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Class Netcgi_env.custom_environment

class custom_environment : ?config:cgi_config -> unit -> object .. end
This class can be used to set up non-standard environments. After creation, one sets the properties and the request header, and calls setup_finished.

Please read the comments about the protocol between environments and cgi_activation in the description of Netcgi_env.cgi_environment before using this class. In particular, it is the task of the environment to receive the request header.

method set_cgi : ?gateway_interface:string ->
?server_software:string ->
?server_name:string ->
?server_protocol:string ->
?server_port:int option ->
?request_method:string ->
?path_info:string ->
?path_translated:string ->
?script_name:string ->
?query_string:string ->
?remote_host:string ->
?remote_addr:string ->
?auth_type:string ->
?remote_user:string ->
?remote_ident:string ->
?https:bool -> ?property:string * string -> unit -> unit
Sets CGI properties
method set_input_header_field : string -> string -> unit
Sets a request header field
method set_multiple_input_header_field : string -> string list -> unit
Sets a request header field to a multiple value
method set_input_header_fields : (string * string) list -> unit
Sets all request header fields at once
method set_input_ch : Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> unit
Sets the input channel to use
method set_input_content_length : int -> unit
Sets the input content length. This is the same as setting the Content-length field of the request header
method set_input_content_type : string -> unit
Sets the input content type. This is the same as setting the Content-type field of the request header
method set_output_ch : Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> unit
Sets the output channel to use
method set_error_log : (string -> unit) -> unit
Sets the error log function (prerr_endline by default)
method setup_finished : unit -> unit
Finishes the setup. After that, it is no longer possible to change it.
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