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Module Netcgi1_compat.Netcgi_types

module Netcgi_types: sig .. end

class type simple_message = Netmime.mime_body
type store = [ `File of string | `Memory ] 
Embedded in the single place of use.
type representation = [ `MIME of Netmime.mime_message
| `Simple of simple_message ]
Embedded in the single place of use.
class type cgi_argument = object .. end
Portage: In addition to defining a type, the following cgi_argument also defines a conversion function that allows to connect old scripts to the new infrastructure.
val to_compat_argument : Netcgi.cgi_argument -> cgi_argument
Portage: to_compat_argument a converts a new style argument a to an old style one. Finalizing to_compat_argument a will also finalize a.
val of_compat_argument : cgi_argument -> Netcgi.cgi_argument
Portage: of_compat_argument a converts an old style argument a to a new style one. Finalizing of_compat_argument a will also finalize a.
type cgi_cookie = Nethttp.cookie = {
   cookie_name : string;
   cookie_value : string;
   cookie_expires : float option;
   cookie_domain : string option;
   cookie_path : string option;
   cookie_secure : bool;
type status = Nethttp.http_status 
type request_method = [ `DELETE
| `GET
| `PUT of cgi_argument ]
type cache_control = [ `Max_age of int | `No_cache | `Unspecified ] 
type query_string_spec = [ `Args of cgi_argument list
| `Current
| `Initial
| `None ]
type other_url_spec = [ `Env | `None | `This of string ] 
class type cgi_activation = object .. end
Portage: In addition to defining a type, the following cgi_activation also defines a conversion function that allows to connect old scripts to the new infrastructure.
val to_compat_activation : Netcgi.cgi -> cgi_activation
Portage: to_compat_activation converts a new style cgi object to an old cgi_activation object.
val of_compat_activation : cgi_activation -> Netcgi.cgi
Portage: of_compat_activation converts an old style cgi_activation to a new CGI-like object.
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