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 * Copyright 2003 Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WTimer.
 * WTimer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WTimer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id:,v 1.5 2003/03/23 11:59:14 gerd Exp $
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

open Wd_dialog
open Wd_run_cgi
open Wd_types

open Db_types.Types
open Db_types
open Db.Types

open Definitions

open Printf

exception Syntax_error

let quote_re = Netstring_pcre.regexp "\"";;

class export db universe name env =
object (self)
  inherit dialog universe name env
  inherit error_behaviour
  val mutable start_date = Date.from_string "1970-01-01"
  val mutable end_date = Date.from_string "1970-01-01"

  method private check_auth () =
    check_auth db (self # dialog_variable "session")

  method private parse_dates() =
    let errors = ref false in
    ( try
	start_date <- Date.from_string (self # string_variable "start-date")
	  Failure _ 
	| Bad_date ->
	    errors := true;
	    self # add_message "error-bad-start"
    ( try
	end_date <- Date.from_string (self # string_variable "end-date")
	  Failure _ 
	| Bad_date ->
	    errors := true;
	    self # add_message "error-bad-end"
    if not !errors then (
      if Date.cmp end_date start_date < 0 then (
	errors := true;
	self # add_message "error-end-before-start"
    if !errors then raise Syntax_error;

  method private preview() =
    match self # enum_variable "format" with
	[ "ascii-chrono" ] ->
	  self # generate_ascii_chrono()
      | [ "ascii-project" ] ->
	  self # generate_ascii_project()
      | [ "csv" ] ->
	  self # generate_csv()
      | [ "xml" ] ->
	  self # generate_xml ~recode:true ()
      | _ ->

  method private download() =
    (* returns triple (contents, content_type, filename) *)
    (* Note: Because we want that the browser asks the user to save the file,
     * we do not send the real content types, but always
     * "application/octet-stream". This is not correct, because our intention
     * is already indicated by the "Content-dispositon" header, and RFC-
     * conforming browsers should respect that. However, exisiting browsers
     * behave differently, and we have to take this into account.
    match self # enum_variable "format" with
	[ "ascii-chrono" ] ->
	  self # generate_ascii_chrono(), "text/english", "wtimer.txt"
      | [ "ascii-project" ] ->
	  self # generate_ascii_project(), "text/english", "wtimer.txt"
      | [ "csv" ] ->
	  self # generate_csv(), "text/comma-separated-values", "wtimer.csv"
      | [ "xml" ] ->
	  self # generate_xml(), "text/xml", "wtimer.xml"
      | _ ->
	  "<invalid>", "application/octet-stream", "wtimer.any"

  method private generate_ascii_chrono() =
    let login = User(self # string_variable "session.login-user") in
    let inst = Instance(self # string_variable "session.current-sheet") in
    let dates = Db_ac.Entry.list db login inst start_date end_date in
    let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in

    bprintf buf "SHEET: %s\r\n" (self # string_variable "session.current-sheet");
    bprintf buf "FROM:  %s\r\n" (Date.to_string start_date);
    bprintf buf "UNTIL: %s\r\n\r\n" (Date.to_string end_date);

    let empty = ref true in
    let sum = ref (Interval.from_string "0:0") in 
      (fun date ->
	 if !empty then
	   bprintf buf 
	     "DATE        START    END  DELTA PROJECT    DESCRIPTION\r\n\r\n";
	 let day = Db_ac.Entry.get db login inst date in
	 let is_first = ref true in
	   (fun entry ->
	        buf "%11s %5s - %5s %5s %-10s %s\r\n"
	        (if !is_first then Date.to_string date ^ ":" else "")
	        (match entry.e_start with 
		     Some t -> Time.to_string t 
		   | None -> "")
	        (match entry.e_end with 
		     Some t -> Time.to_string t 
		   | None -> "")
	        (match entry.e_duration with 
		     Some t -> sum := Interval.add !sum t;
		               Interval.to_string t 
		   | None -> "")
	      is_first := false;
	 empty := false;
    if !empty then
      bprintf buf "Nothing found.\r\n"
      bprintf buf "%11s           %9s\r\n"
	"- SUM -" 
	(Interval.to_string !sum);
    Buffer.contents buf

  method private generate_ascii_project() =
    let login = User(self # string_variable "session.login-user") in
    let inst = Instance(self # string_variable "session.current-sheet") in
    let dates = Db_ac.Entry.list db login inst start_date end_date in
    let days = (Db_ac.Entry.get db login inst) dates in
    let entries = List.flatten ( (fun day -> day.d_entries) days) in
    let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in

    bprintf buf "SHEET: %s\r\n" (self # string_variable "session.current-sheet");
    bprintf buf "FROM:  %s\r\n" (Date.to_string start_date);
    bprintf buf "UNTIL: %s\r\n\r\n" (Date.to_string end_date);

    let sorted_entries =
	(fun a b ->
	   let n_project = compare a.e_project b.e_project in
	   if n_project <> 0 then
	     let n_day = Date.cmp a.e_day b.e_day in
	     if n_day <> 0 then
	       let n_index = compare a.e_index b.e_index in

    let empty = ref true in
    let last = ref None in
    let prj_sum = ref (Interval.from_string "0:0") in 
    let sum = ref (Interval.from_string "0:0") in 
    let print_sum() =
      bprintf buf
	"               - SUM -           %9s\r\n\r\n"
	(Interval.to_string !prj_sum)
      (fun entry ->
	 if !empty then
	   bprintf buf 
	     "PROJECT    DATE        START    END  DELTA DESCRIPTION\r\n\r\n";
	 if Some entry.e_project <> !last && !last <> None then (
	   prj_sum := Interval.from_string "0:0"
	 bprintf buf "%-10s %11s %5s - %5s %5s %s\r\n"
	   (if Some entry.e_project = !last then "" else 
	      if entry.e_project = "" then "(empty)" else
	   (Date.to_string entry.e_day ^ ":")
	   (match entry.e_start with 
		Some t -> Time.to_string t 
	      | None -> "")
	   (match entry.e_end with 
		Some t -> Time.to_string t 
	      | None -> "")
	   (match entry.e_duration with 
		Some t -> prj_sum := Interval.add !prj_sum t;
		          sum := Interval.add !sum t;
			  Interval.to_string t 
	      | None -> "")
	 last := Some entry.e_project;
	 empty := false;
    if !empty then
      bprintf buf "Nothing found.\r\n"
    else (
      bprintf buf "- TOTAL -                        %9s\r\n"
	(Interval.to_string !sum);
    Buffer.contents buf

  method private generate_csv() =
    let login = User(self # string_variable "session.login-user") in
    let inst = Instance(self # string_variable "session.current-sheet") in
    let dates = Db_ac.Entry.list db login inst start_date end_date in
    let sheet = self # string_variable "session.current-sheet" in
    let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
    let at_new_line = ref true in

    let add_field v =
      if not !at_new_line then Buffer.add_char buf ',';
      let v' = Netstring_pcre.global_replace quote_re "\"\"" v in
      Buffer.add_char buf '"';
      Buffer.add_string buf v';
      Buffer.add_char buf '"';
      at_new_line := false

    let new_line() =
      Buffer.add_string buf "\r\n";
      at_new_line := true

    add_field "sheet";
    add_field "date";
    add_field "start_time";
    add_field "end_time";
    add_field "duration";
    add_field "project";
    add_field "description";

      (fun date ->
	 let day = Db_ac.Entry.get db login inst date in
	   (fun entry ->
	      add_field sheet;
	      add_field (Date.to_string date);
	      add_field (match entry.e_start with 
			     Some t -> Time.to_string t 
			   | None -> "");
	      add_field (match entry.e_end with 
			     Some t -> Time.to_string t 
			   | None -> "");
	      add_field (match entry.e_duration with 
			     Some t -> Interval.to_string t 
			   | None -> "");
	      add_field entry.e_project;
	      add_field entry.e_description;
    Buffer.contents buf

  method private generate_xml ?(recode = false) () =
    let login = User(self # string_variable "session.login-user") in
    let inst = Instance(self # string_variable "session.current-sheet") in
    (* Do access control manually, because Db_xml does not support that: *)
    if not (Db.Permission.check db inst login `Read) then 
      raise Db_ac.Types.Permission_denied;
    (* Call Db_xml to generate the XML document: *)
    let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
    if recode then begin
      let out = new Netchannels.output_buffer buf in
      let encoder = new Netconversion.recoding_pipe ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8
		      ~out_enc:Const.internal_charset () in
      let filter = new Netchannels.output_filter encoder out in
      Db_xml.export_instances ~instances:[inst] ~start_date ~end_date db filter;
      filter # close_out();
      out # close_out();
    else begin
      let out = new Netchannels.output_buffer buf in
      Db_xml.export_instances ~instances:[inst] ~start_date ~end_date db out;
      out # close_out();
    Buffer.contents buf

  method private add_message m =
    let msgs = self # enum_variable "message" in
    self # set_variable "message" (Enum_value(m :: msgs));
  method private try_prepare_page() = ()

  method private try_handle() =
    (* Before anything else happens, parse the input boxes: *)
    ( try
        self # set_variable "message" (Enum_value []);
	self # parse_dates()
	  Syntax_error ->
	    (* "message" already set! *)
	     raise(Change_page self#page_name);
      (* Check whether a file menu button has been pressed: *)
      raise(Change_dialog(Filemenu.handle (self :> dialog_type) db self#event))
	Filemenu.Not_competent ->
          (* No, it is another button: *)
	  ( match self # event with
		Button "export-preview" ->
		  let s = self # preview() in
		  self # set_variable "data" (String_value s)
	      | Button "export-download" ->
		  let s, content_type, filename = self # download() in
		  self # set_variable "data" (String_value s);
		  let rh = (self # environment).response_header in
		  rh.rh_content_type <- (* content_type *) 
		  rh.rh_filename <- Some filename;
	      | Button "cont-error" ->
		  self # set_next_page "export"
	      | _ ->

Registry.new_export := 
  fun universe env opt_session ->
    let dlg = universe # create env "export" in
    dlg # set_variable "session" (Dialog_value opt_session);
    match opt_session with
	Some session ->
	  let date_str = session # string_variable "current-date" in
	  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
	  let date_rec = Date.access date in
	  let dom = Date.days_of_month date in
	  let date' = Date.create { date_rec with mday = dom } in
	  let date'_str = Date.to_string date' in
	  dlg # set_variable "start-date" (String_value date_str);
	  dlg # set_variable "end-date" (String_value date'_str);
      | None ->
	  assert false

(* ======================================================================
 * History:
 * $Log:,v $
 * Revision 1.5  2003/03/23 11:59:14  gerd
 * 	GPL
 * Revision 1.4  2003/02/03 01:28:59  gerd
 * 	Continued.
 * Revision 1.3  2003/01/26 23:45:16  gerd
 * 	Improved error behaviour.
 * Revision 1.2  2003/01/16 00:39:25  gerd
 * 	Continued.
 * Revision 1.1  2002/11/16 12:34:51  gerd
 * 	Initial revision

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