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Class type Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller

class type amqp_multiplex_controller = object .. end

method alive : bool
If the controller is alive, the socket is not yet completely down.
method event_system : Unixqueue.event_system
Returns the event system
method getsockname : sockaddr
The address of this socket
method getpeername : sockaddr
The address of the peer's socket. Only available if the socket is connected. (Fails otherwise.)
method transport_type : Netamqp_types.transport_type
The transport type
method set_max_frame_size : int -> unit
The maximum frame size. By default, this is 2^32-1 on 64 bit platforms, and Sys.max_string_length on 32 bit platforms. The defaults are also the maximum possible values - larger configurations are automatically clipped to the maximum
method eff_max_frame_size : int
The effective maximum frame size
method reading : bool
True iff there is a reader
method read_eof : bool
Whether the EOF marker has been read
method start_reading : when_done:(Netamqp_types.frame result_eof -> unit) ->
unit -> unit
Start reading from the connection. When a whole message has been received, the when_done callback is invoked with the received frame as argument.

This starts one-time read job only, i.e. it is not restarted after when_done has been invoked.

It is an error to start reading several times at once.

method writing : bool
True iff there is a writer
method start_writing : when_done:(unit result -> unit) ->
Netamqp_types.frame -> unit
Starts writing the frame. Invoked when_done when it is written, or an error condition is reached.

This starts one-time write job only, i.e. it is not restarted after when_done has been invoked.

It is an error to start writing several times at once.

method cancel_rd_polling : unit -> unit
Cancels polling for the next input message. This method must not be called from the before_record callback function. Polling can be resumed by calling start_reading again.
method abort_rw : unit -> unit
Aborts the current reader and/or writer forever. Note that there is no clean way of resuming reading and/or writing. The readers/writers are not notified about cancellation.
method start_shutting_down : when_done:(unit result -> unit) -> unit -> unit
Start shutting down the connection. After going through the shutdown procedure, the when_done callback is invoked reporting the success or failure.

The underlying file descriptor (if any) is not closed. A shutdown is only a protocol handshake. After a shutdown,read_eof is true. Call inactivate to close the descriptor.

method cancel_shutting_down : unit -> unit
Cancels the shutdown procedure. After that, the state of the connection is undefined. The when_done callback is invoked with the `Cancelled.

It is no error if no shutdown is in progress.

method set_timeout : notify:(unit -> unit) -> float -> unit
If a requested read or write cannot be done for the passed number of seconds, the notify callback is invoked.
method inactivate : unit -> unit
Inactivates the connection immediately, and releases any resources the controller is responsible for (e.g. closes file descriptors). Note that this is more than cancelling all pending operations and shutting the connection down. However, the details of this method are implementation-defined. Callbacks are not invoked.
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