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Class type Hydro_proxy.proxy_conf_t

class type proxy_conf_t = object .. end
Configures proxies

method shared_connections : bool
Whether connections to servers are shared with other proxies (true), or are private to every proxy (false).
method multiplicity : multiplicity
How many connections to servers are held by every proxy. If `Failover, there is only one connection to a server at a time, and alternate server endpoints are considered as alternate connections if the current one breaks. If `Concurrent n, where n>=1, to every server endpoint n concurrent connections are created.
method max_reconnections : int
How often an endpoint can be reconnected after the first attempt, before the endpoint is given up.
method deactivation_period : float
For how long endpoints are marked as "dead" when connections repeatedly break. In seconds. If 0, there is no deactivation. If negative, deactivation lasts forever.
method resolution_period : float
How often endpoints are resolved. In seconds. If 0, for every call a new resolution is performed. If negative, resolutions are kept forever, and are never repeated.
method context : (string * string) list
The context of key/value parameters sent with every request. This list initializes the context held in the proxy objects.
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