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Module Shell_uq

module Shell_uq: sig .. end
Run shell commands within Unixqueues

This module is not thread-safe. See the module Shell_sys for more information.

Signal handlers: It is important to have a number of signal handlers installed for proper function of the engines. It is recommended to call the pair of functions Shell_sys.configure_job_handlers and Shell_sys.install_job_handlers for this purpose. This is not done automatically.

Note that this has a global side effect on the whole process, because there is only one set of signal handlers.


class type ['a] system_handler_engine_type = object .. end
This engine type can be passed as system_handler to Shell_sys.register_job in order to watch a running job.
class system_handler_engine : Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] system_handler_engine_type
This engine implements a Shell_sys.system_handler, and can be used to watch an already started job_instance as created by Shell_sys.run_job until the job is done.
class type ['a] job_handler_engine_type = object .. end
In addition to the system_handler_engine_type, this type of engine returns the job and the job_instance.
class call_engine : ?ignore_error_code:bool -> ?mode:Shell_sys.group_mode -> ?stdin:Shell.producer -> ?stdout:Shell.consumer -> ?stderr:Shell.consumer -> Shell_sys.command list -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [Shell_sys.job_status] job_handler_engine_type
This engine corresponds to


All examples presented for the Shell module can be easily rewritten for Shell_uq. For example, to call "ls" and collect the result in a buffer, use this piece of code:

 let ues = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system();;
 let b = Buffer.create 10;;
 let e = new call_engine ~stdout:(Shell.to_buffer b) [ Shell.command "ls" ];; ues;;
 let r = Buffer.contents b;;

This means, one simply creates a call_engine instead of invoking, and then runs the queue. Note that you must look at e#state to find out whether the engine e produced an error, no exception is raised in this case.

It is allowed (and somehow the purpose of this module) to create several job engines, and let them run in parallel.

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