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Index of classes

copy [Webdav_client_methods]
new copy src_url dest_url: Copies the object(s) at src_url so that they become visible at dest_url.
copy_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for COPY.

delete [Webdav_client_methods]
new delete uri: Deletes the document or collection at uri.
delete_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for DELETE.

filelist [Webdav_client_methods]
let l = new filelist req url: Creates a new request object for retrieving file listings.

get [Webdav_client_methods]
new get uri: Gets the document at uri.
get_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for GET.

mkcol [Webdav_client_methods]
new mkcol uri: Creates a new collection at uri.
mkcol_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for MKCOL.
move [Webdav_client_methods]
new move src_url dest_url: Moves the object(s) at src_url so that they become visible at dest_url.
move_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for MOVE.

propfind [Webdav_client_methods]
new propfind url: Creates a PROPFIND request.
propfind_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for PROPFIND.
proppatch [Webdav_client_methods]
new proppatch ~proppatch_request url: Creates a PROPPATCH request.
proppatch_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for PROPPATCH.
put [Webdav_client_methods]
new put url body: Uploads the contents of body to the server so it will be visible at url.
put_call [Webdav_client_methods]
Creates a request object for PUT.

webdav_client [Webdav_client]
new webdav_client base_url: Creates a new WebDAV client with this base URL
webdav_netfs [Webdav_netfs]
webdav_netfs_layer [Webdav_netfs]

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