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Module Netamqp_rtypes

module Netamqp_rtypes: sig .. end
Support for remote types not already covered by Rtypes


type uint2 = int 
val read_uint2 : string -> int -> uint2
val read_uint2_unsafe : string -> int -> uint2
val write_uint2 : string -> int -> uint2 -> unit
val write_uint2_unsafe : string -> int -> uint2 -> unit
val uint2_as_string : uint2 -> string


val decode_shortstr : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> int -> string
val decode_longstr : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> int -> string
val encode_shortstr : string -> string list * int
val encode_longstr : string -> string list * int


  • Sint<n>: signed integer with n bytes
  • Uint<n>: unsigned integer with n bytes
Note that there is confusion about what is allowed in tables, see For best compatibility one should only use `Sint4, `Decimal, `Longstr, `Timestamp, `Table, and `Null.
type ('a, 'b) table_field_standard = [ `Decimal of int * Rtypes.uint4
| `Longstr of string
| `Null
| `Sint4 of Rtypes.int4
| `Table of 'b
| `Timestamp of float ]
type ('a, 'b) table_field_ok = [ `Bool of bool | `Double of float | `Float of float | `Sint1 of int ] 
type ('a, 'b) table_field_problematic = [ `Array of 'a list
| `Shortstr of string
| `Sint2 of int
| `Sint8 of Rtypes.int8
| `Uint1 of int
| `Uint2 of int
| `Uint4 of Rtypes.uint4
| `Uint8 of Rtypes.uint8 ]
type table_field = [ `Bool of bool
| `Decimal of int * Rtypes.uint4
| `Double of float
| `Float of float
| `Longstr of string
| `Null
| `Sint1 of int
| `Sint4 of Rtypes.int4
| `Table of table
| `Timestamp of float ]
type table = (string * table_field) list 
val decode_table : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> int -> table
val encode_table : table -> string list * int


val unsafe_rev_concat : string list -> int -> string
val mk_mstring : string -> Xdr_mstring.mstring
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