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Index of class methods

abort_rw [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Aborts the current reader and/or writer forever.
alive [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
If the controller is alive, the socket is not yet completely down.
amqp_body [Netamqp_basic.message]
The message body
amqp_header [Netamqp_basic.message]
The complete message header (all of the above fields in once)
app_id [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour

cancel_rd_polling [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Cancels polling for the next input message.
cancel_shutting_down [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Cancels the shutdown procedure.
content_encoding [Netamqp_basic.message]
MIME typing
content_type [Netamqp_basic.message]
MIME typing
correlation_id [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour

delivery_mode [Netamqp_basic.message]
1=non-persistent, 2=persistent

eff_max_frame_size [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
The effective maximum frame size
event_system [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Returns the event system
expiration [Netamqp_basic.message]
For implementation use, no formal behaviour

getpeername [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
The address of the peer's socket.
getsockname [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
The address of this socket

headers [Netamqp_basic.message]
For applications, and for header exchange routing

inactivate [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Inactivates the connection immediately, and releases any resources the controller is responsible for (e.g.

message_id [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour

priority [Netamqp_basic.message]
message priority, 0 to 9

read_eof [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Whether the EOF marker has been read
reading [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
True iff there is a reader
reply_to [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour but may hold the name of a private response queue, when used in request messages

set_max_frame_size [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
The maximum frame size.
set_timeout [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
If a requested read or write cannot be done for the passed number of seconds, the notify callback is invoked.
start_reading [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Start reading from the connection.
start_shutting_down [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Start shutting down the connection.
start_writing [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
Starts writing the frame.

timestamp [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour
transport_type [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
The transport type
typ [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour

user_id [Netamqp_basic.message]
For application use, no formal behaviour

writing [Netamqp_transport.amqp_multiplex_controller]
True iff there is a writer

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