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Class type Cache_client.sync_client

class type sync_client = object .. end
Client access to cache by synchronous RPC calls

method client_config : client_config
The configuration of this client
method set : key ->
string ->
int64 -> set_options -> [ `Not_stored | `Stored | `Timeout ]
set r k v t_exp opts: Tries to set key k to value v with expiration timestamp t_opt. The options opts determine which kind of set operation is allowed. The result can be `Stored meaning a successful modification, `Not_stored meaning the refusal of a modification, or `Timeout meaning a timeout contacting the server.
method get : key ->
get_options ->
[ `Found of entry | `Not_found | `Timeout ]
get r k opts: Tries to get the entry for key k. The options opts determine which entries can be retrieved in this way. The result can be `Found e with the entry e, `Not_found if the key cannot be located or the options prevent the entry from being returned, or `Timeout if the server is not reachable.
method delete : key ->
int64 -> delete_options -> [ `Ok | `Timeout ]
delete r k t_del opts: Tries to move the entry for key k from the regular store to the delete queue where it is marked as being scheduled for deletion at time t_del. If t_del is in the past, the deletion is conducted immediately. If the entry does not qualify for deletion because of a failed requirement in opts, it is silently not moved to the delete queue, without telling the caller. The result is `Ok meaning the server could be contacted, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened.
method clear : unit -> [ `Ok | `Timeout ]
clear r: Delete all entries. The result is `Ok meaning the deletion was successful, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened.
method get_config : unit ->
[ `Ok of (Rpc_client.connector * config) list | `Timeout ]
get_config r: Return the connector and the server config for all servers as list l. The connector may serve as identifier for the server. The result is `Ok l meaning the config of all servers could be retrieved, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened for at least one server.
method set_config : (Rpc_client.connector * config) list -> [ `Ok | `Timeout ]
set_config r: Set the server config for the servers identified by connectors in list l. The result is `Ok l meaning the config of all named servers could be set, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened for at least one server.
method get_stats : unit ->
[ `Ok of (Rpc_client.connector * stats) list | `Timeout ]
get_stats r: Return the connector and the statistics record for all servers as list l. The connector may serve as identifier for the server. The result is `Ok l meaning the config of all servers could be retrieved, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened for at least one server.
method clear_counters : unit -> [ `Ok | `Timeout ]
clear_counters r: Reset the statistics counters for all servers. The result is `Ok meaning the counters could be reset on all servers, or `Timeout meaning a timeout happened for at least one server.
method shutdown : unit -> unit
Shutdown all network connections. If further RPC calls are requested, new network connections are opened.
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