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Class Netsmtp.client

class client : Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel -> object .. end

method helo : ?host:string -> unit -> string list
Sends an HELLO command to the server. the optionnal argument ?host defaults to the default hostname of the machine. This function returns the ESMTP lines returned by the server.
method mail : string -> unit
Performs a MAIL FROM command. the string argument is the mail address (without < >) that sends the mail.
method rcpt : string -> unit
Performs a RCPT TO command. the string argument is one of the mail address the mail has to be sent to. You have to use that function for each recipient of the mail.

If the server returns a 551 error (user relocated, see RFC 2821, section 3.4), the relocated adress is silently used, and the error is not raised

method data : Netchannels.in_obj_channel -> unit
This method really send the mail. Do not issue that command without having used mail once, and at least rcpt once too
method rset : unit -> unit
Reset the current transaction
method expn : string -> string list option
Expand command : expn list will try to expand the Mailing list list. If the list cannot be Expanded (reply 252) then None is returned.
method help : unit -> string list
Performs the Help command. Returns the server multiline answer.
method noop : unit -> unit
NOOP : does nothing, keeps the connection alive.
method quit : unit -> unit
Requests the server to end this session.
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