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Objects with data

As explained, proxies are handles for remote objects. They are the most frequent way to access objects. There is, however, another way: One can also send the object over the connection, and access it directly.

An object can have instance variables and operations (methods). If the object is sent, the instance variables are transferred, and another version of the object is created on the other side. This copy is initialized with the instance variables. Of course, any method invocation happens on the copy then.

Sending objects can be interesting as a means to transfer structured values as a whole (e.g. trees or graphs). It is not interesting to make the methods locally available (there is no way to send code). Because of this, we ignore the object methods for now, and focus on the instance variables.

For example, the Slice definition is:

  module Sample {
    class C {
      int x;
      string y;

    class D extends C {
      bool z;

    interface F {
      void foo(C c);

We have two classes C and D, and D is a subtype of C. We also have an interface F, and we assume we can access a remote object that exposes F via a proxy for F.

The method foo takes an argument - this may either be an instance of class C or of its descendant D. ICE demands that if you call foo with a descendant of the declared class type, all of the descendant must be transferred to the remote side, and it must also be recoverable if the remote side knows about D. Hydro supports this.

Note that this means that Hydro needs to support downcasts: When a peer gets a D object when it expects only C, it must be possible to test for the presence of D, and if successful, to uncover D.

This makes the language mapping of objects a bit complicated. O'Caml does not support downcasts for its own classes, so we have to generate emulation code.

So, to what is C mapped? Let's have a look on the core definitions:

  type or_Sample_C

  class type od_Sample_C =
      inherit od_Ice_Object
      method x : int32 ref
      method y : string ref

  class type o_Sample_C =
      inherit od_Sample_C
      inherit Hydro_lm.object_base

  val wrap_Sample_C : o_Sample_C -> or_Sample_C
  val unwrap_Sample_C : or_Sample_C -> o_Sample_C
  val as_Sample_C : #Hydro_lm.object_base -> o_Sample_C

  class mk_od_Sample_C : int32 * string * unit -> od_Sample_C
  class mk_Sample_C : #od_Sample_C -> o_Sample_C
  class restore_Sample_C : Hydro_types.sliced_value -> o_Sample_C

There are five types that play a role:

  • or_Sample_C is how C objects normally appear in the rest of the generated code (e.g. the method foo takes an or_Sample_C as input). It is an opaque type, that means you can do nothing with it except passing it around. wrap_Sample_C and unwrap_Sample_C allow conversion to o_Sample_C, so it is equivalent to o_Sample_C. (It has technical reasons that this type has been added.)
  • od_Sample_C is the data part of the object. The instance variables are represented as methods accessing mutable cells. You can create the data part with mk_od_Sample_C. You can create a full object from the data part with mk_Sample_C.
  • o_Sample_C is the full object type. It includes the data part, any operations (here we haven't any), and the base properties of all objects that come from Hydro_lm.object_base.
  • Hydro_lm.object_base (synonymous to Hydro_types.object_value) is the supertype of all transferrable and coercible objects. o_Sample_C is a descendant. There is a coercion function as_Sample_C that tries to coerce any other Hydro object to C. This function may fail at runtime with Invalid_coercion if this is not possible.
  • Hydro_types.sliced_value (synonymous to Hydro_lm.sliced_base) is an even smaller supertype of all transferrable objects. In contrast to object_base coercions are not supported.
If you only want to create a pure data object, you can simply combine wrap_Sample_C, mk_Sample_C, and mk_od_Sample_C:

  let od = new mk_od_Sample_C (34l, "Hello", ()) in
  let o = new mk_Sample_C od in
  let or = wrap_Sample_C

If the object had operations, mk_Sample_C would define dummy implementations for these operations that always fail for any invocation. But you can override these dummies by inheriting from mk_Sample_C:

  class my_C od =
    inherit mk_Sample_C od
    method bar = ...

In order to look at the instance variables of an object or you receive, simply unwrap it:

  let o = unwrap_Sample_C or in
  let x = !(o#x)

Now, how to override methods in objects you receive? After unwrapping you always get the generated version of o_Sample_C. It is possible to change that by defining a custom constructor for restoring received objects:

  class my_restore_C sv =
    inherit restore_Sample_C sv
    method bar = ...

  Hydro_prelim.CiHashtbl.replace sys#ctors "::Sample::C"
    (fun sv -> (new my_restore_C sv :> Hydro_lm.object_base))

The restore_Sample_C class is used for restoring received objects. It is entered by default in the sys#ctors hash table. By replacing it there, you can select your own variant.

Finally, how do the announced downcasts work? For example, we can create a D object and upcast it to C by:

  let od_d = new mk_od_Sample_D (true, (34l, "Hello", ())) in
  let o_d = new mk_Sample_D od_d in
  let o_c = (o_d :> o_Sample_C)

This is the usual O'Caml coercion. We get the original typing back by doing

  let o_d' = as_Sample_D o_c

It can only decided at runtime whether the downcast is possible. If it fails, we get the exception Invalid_coercion. In this example, it always succeeds because we know o_c is in reality a D object. Now, o_d and o_d' are really the same object:

  o_d # x := 35l;
  print_int32 (! (o_d' # x))

will print 35. Even o_d = o_d' will return true - the object remains the same, only the typing changes.

Note that the as_... functions can also be used for upcasting instead of the :> operator. Of course, the latter is a no-op whereas the as_... function can be expensive.

Objects with operations


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