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(* $Id$ *)

(* FIXME: Once Mimestring implements the new Delimited token class,
   use this class for scanning URLs of the form ["<" url ">"]

open Webdav_compat

type webdav_status =
    [ Nethttp.http_status
    | `Multi_status
    | `Unprocessable_entity
    | `Locked
    | `Failed_dependency
    | `Insufficient_storage

type dav = [ `Class1 | `Class2 | `Class3 | `Token of string | `URL of string ]

type depth = [ `Zero | `One | `Infinity ]

let int_of_webdav_status s =
  match s with
    | `Multi_status -> 207
    | `Unprocessable_entity -> 422
    | `Locked -> 423
    | `Failed_dependency -> 424
    | `Insufficient_storage -> 507 
    | #Nethttp.http_status as s' ->
	Nethttp.int_of_http_status s'

let string_of_webdav_status s =
  match s with
    | `Multi_status -> "Multi-Status"
    | `Unprocessable_entity -> "Unprocessable Entity"
    | `Locked -> "Locked"
    | `Failed_dependency -> "Failed Dependency"
    | `Insufficient_storage -> "Insufficient Storage"
    | #Nethttp.http_status as s' ->
	Nethttp.string_of_http_status s'

let webdav_status_of_int s =
  match s with
    | 207 -> `Multi_status
    | 422 -> `Unprocessable_entity
    | 423 -> `Locked
    | 424 -> `Failed_dependency
    | 507 -> `Insufficient_storage
    | _   -> (Nethttp.http_status_of_int s :> webdav_status)

let webdav_proto = "HTTP/1.1"

type if_condition =
  [ `Self_target of if_self_or_condition
  | `URL_target of if_url_or_condition

and if_self_or_condition =
    [ `Or of if_and_condition list ]

and if_url_or_condition =
    [ `Or of (string * if_and_condition) list ]

and if_and_condition =
    [ `And of if_atom list ]

and if_atom =
    [ `Not of if_atom
    | `State_token of string
    | `Etag of Nethttp.etag

module Header = struct
  open Mimestring
  open Printf

  let scan_dav s =
    let rec parse_list stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Atom "1"); r = parse_rest >] ->
	    `Class1 :: r
	| [< '(Atom "2"); r = parse_rest >] ->
	    `Class2 :: r
	| [< '(Atom "3"); r = parse_rest >] ->
	    `Class3 :: r
	| [< '(Atom tok); r = parse_rest >] ->
	    `Token tok :: r
	| [< '(Special '<'); u = parse_url; r = parse_rest >] ->
	    `URL u :: r
    and parse_rest stream = 
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Special ','); r = parse_list >] ->
	| [< 'End >] ->
    and parse_url stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Atom u); '(Special '>') >] ->
    let scanner = 
	~specials:[ '('; ')'; '['; ']'; '<'; '>'; ',' ]
	s in
    let stream = 
      Stream.from (fun _ -> Some(snd(Mimestring.scan_token scanner))) in
    parse_list stream
  let get_dav mh =
    let l = mh # multiple_field "DAV" in
    let p = 
      try List.flatten ( scan_dav l)
      with _ ->
	raise(Nethttp.Bad_header_field "Webdav_http.Header.get_dav") in
    if p = [] then raise Not_found;

  let set_dav mh l =
    let s =
      String.concat ", "
	      | `Class1 -> "1"
	      | `Class2 -> "2"
	      | `Class3 -> "3"
	      | `Token tok -> tok
	      | `URL u -> "<" ^ u ^ ">"
	) in
    mh # update_field "DAV" s

  let get_depth mh =
    let d = mh # field "Depth" in
    match d with
      | "0" -> `Zero
      | "1" -> `One
      | "infinity" -> `Infinity
      | _ -> raise (Nethttp.Bad_header_field "Webdav_http.Header.get_depth")

  let set_depth mh d =
    let s =
      match d with
	| `Zero -> "0"
	| `One -> "1"
	| `Infinity -> "infinity" in
    mh # update_field "Depth" s

  let get_destination mh =
    mh # field "Destination"

  let set_destination mh s =
    mh # update_field "Destination" s

  let get_overwrite mh =
    let s = mh # field "Overwrite" in
    match s with
      | "F" -> false
      | "T" -> true
      | _ -> 
	  raise (Nethttp.Bad_header_field "Webdav_http.Header.get_overwrite")

  let set_overwrite mh b =
    let s = if b then "T" else "F" in
    mh # update_field "Overwrite" s

  module If_header = struct
    (* For the If parsing *)

    let if_scan s =
      (* Returns a list of Mimestring.s_token for the string s *)
      let scanner = 
	  ~specials:[ '('; ')'; '['; ']'; '<'; '>' ]
	  s in snd (Mimestring.scan_token_list scanner) @ [ End ]

    let rec parse_self_or_list stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< or_atom = parse_and_list; or_rest = parse_self_or_rest >] ->
	   `Or (or_atom :: or_rest)

    and parse_self_or_rest stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< or_atom = parse_and_list; or_rest = parse_self_or_rest >] ->
	    or_atom :: or_rest
	| [< 'End >] ->
    and parse_url_or_list stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< or_atom = parse_url_or_atom; or_rest = parse_url_or_rest >] ->
	   `Or (or_atom @ or_rest)

    and parse_url_or_rest stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< or_atom = parse_url_or_atom; or_rest = parse_url_or_rest >] ->
	    or_atom @ or_rest
	| [< 'End >] ->
    and parse_url_or_atom stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Special '<'); u = parse_url; l = parse_url_or_atom_rest u >] ->

    and parse_url_or_atom_rest u stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< l = parse_and_list; r = parse_url_or_atom_rest u >] ->
	    (u, l) :: r
	| [< >] ->

    and parse_and_list stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Special '('); l = parse_and_rest >] ->
	    `And l

    and parse_and_rest stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Special ')') >] ->
	| [< c = parse_atom; r = parse_and_rest >] ->
	    c :: r

    and parse_atom stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Atom "Not"); a = parse_atom_rest >] ->
	    `Not a
	| [< a = parse_atom_rest >] ->

    and parse_atom_rest stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Special '<'); u = parse_url >] ->
	    `State_token u
	| [< '(Special '['); e = parse_entity_tag; '(Special ']') >] ->
	    `Etag e

    and parse_entity_tag stream =
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Atom "W/"); '(QString weak) >] ->
	    `Weak weak
	| [< '(QString strong) >] ->
	    `Strong strong

    and parse_url stream =
      (* This is criminal... We need to support '[' and ']' because these
	 chars may occur inside URLs to denote IPv6 addresses

	 CHECK: maybe also allow double quotes, '(', ')' for maximum
	 compatibility. This needs changes in the scanner, though.
      match stream with parser
	| [< '(Atom s); r = parse_url >] ->
	    s ^ r
	| [< '(Special '['); r = parse_url >] ->
	    "[" ^ r
	| [< '(Special ']'); r = parse_url >] ->
	    "]" ^ r
	| [< '(Special '>') >] ->

    let scan_if s =
      let tokens = if_scan s in
      let stream = Stream.of_list tokens in
      match tokens with
	| Special '<' :: _ ->
	    `URL_target (parse_url_or_list stream)
	| Special '(' :: _ ->
	    `Self_target (parse_self_or_list stream)
	| _ ->
	    failwith "scan_if"

    let emit_if (c:if_condition) =
      let b = Buffer.create 80 in
      let rec emit_list f l =
	match l with
	  | [] -> ()
	  | x :: l' -> 
	      f x;
	      if l' <> [] then Buffer.add_char b ' ';
	      emit_list f l'

      let rec emit_url_or_atom (u, (`And atoms)) =
	bprintf b "<%s> " u;
	bprintf b "(";
	emit_list emit_atom atoms;
	bprintf b ")"

      and emit_self_or_atom (`And atoms) =
	bprintf b "(";
	emit_list emit_atom atoms;
	bprintf b ")"

      and emit_atom (atom : if_atom) =
	match atom with
	  | `Not (`Not atom') ->
	      emit_atom atom'
	  | `Not atom' ->
	      bprintf b "Not ";
	      emit_atom atom'
	  | `State_token u ->
	      bprintf b "<%s>" u
	  | `Etag t ->
	      let h = new Netmime.basic_mime_header [ ] in
	      Nethttp.Header.set_etag h t;
	      let s = h#field "Etag" in
	      bprintf b "[%s]" s
      ( match c with
	  | `URL_target(`Or l : if_url_or_condition) -> 
	      emit_list emit_url_or_atom l
	  | `Self_target(`Or l : if_self_or_condition) -> 
	      emit_list emit_self_or_atom l
      Buffer.contents b

  let get_if hdr =
    let s = hdr # field "If" in
      If_header.scan_if s
      | _ ->
	  raise(Nethttp.Bad_header_field "Webdav_http.Header.get_if")

  let set_if hdr (c:if_condition) =
    let s = If_header.emit_if c in
    hdr # update_field "If" s


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