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Module Netplex_main

module Netplex_main: sig .. end
Main program for Netplex servers

type cmdline_config 
val args : ?defaults:cmdline_config ->
unit -> (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list * cmdline_config
let (opt_list, cmdline_cfg) = args(): Returns opt_list for inclusion in the Arg.parse option list. The effects made available by the returned cmdline_cfg value.

defaults : The default argument values
val create : ?config_filename:string ->
?pidfile:string option ->
?foreground:bool -> unit -> cmdline_config
Creates the command-line configuration object
val config_filename : cmdline_config -> string
Returns the filename of the configuration file
val pidfile : cmdline_config -> string option
Returns the location of the PID file (if any)
val foreground : cmdline_config -> bool
Returns whether the daemon runs in the foreground
val startup : ?late_initializer:(Netplex_types.config_file ->
Netplex_types.controller -> unit) ->
?config_parser:(string -> Netplex_types.config_file) ->
Netplex_types.parallelizer ->
Netplex_types.logger_factory list ->
Netplex_types.workload_manager_factory list ->
Netplex_types.processor_factory list -> cmdline_config -> unit
Parses the configuration file and starts the Netplex daemon. Fails with Netplex_config.Config_error when an error in the configuration file is detected.

The late_initializer is called after the Netplex controller has been fully initialized, and before the main event loop is entered. You can perform here further initializations, e.g. starting helper threads.

The config_parser is by default Netplex_config.read_config_file. You can override it by whatever parser you would like to use.


The typical main program for a Netplex server system looks like:

   let my_factories = ...

   let start() =
    let opts, cmdconf = Netplex_main.args() in
      (fun s -> raise(Arg.Bad ("Unknown arg: " ^ s))) 
      "usage: protoserver";
    let par = in  (* or *)

   Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;

This main program enables:

  • The standard command-line arguments -conf, -pid and -fg are understood
  • The configuration file is parsed
  • The configuration can refer to all loggers and workload managers coming with Netplex
  • The parallelizer is selected: Here, it is multi-processing (Netplex_mp). One could also select multi-threading (Netplex_mt)
  • The processors defined by my_factories are made available for connection processing

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