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 * Copyright 2003 Gerd Stolpmann
 * <GPL>
 * This file is part of WTimer.
 * WTimer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * WTimer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with WDialog; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * </>

(* $Id$
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------

open Wd_dialog
open Wd_types
open Db_types.Types
open Db_types
open Db.Types

(* Definition of additional output encodings                          *)

(* These functions map strings to strings in order to beautify the
 * displayed text. They can be called from UI language by the
 * <ui:encode> element.

(* (1) Mappings from dates to strings: Input is an ISO date in the
 * format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2002-08-31

let enc_year date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="year">: outputs the year only *)
  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
  let year = (Date.access date).year in
  string_of_int year

let enc_mday date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="mday">: output is the day number *)
  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
  let mday = (Date.access date).mday in
  string_of_int mday

let enc_mday_en date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="mday-en">: output is the ordinal day number *)
  let s = enc_mday date_str in
  match s.[ String.length s - 1] with
      '1' -> if s="11" then s ^ "th" else s ^ "st"
    | '2' -> if s="12" then s ^ "th" else s ^ "nd"
    | '3' -> if s="13" then s ^ "th" else s ^ "rd"
    | _   -> s ^ "th"

let tm_of_date date =
  (* convert to *)
  let _, udate = Unix.mktime
		   { Unix.tm_sec = 0;
		     Unix.tm_min = 0;
		     Unix.tm_hour = 0;
		     Unix.tm_mday = (Date.access date).mday;
		     Unix.tm_mon = (Date.access date).month - 1;
		     Unix.tm_year = (Date.access date).year - 1900;
		     Unix.tm_wday = 0;
		     Unix.tm_yday = 0;
		     Unix.tm_isdst = false;
		   } in

let enc_weekday_en date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="weekday-en">: output is the weekday name *)
  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
  let weekday = (tm_of_date date).Unix.tm_wday in
  [| "Sunday";

let enc_month date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="month-en">: output is the month number (1-12) *)
  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
  string_of_int ((Date.access date).month)

let enc_month_en date_str =
  (* for <ui:encode enc="month-en">: output is the month name *)
  let date = Date.from_string date_str in
  let month = (Date.access date).month - 1 in
  [| "January"; "February"; "March"; "April"; "May"; "June";
     "July"; "August"; "September"; "October"; "November"; "December"

(* Now follows a more complicated function that performs some date
 * computation. Input is the start date, usually the first day of a
 * month, and an integer from 0 to 36, the position. Imagine you
 * have a calendar sheet for a month, e.g.
 *     October 2002
 * Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
 *        1  2  3  4  5
 *  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
 * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
 * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
 * 27 28 29 30 31
 * The position counts the day positions of the sheet. The sunday in the
 * first row is position 0, the monday in the sixth row is position 36.
 * The result of the function is either "", meaning that the position
 * is empty, or a number > 0 denoting the day to display.
 * The input string contains the date and the position, separated by
 * a single space. The output string is the decimal representation of
 * the day, or "".

let enc_cal_day date_pos_str =
    let k = String.index date_pos_str ' ' in
    let date = Date.from_string (String.sub date_pos_str 0 k) in
    let pos = int_of_string
		   date_pos_str (k+1) (String.length date_pos_str - k - 1)) in
    let weekday = (tm_of_date date).Unix.tm_wday in (* 0 to 6 *)
    let days = Date.days_of_month date in
    let first_pos = weekday in                     (* first filled position *)
    let last_pos = first_pos + days - 1 in         (* last filled position *)
    if pos >= first_pos && pos <= last_pos then
      string_of_int (pos - first_pos + 1)
      Not_found -> "??"

(* New variable functions                                             *)

let split_re = Pcre.regexp "[ \t\r\n]+";;

let split s = Netstring_pcre.split split_re s;;

let size_words dlg args =
  (* Returns the number of words of arg0 *)

  match args with
      [arg1] ->
	( match arg1 with
	      String_value s ->
		String_value(string_of_int(List.length(split s)))
	    | _ ->
		failwith "size_words: argument has wrong type"
    | _ ->
	failwith "size_words: bad number of arguments"

let equal_yesno dlg args =
  (* Function returns whether all arguments are the same string.
   * Returns "yes" for truth, "no" otherwise.
  let v = ref None in
  let r = ref true in
    (fun arg ->
       match arg with
	   String_value s ->
	     ( match !v with
		   None -> v := Some s
		 | Some u ->
		     r := !r && (u = s)
	 | _ ->
	     failwith "equal_yesno: arguments must have string type"

  if !r then
    String_value "yes"
    String_value "no"

let not_yesno dlg args =
  (* Negates the single string argument: "yes" becomes "no"; all other
   * become "yes"
  match args with
      [arg1] ->
	( match arg1 with
	      String_value "yes" ->
		String_value "no"
	    | String_value _ ->
		String_value "yes"
	    | _ ->
		failwith "not_yesno: argument has wrong type"
    | _ ->
	failwith "not_yesno: bad number of arguments"

(* Database                                                           *)

(* [db] is an unbound database handle. Later it will be bound to a certain
 * database, but the connection will remain closed until the first real
 * db access happens, i.e. the connection is established lazily. The
 * advantage of this approach that it is compatible with the JSERV
 * mode where new processes are started, and it must be ensured that the
 * database connection is opened for each process individually.

let db = Db.Connection.create()

let rollback() =
  if Db.Connection.is_connected db then
    Db.Connection.rollback db

(* Fatal errors                                                       *)

(* Note: Don't forget to rollback the DB transaction !!! *)

let log_error_stderr error =
  Printf.eprintf "[%s] [error] [wtimer application] %s\n"
    (Netdate.format "%c" (Netdate.create ~zone:Netdate.localzone (Unix.time())))
  flush stderr

let log_error_syslog error =
  let _ =
    Sys.command ("logger -p user.err -t wtimer " ^
		 Filename.quote ("[instance " ^ Const.wtimer_dir ^ "] ") ^
		 Filename.quote error) in

let log_error =
  log_error_syslog   (* or log_error_stderr *)

let simple_error_page (ch : Netchannels.out_obj_channel) error =
  log_error (Printexc.to_string error);
  let out = ch # output_string in
  out "<html><body><h1>Internal Error</h1>\n";
  out "The application wtimer cannot serve your request. The ";
  out "exact reason can be found in the error log. Please inform ";
  out "your administrator about this incidence.\n";
  out "</body></html>\n";

let extended_error_page (universe : universe_type) ch error =
  log_error (Printexc.to_string error);
  (* Instantiate the template "fatal-error" of the startpage manually. *)
  (* Step 1: Create our own faked cgi_activation object *)
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let properties =
    ] in
  let input_header = [] in
  let dummy = new Netchannels.output_null () in
  let cgi_env = 
    new Netcgi_common.cgi_environment
        ~config ~properties ~input_header dummy in
  let cgi =
    new Netcgi_common.cgi
      (cgi_env :> Netcgi.cgi_environment)
      (`Direct "")
      [] in
  (* Step 2: Get the startpage object *)
  let environment = Wd_cycle.make_environment cgi in
  let startpage = universe # create environment "startpage" in
  (* Step 3: Initialize the startpage object *)
  let errid = Definitions.errid_of_error error in
  startpage # set_variable "runtime-error" (String_value errid);
  let session = !Registry.new_session universe environment in
  startpage # set_variable "session" (Dialog_value (Some session));
  (* Step 4: Output the template "fatal-error" *)
  let inst = Wd_template.apply_byname startpage "fatal-error" [] in
  let s = Wd_template.to_string startpage inst in
  ch # output_string s;

(* [print_error] is called to output fatal errors. It is initialized with
 * a very simple definition which is replaced later by a more
 * sophisticated one.

let print_error = ref simple_error_page

(* Register dialogs etc.                                              *)

let reg config universe =
  (* Get the parameters to connect to the database: *)
  let db_name   = Get_config.option config "database-name" in
  let user_name = Get_config.option config "database-user" in
  let passwd    = Get_config.option config "database-passwd" in

  (* Bind to the database: *)
  Db.Connection.bind ~db_name ~user_name ~passwd db;

  (* Register output encodings: *)
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "weekday-en" enc_weekday_en;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "month-en" enc_month_en;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "month" enc_month;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "mday-en" enc_mday_en;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "mday" enc_mday;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "year" enc_year;
  universe # application # add_output_encoding "cal-day" enc_cal_day;

  (* Register functions: *)
  universe # application # add_var_function "size_words" size_words;
  universe # application # add_var_function "equal_yesno" equal_yesno;
  universe # application # add_var_function "not_yesno" not_yesno;

  (* Register dialogs: *)
  universe # register "startpage" (new Startpage.startpage db);
  universe # register "editor" (new Editor.editor db);
  universe # register "timetravel" (new Timetravel.timetravel db);
  universe # register "session" (new Session.session);
  universe # register "selectuser" (new Selectuser.selectuser db);
  universe # register "export" (new Export.export db);
  universe # register "admin" (new Admin.admin db);
  universe # register "admin-password" (new Admin_password.admin_password db);
  universe # register "admin-accounts"
                                (new Admin_accounts.admin_accounts config db);
  universe # register "admin-access" (new Admin_access.admin_access db);

  print_error := (extended_error_page universe)

let run (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  (* If there is no path, redirect to ./start *)
  if cgi # environment # cgi_path_info = "" then (
    let u = cgi # url() in
    cgi # set_redirection_header (u ^ "/start");
    cgi # out_channel # commit_work()
    let config = Get_config.parse() in
      ~uifile:(Filename.concat Const.ui_dir "wtimer.ui")
      ~session_manager:(new Db.Session.db_session_manager db)
      ~error_page:(fun ch err -> !print_error ch err)
      ~reg:(reg config)

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