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Class type Rpc_server.auth_method

class type auth_method = object .. end

method name : string
The name of the authentication method
method flavors : string list
Which credential flavors are handled by this method
method peek : auth_peeker
If available, this function is called for every accepted connection. It may return the user name. Notes:
  • peeked user names override authenticate
  • peek is only called once after the stream connection has been accepted

method authenticate : t ->
connection_id ->
Unix.sockaddr option ->
Unix.sockaddr option ->
string ->
string -> string -> string -> (auth_result -> unit) -> unit
This method is called when a remote call has arrived. Its task is to determine the client user and pass the user name (and the verifier) back. If the user cannot be authenticated, the call must be rejected. When the method has done the authentication, it calls the passed function with the auth_result. This function can be called immediately or asynchronously.
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