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Module Netbuffer

module Netbuffer: sig .. end
A Netbuffer.t is a buffer that can grow and shrink dynamically.

type t 
val create : int -> t
Creates a netbuffer which allocates initially this number of bytes. The logical length is zero.
val contents : t -> string
Returns the contents of the buffer as fresh string.
val length : t -> int
Returns the logical length of the buffer

Extracting strings

val get : t -> int -> char
get nb pos: Get the character at pos
val nth : t -> int -> char
Alias for get
val sub : t -> int -> int -> string
sub nb k n: returns the n characters starting at position n from netbuffer nb as fresh string
val blit_to_string : t -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
blit_to_string nb srcpos dest destpos len: Copies the len bytes at position srcpos from nb to the string dest at position destpos.
val blit : t -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
Compatibility name for blit_to_string, now deprecated

Appending strings

val add_string : t -> string -> unit
add_string nb s: Adds a copy of the string s to the logical end of the netbuffer nb. If necessary, nb grows.
val add_sub_string : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit
add_sub_string nb s k n: Adds the substring of s starting at position k with length n to the logical end of the netbuffer nb. If necessary, nb grows.

This is semantically the same as add_string nb (String.sub s k n), but the extra copy is avoided.

val add_substring : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit
Alias for add_sub_string
val add_char : t -> char -> unit
add_char nb c: Adds a single char at the end of the buffer
val add_inplace : ?len:int -> t -> (string -> int -> int -> int) -> int
add_inplace nb f: Calls the function f to add bytes to the netbuffer nb. The arguments of f are the buffer, the position in the buffer, and the maximum length. The function f must return the actual number of added bytes; this number is also returned by add_inplace.

Example: let n = add_inplace nb (Pervasives.input ch)

The argument len is the number of bytes to add (second argument of f). It defaults to the number of free bytes in the buffer after space for at least one byte has been allocated.

val add_buffer : t -> t -> unit
add_buffer nb1 nb2: Adds the contents of nb2 to the end of nb1

Inserting strings

val insert_string : t -> int -> string -> unit
insert_string nb p s: Inserts the value of string s at position p into the netbuffer nb
val insert_sub_string : t -> int -> string -> int -> int -> unit
insert_string nb p s k n: Inserts a substring of string s at position p into the netbuffer nb. The substring is denoted by position k and has length n
val insert_char : t -> int -> char -> unit
insert_char nb p c: Inserts character c at position p into the netbuffer nb

Overwriting strings

val set : t -> int -> char -> unit
set nb pos c: Sets the character at pos to c
val put_string : t -> int -> string -> unit
put_string nb pos s: Copies the string s to the position pos of netbuffer nb
val blit_from_string : string -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
blit_from_string src srcpos dest destpos len: Copies the len bytes at position srcpos from the string src to the netbuffer dest at position destpos.

It is possible to copy the string beyond the end of the buffer. The buffer is automatically enlarged in this case.


val delete : t -> int -> int -> unit
delete nb k n: Deletes the n bytes at position k of netbuffer nb in-place.

The netbuffer does not shrink, however, i.e. the free space is not given back to the memory manager.

val clear : t -> unit
Deletes all contents from the buffer. As delete, the netbuffer does not shrink.
val reset : t -> unit
Empty the buffer, deallocate the internal string, and replace it with a new string of length n that was allocated by Netbuffer.create n.
val try_shrinking : t -> unit
try_shrinking nb: If the length of the buffer is less than half of the allocated space, the netbuffer is reallocated in order to save memory.


val index_from : t -> int -> char -> int
index_from nb k c: Searches the character c in the netbuffer beginning at position k. If found, the position of the left-most occurence is returned. Otherwise, Not_found is raised.


val unsafe_buffer : t -> string
Warning! This is a low-level function! Returns the current string that internally holds the buffer. The byte positions 0 to length - 1 actually store the contents of the buffer. You can directly read and modify the buffer. Note that there is no protection if you read or write positions beyond the length of the buffer.
val print_buffer : t -> unit
For the toploop
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