from-caller="x"> This is $x </ui:template> Called by: <ui:use template="t1"> <ui:param name="x">a from-caller parameter</ui:param> </ui:use> It is possible to define default values for this kind of parameter (see ui:default). - from-context parameters are passed by context. The context is extended by ui:context - xml:lang: if present, this attribute adds a language suffix to the template name. For example, <ui:template name="a" xml:lang="en"> is exactly the same as <ui:template name="a#en"> - however, the character '#' is illegal in the name attribute, so you must use xml:lang to get this effect. --> <!ELEMENT ui:default ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:default name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED > <!-- <ui:default> specifies a default value for parameters passed from-caller. Example: <ui:template name="t1" from-caller="x"> <ui:default name="x">the default value</ui:default> This is $x </ui:template> Called by: <ui:use template="t1"> </ui:use> --> <!ELEMENT ui:use ( ui:param )* > <!ATTLIST ui:use template %nametoken; #REQUIRED> <!-- Note languages: If there is a language variable in the current object, ui:use will behave as follows: - First, the template with the language suffix is tried. If it exists, this template will be expanded. - Otherwise, the template without the language suffix will be expanded. --> <!ELEMENT ui:context ANY > <!-- <ui:context> extends the current context, and it is used as follows: <ui:context> <ui:param name="n1">...</ui:param> <ui:param name="n2">...</ui:param> ... BODY </ui:context> The parameters n1,n2... are added to the context when BODY is expanded --> <!-- PROPOSAL: Erstes innere Element darf auch ein ui:template sein. --> <!ELEMENT ui:iterate ( ( ui:param )*, ( ui:iter-empty )?, ( ui:iter-head )?, ( ui:iter-foot )?, ( ui:iter-separator )? ) > <!-- ( ui:inline-template )? --> <!ATTLIST ui:iterate template %nametoken; #REQUIRED variable %nametoken; #REQUIRED index CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- uses the "template" several times. The variable must be a dynamic enumerator or an associative variable over strings. The special parameter "$int" is used for the internal values/keys, the special parameter "$ext" for the external values. --> <!ELEMENT ui:enumerate ( ( ui:param )*, ( ui:iter-empty )?, ( ui:iter-head )?, ( ui:iter-foot )?, ( ui:iter-separator )? ) > <!ATTLIST ui:enumerate template %nametoken; #REQUIRED type %nametoken; #IMPLIED variable %nametoken; #IMPLIED index CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- uses the "template" several times. "type" must be a declared enumerator. If "variable" is not present, all values of the enumerator are enumerated; the param "$int" is the internal value, and "$ext" the external value. If "variable" is present, only the values stored in this variable are enumerated. The parameters passed using ui:param are added to "$int", and "$ext". Either "variable" or "type" must be present; neither both nor none of them. --> <!ELEMENT ui:iter-empty ANY> <!ELEMENT ui:iter-head ANY> <!ELEMENT ui:iter-foot ANY> <!ELEMENT ui:iter-separator ANY> <!-- If the iterator is applied to an empty set, and if ui:iter-empty is specified, the contents of ui:iter-empty are printed instead of the iterator output. Otherwise: Before iteration starts, the contents of ui:iter-head are printed (if present). Between every cycle the contents of ui:iter-separator are printed. After the iteration, the contents of ui:iter-foot are output. --> <!ELEMENT ui:param ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:param name %nametoken; #REQUIRED > <!-- Standard library --> <!ELEMENT ui:library (ui:libtemplate)*> <!ELEMENT ui:libtemplate ANY> <!ATTLIST ui:libtemplate name NMTOKEN #REQUIRED from-caller NMTOKENS #IMPLIED from-context NMTOKENS #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED > <!-- ui:libtemplate is like ui:template, with the following exception: a ui:libtemplate can be overridden by a ui:template with the same name --> <?pxp:dtd optional-element-and-notation-declarations?> <?pxp:dtd optional-attribute-declarations elements="ui:form ui:button ui:imagebutton ui:checkbox ui:radio ui:file ui:password ui:text ui:select ui:textarea ui:a ui:richbutton ui:if"?>