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Module Netcgi

module Netcgi: sig .. end
Classical CGI implementation

For in introduction, see the guide "Introduction into OcamlNet".

Classical CGI implementation

For in introduction, see the guide "Introduction into OcamlNet".

class simple_argument : ?ro:bool -> string -> string -> Netcgi_types.cgi_argument
new simple_argument name value: Creates an unstructured CGI argument called name with contents value.
class mime_argument : ?work_around_backslash_bug:bool -> string -> Netmime.mime_message -> Netcgi_types.cgi_argument
new mime_argument name msg: Creates a MIME-structured CGI argument called name with contents msg.
type argument_processing = [ `Automatic | `File | `Memory ] 
How to process CGI arguments:
  • `Memory: Keep the value of the argument in memory
  • `File: Store the value of the argument in an external file
  • `Automatic: If the argument is structured and carries a file name, the value will be stored in a file; otherwise it is loaded into memory. (Note: The meaning of `Automatic changed in OcamlNet 0.92.)

type operating_type = [ `Direct of string
| `Transactional of
Netcgi_env.cgi_config ->
Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> Netchannels.trans_out_obj_channel ]
The operating type determines how generated data are buffered.
  • `Direct sep: Data written to the output channel of the activation object is not collected in a transaction buffer, but directly sent to the browser (the normal I/O buffering is still active, however, so call flush to ensure data are really sent). The method commit_work of the output channel is the same as flush. The method rollback_work causes that the string sep is sent, meant as a separator between the already generated output, and the now following error message.
  • `Transactional f: A transactional channel tc is created from the real output channel ch by calling f cfg ch (here, cfg is the CGI configuration). The channel tc is propagated as the output channel of the activation object. This means that the methods commit_work and rollback_work are implemented by tc, and the intended behaviour is that data is buffered in a special transaction buffer until commit_work is called. This invocation forces the buffered data to be sent to the browser. If, however, rollback_work is called, the buffer is cleared.
Two important examples for `Transactional:
  • `Transactional(fun cfg ch -> new Netchannels.buffered_output_channel ch): The transaction buffer is implemented in memory
  • `Transactional(fun cfg ch -> new Netchannels.tempfile_output_channel ch): The transaction buffer is implemented as an external file

class std_activation : ?env:Netcgi_env.cgi_environment -> ?processing:string -> Netmime.mime_header -> argument_processing -> ?operating_type:operating_type -> unit -> Netcgi_types.cgi_activation
This class is an implementation of classical CGI.
val buffered_transactional_optype : operating_type
A predefined transactional operating_type using a Buffer.t to store the not yet completed transaction.
val tempfile_transactional_optype : operating_type
A predefined transactional operating_type using a temporary file to store the not yet completed transaction
class custom_activation : ?env:Netcgi_env.cgi_environment -> ?args:Netcgi_types.cgi_argument list -> ?meth:Netcgi_types.request_method -> ?operating_type:operating_type -> unit -> Netcgi_types.cgi_activation
This class can be used to implement a non-standard connector that has the same output format as CGI.
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