Let's assume we have a simple Slice interface M.ice:
module Sample {
interface F {
int add(int x, int y);
Furthermore, we assume that there is a remote object called Adder
on host "worker", port 4711, and Adder implements this interface.
How do we call add
Technically, we need a local proxy for Adder that supports the
invocation of add
. Such a proxy can only live in a proxy
environment, so we first have to create one:
let proxy_env =
let esys = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system () in
let sys = Hydro_lm.create_system() in
M.fill_system sys;
let cp = Hydro_params.client_params() in
let pool = Hydro_proxy.pool() in
let resolver = Hydro_proxy.proxy_resolver cp in
let conf = Hydro_proxy.proxy_conf() in
( object
method event_system = esys
method system = sys
method proxy_resolver = resolver
method client_pool = pool
method default_proxy_conf = conf
end : Hydro_proxy.proxy_env_t
As you see, the environment is just a container for all relevant
session variables. The pool
manages the active connections to ICE
servers. The resolver
is a facility that finds a connection for a
given reference to a remote object. (Note that you can also use
instead with enhanced capabilities.)
Then, we have to describe the sever socket where the remote object lives:
let endpoints =
`Endpoints [| `TCP ( object
method host = "worker"
method port = 4711
method timeout = 60_000l (* milliseconds *)
method compress = false
end : Hydro_types.tcp_endpoint
(Note: Currently, compress=false
is required because Hydro does not
support compression yet.)
Finally, we create the full address of the remote object:
let addr =
( object
method id = ( object method name = "Adder"
method category = ""
end )
method facet = None
method secure = false
method mode = `Twoway
method parameters = endpoints
end : Hydro_types.proxy_addr
(Note: Currently, secure=false
and mode=`Twoway
are the only
supported options for addressing the object.)
Alternatively, one can also specify the address in a string notation (described in the ICE manual, look for "stringified proxies"):
let addr =
"Adder -t : tcp -h worker -p 4711 -t 60000"
Now the language mapping comes into play. After doing
hydrogen m.ice
you get an O'Caml interface m.mli
with 70 lines, and the corresponding
implementation m.ml
has even 216 lines. Of course, there is a lot of
stuff that is generated just in case it's needed. For instance, code
for exception handling is emitted although no exceptions are defined
in m.ice
The relevant part of m.mli
type pr_Sample_F = [ `Ice_Object | `Sample_F ] Hydro_lm.proxy_reference
class type r_Sample_F_add =
method hydro_response : Hydro_lm.client_response
method result : int32
class type poi_Sample_F =
inherit poi_Ice_Object
method add : int32 ->
int32 -> r_Sample_F_add Hydro_lm.call_suspension_t
class type po_Sample_F =
inherit Hydro_proxy.proxy_t
inherit poi_Sample_F
method hydro_proxy_reference : pr_Sample_F
val pc_Sample_F : Hydro_proxy.proxy_env_t -> pr_Sample_F -> po_Sample_F
val unchecked_pr_Sample_F : 't Hydro_lm.proxy_reference -> pr_Sample_F
What does this mean? The address addr
is an untyped name of the
proxy. The generated module defines pr_Sample_F
which is basically
also an address, but it has an attached type parameter
(note that this is a polymorphic variant
used as phantom parameter). Effectively, the values `Ice_Object
and `SampleF
are the names of the supported interfaces (by
definition, every interface is a descendent of the predefined
, the root of the inheritance hierarchy). The type
enumerates all interfaces the proxy supports
(which are several due to interface inheritance). This becomes clearer
when we define a second interface G (inside module Sample) as
interface G extends F {
int sub(int x, int y);
For G we would get in m.mli
type pr_Sample_G =
[ `Ice_Object | `Sample_F | `Sample_G ] Hydro_lm.proxy_reference
Here, the names of three interfaces appear since every proxy for G is
implicitly a proxy for F, and also a proxy for ::Ice::Object
. This
corresponds to the fact that pr_Sample_G
is a subtype of
, which is a subtype of pr_Ice_Object
(see its
definition in the runtime module Hydro_lm_IceObject
Now, how can we get a value of pr_Sample_F
? We do first
let pr = Hydro_lm.pr_of_address addr
but this creates only an [ `Ice_Object ] proxy_reference
, i.e. the
parameter is wrong, or better too unspecific. We have to downcast this
typed proxy reference. In general, ICE defines two ways for
downcasting proxies: Either as unchecked cast or as checked cast. In
the latter way the server is asked whether the remote object is really
an instance of the desired interface. Currently, Hydro does not implement
checked casts, so we can only do
let pr' = M.unchecked_pr_Sample_F pr
and have finally a pr_Sample_F
As mentioned, such references are only typed incarnations of addresses. We still have no way of calling a method. In order to do this, we have to create the proxy object:
let po = M.pc_Sample_F proxy_env pr'
This object of type po_Sample_F
is now a live proxy, i.e. it can
connect to the server, manage connections, and of course also invoke
methods. Note that it is still unknown whether the remote object
exists - this is first checked on the first method call.
The type po_Sample_F
again reflects the inheritance relation. As F is
a descendent of ::Ice::Object
, the type po_Sample_F
is a subtype
of po_Ice_Object
. For the second interface G we would have that
is a subtype of po_Sample_F
We can call a number of methods on po
. Some are predefined in
, some in Hydro_lm_IceObject
, and the other are
added in the generated code. The predefined methods include
: Return the proxy environmenthydro_id
: Return the object identity ("Adder")ice_ping
: Check the liveliness of the remote object
: Returns pr'
: Invokes the add
method of the remote objectadd
method has the strange type
method add : int32 -> int32 -> r_Sample_F_add Hydro_lm.call_suspension_t
The parameters are clearly x
and y
, but what do we get as result?
The point is that add
only prepares the invocation, but does not do
it immediately. Because of this, you get a call suspension object, and
this allows you (1) to modify call parameters like timeouts, and
(2) to select between a synchronous and an asynchronous call.
We do a synchronous call:
let r = (po # add 42l 16l) # scall
This statement first returns when the response (or error code) has
arrived. r
has type r_Sample_F_add
, and you get the main result
by doing
let z = r#result
which is hopefully 58l. Note that result
can also throw exceptions.
In case the method has output parameters, these additional output
values are accessible as out_
name, e.g. r#out_remark
if there
was an output parameter remark