A | |
activate [Cache_server] |
Activates the cache: Loads contents from files, and establishes
B | |
bind [Cache_server] |
Binds the cache procedures in the passed RPC server.
bucket_of_hash [Cache_util] |
Compute the bucket number of
n , the number of buckets, and the
hash value (which must be a string of 16 bytes).
C | |
clear_counters [Cache_server] |
Reset the statistics
clear_directly [Cache_server] |
Clears the whole cache directly
create [Cache_server] |
Creates a cache instance for the passed
create_async_client [Cache_client] |
Create an asynchronous client for the passed config and the passed
event system.
create_sync_client [Cache_client] |
Create a synchronous client for the passed config
D | |
delete_directly [Cache_server] |
Deletes directly in the cache
F | |
factory [Cache_plex] |
A netplex factory for the cache server.
G | |
get_config [Cache_server] |
Get the cache's config
get_directly [Cache_server] |
Reads from the cache directly
get_stats [Cache_server] |
Get the statistics
H | |
hash_of_key [Cache_util] |
Compute the hash value of a key
S | |
save [Cache_server] |
Saves the complete instance immediately to disk
set_config [Cache_server] |
Set the cache's config
set_directly [Cache_server] |
Modifies the cache directly
shutdown [Cache_server] |
Shuts the instance down.
V | |
verify [Cache_server] |
Runs a routine that checks the structure of the cache instance.