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 * Copyright 2003 Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WTimer.
 * WTimer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WTimer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id$
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(* Command-line frontend *)

open Printf
open Db_types.Types
open Db_types
open Db.Types

(* [db] is an unbound database handle. Later it will be bound to a certain
 * database, but the connection will remain closed until the first real
 * db access happens, i.e. the connection is established lazily.

let db = Db.Connection.create()

let dbconfig config =
  let db_name   = Get_config.option config "database-name" in
  let user_name = Get_config.option config "database-user" in
  let passwd    = Get_config.option config "database-passwd" in
  (db_name, user_name, passwd)

let bind_db config =
  let (db_name, user_name, passwd) = dbconfig config in
  Db.Connection.bind ~db_name ~user_name ~passwd db

let cmd_dbconfig() =
      (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Unexpected argument"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin dbconfig [-help]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  let (db_name, user_name, passwd) = dbconfig config in
  printf "Database name: %s\n" db_name;
  printf "Database user: %s\n" user_name;
  printf "Password:      %s\n" passwd

let cmd_users() =
      (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Unexpected argument"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin users [-help]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let users = Db.User.list db in
  printf "%-20s %s %s %s\n" "USER" "LOGIN?" "ADMIN?" "DESCRIPTION";
    (fun user ->
       printf "%-20s %-6s %-6s %s\n"
         (string_of_user_name user.u_name)
         (string_of_bool user.u_login)
         (string_of_bool user.u_admin)
    (* TODO: order alphabetically *)

let cmd_del_user() =
  let users = ref [] in
      (fun u -> users := !users @ [u])
      "usage: wtimer-admin del-user [-help] user ...";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
    (fun user_name ->
       Db.User.delete db (User user_name);
       printf "Deleted %s\n" user_name;
       flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let read_password() =
  let read_hidden tty =
      flush stdout;
      Unix.tcdrain Unix.stdout;
      Unix.tcflush Unix.stdin Unix.TCIFLUSH;
      Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW
	{ tty with
	    Unix.c_echo = false;
	    Unix.c_echoe = false;
	    Unix.c_echok = false;
	    Unix.c_echonl = true;
      let s = read_line() in
      Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW tty;
	any ->
	  Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW tty;
	  raise any

  (* Is stdin a tty? *)
    let tty = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
    print_string "Enter new password: ";
    let pw1 = read_hidden tty in
    print_string "Enter password again: ";
    let pw2 = read_hidden tty in
    if pw1 <> pw2 then begin
      prerr_endline "The passwords are not identical!";
      exit 1
      Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOTTY,_,_) ->
	(* No tty, so simply read one line of input *)

let cmd_add_user() =
  let login = ref false in
  let admin = ref false in
  let description = ref "" in
  let password = ref None in
  let user = ref None in
      ["-login-true", Arg.Set login,
                   "              The user is allowed to login";
       "-login-false", Arg.Clear login,
                    "             The user is not allowed to login (default)";
       "-admin-true", Arg.Set admin,
                   "              The user is an administrator";
       "-admin-false", Arg.Clear admin,
                    "             The user is not an administrator (default)";
       "-description", Arg.String (fun s -> description := s),
                    "<text>       Set the description to this text";
       "-password", Arg.String (fun s -> password := Some s),
                 "<pw>            Set the password to this string";
       "-password-stdin", Arg.Unit (fun () -> password := Some(read_password())),
                       "          Read the password from stdin";
      (fun u -> 
	 if !user = None then 
	   user := Some u
	   raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin add-user [-help] [...options...] user";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let uname = 
    match !user with
	Some u -> u
      | None -> failwith "No user to add"
  let user_rec = { u_name = User uname;
		   u_description = !description;
		   u_password = ( match !password with
				      Some pw -> 
					Some (Db.User.encrypt_password pw)
				    | None -> 
					None );
		   u_login = !login;
		   u_admin = !admin;
		 } in
  Db.User.insert db user_rec;
  printf "Added user %s\n" uname;
  flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let cmd_change_user() =
  let login = ref false in
  let login_changed = ref false in
  let admin = ref false in
  let admin_changed = ref false in
  let description = ref "" in
  let description_changed = ref false in
  let password = ref None in
  let user = ref None in
      ["-login-true", Arg.Unit(fun _ -> login := true; login_changed := true),
                   "              The user is allowed to login";
       "-login-false", Arg.Unit(fun _ -> login := false; login_changed := true),
                    "             The user is not allowed to login";
       "-admin-true", Arg.Unit(fun _ -> admin := true; admin_changed := true),
                   "              The user is an administrator";
       "-admin-false", Arg.Unit(fun _ -> admin := false; admin_changed := true),
                    "             The user is not an administrator";
       "-description", Arg.String (fun s -> description := s;
				            description_changed := true
                    "<text>       Set the description to this text";
       "-password", Arg.String (fun s -> password := Some s;
                 "<pw>            Set the password to this string";
       "-password-stdin", Arg.Unit (fun () -> password := Some(read_password());
                       "          Read the password from stdin";
      (fun u -> 
	 if !user = None then 
	   user := Some u
	   raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin change-user [-help] [...options...] user";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let uname = 
    match !user with
	Some u -> u
      | None -> failwith "No user to change"
  let user_rec = Db.User.get db (User uname) in
  let user_rec' =
    { u_name = User uname;
      u_description = 
	if !description_changed then !description 
	else user_rec.u_description;
      u_password =
	( match !password with
	      Some pw -> 
		Some (Db.User.encrypt_password pw)
	    | None -> 
      u_login =
	if !login_changed then !login else user_rec.u_login;
      u_admin =
	if !admin_changed then !admin else user_rec.u_admin;
    } in
  Db.User.update db user_rec';
  printf "Changed user %s\n" uname;
  flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let cmd_sheets() =
  (* CHECK: Output owner, too? *)
      (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Unexpected argument"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin sheets [-help]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let sheets = Db.Instance.list db in
  printf "%-20s %s\n" "SHEET" "DESCRIPTION";
    (fun inst ->
       printf "%-20s %s\n"
         (string_of_inst_name inst.i_name)
    (* TODO: order alphabetically *)

let cmd_del_sheet() =
  let sheets = ref [] in
      (fun u -> sheets := !sheets @ [u])
      "usage: wtimer-admin del-sheet [-help] sheet ...";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
    (fun inst_name ->
       Db.Instance.delete db (Instance inst_name);
       printf "Deleted %s\n" inst_name;
       flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let cmd_add_sheet() =
  let sheet = ref None in
  let descr = ref "" in
  let owner = ref [] in
      [ "-description", Arg.String (fun s -> descr := s),
	             "<text>    Set the description to this text";
	"-owner", Arg.String (fun s -> owner := !owner @ [s]),
	       "<user>          Add this user to the list of owners";
      (fun u -> 
	 if !sheet = None then 
	   sheet := Some u
	   raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin add-sheet [-help] [...options...] sheet";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let inst =
    { i_name = (match !sheet with Some n -> Instance n | None -> assert false);
      i_description = !descr;
    } in
  Db.Instance.insert db inst;
    (fun u ->
       let ps =
	 { p_instance = inst.i_name;
	   p_set = [ User u, `Owner ];
	 } in
       Db.Permission.update db ps;
  printf "Inserted sheet\n";
  flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let cmd_export_users() =
  let users = ref None in
      [ "-user", Arg.String (fun s -> 
			       match !users with
				   None -> users := Some [User s]
				 | Some l -> users := Some (l @ [User s])),
	      "<user>      Only export this user (option can be repeatedly given)";
      (fun _ -> raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin export-users [-help] [...options...]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let out = new Netchannels.output_channel stdout in
  Db_xml.export_users ?users:!users db out;
  out # flush()

let cmd_export_sheets() =
  let sheets = ref None in
  let start_date = ref None in
  let end_date = ref None in
      [ "-sheet", Arg.String (fun s -> 
			       match !sheets with
				   None -> sheets := Some [Instance s]
				 | Some l -> sheets := Some (l @ [Instance s])),
	       "<user>       Only export this sheet (option can be repeatedly given)";
	"-start", Arg.String (fun s ->
				start_date := Some(Date.from_string s)),
	       "<YYYY-MM-DD> Do not export ealier entries";
	"-end", Arg.String (fun s ->
				end_date := Some(Date.from_string s)),
	     "<YYYY-MM-DD>   Do not export later entries";

      (fun _ -> raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin export-sheets [-help] [...options...]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let out = new Netchannels.output_channel stdout in
    ?instances:!sheets ?start_date:!start_date ?end_date:!end_date db out;
  out # flush()

let cmd_export_dataset() =
  let users = ref None in
  let sheets = ref None in
  let start_date = ref None in
  let end_date = ref None in
      [ "-user", Arg.String (fun s -> 
			       match !users with
				   None -> users := Some [User s]
				 | Some l -> users := Some (l @ [User s])),
	      "<user>        Only export this user (option can be repeatedly given)";
	"-sheet", Arg.String (fun s -> 
			       match !sheets with
				   None -> sheets := Some [Instance s]
				 | Some l -> sheets := Some (l @ [Instance s])),
	       "<user>       Only export this sheet (option can be repeatedly given)";
	"-start", Arg.String (fun s ->
				start_date := Some(Date.from_string s)),
	       "<YYYY-MM-DD> Do not export ealier entries";
	"-end", Arg.String (fun s ->
				end_date := Some(Date.from_string s)),
	     "<YYYY-MM-DD>   Do not export later entries";

      (fun _ -> raise(Arg.Bad "Too many arguments"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin export-dataset [-help] [...options...]";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let out = new Netchannels.output_channel stdout in
    ?instances:!sheets ?start_date:!start_date ?end_date:!end_date db out;
  out # flush()

let cmd_import() =
  let xmlfile = ref None in
  let mode = ref `Fail in
      [ "-overwrite", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> mode := `Overwrite),
                   "  Overwrite existing users, sheets, and days";
	"-add", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> mode := `Only_add),
	     "        Only import new users, sheets, or days; ignore other";
	"-strict", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> mode := `Fail),
	        "     Import new users, sheets, or days; fail on overwrite (default)";
      (fun s -> 
	 match !xmlfile with
	     None -> xmlfile := Some s
	   | Some _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Unexpected argument"))
      "usage: wtimer-admin import [-help] file.xml";
  let config = Get_config.parse() in
  bind_db config;
  let xmlfilename = 
    match !xmlfile with
	Some f -> f
      | None -> failwith "File name missing"
  let inch = open_in xmlfilename in
  ( try
      Db_xml.import ~onconflict:!mode db inch;
	Pxp_types.Validation_error _
      | Pxp_types.WF_error _
      | Pxp_types.Namespace_error _
      | Pxp_types.Error _
      | Pxp_types.Character_not_supported
      | Pxp_types.At(_,_) as error ->
	  let s = Pxp_types.string_of_exn error in
	  failwith s
  printf "Import complete.\n";
  flush stdout;
  Db.Connection.commit db;
  printf "Committed transaction.\n"

let usage_string =
  "usage: wtimer-admin <command> <options> <arguments>\n" ^ 
  "Available commands:\n" ^ 
  "  wtimer-admin dbconfig               display database configuration\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin users                  list the users database\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin del-user               delete user record\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin add-user               add a user record\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin change-user            change a user record\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin sheets                 list the sheets\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin add-sheet              add a sheet\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin del-sheet              delete a sheet\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin export-users           export users into XML\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin export-sheets          export sheets into XML\n" ^ 
  "  wtimer-admin export-dataset         export users and sheets into XML\n" ^
  "  wtimer-admin import                 import an XML file\n" ^ 
  "The commands usually take options and arguments. Use -help to get\n" ^ 
  "more help for an individual command, e.g. wtimer-admin users -help\n"

let usage() =
  prerr_string usage_string;
  exit 1

let main() =
  Sys.catch_break true;
  if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then usage();
  incr Arg.current;
  match Sys.argv.(1) with
      "dbconfig" ->
    | "users" ->
    | "del-user" ->
    | "add-user" ->
    | "change-user" ->
    | "sheets" ->
    | "del-sheet" ->
    | "add-sheet" ->
    | "export-users" ->
    | "export-sheets" ->
    | "export-dataset" ->
    | "import" ->
    | "help" ->
	print_string usage_string
    | _ ->


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