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Module Netsys_xdr

module Netsys_xdr: sig .. end
Some helpers for en/decoding XDR faster

val s_read_int4_64_unsafe : string -> int -> int
For 64 bit platforms only: Decodes 4 bytes at this string position as a signed 32 bit int in network byte order

There is no index bounds check!

val s_write_int4_64_unsafe : string -> int -> int -> unit
For 64 bit platforms only: Encodes 4 bytes at this string position as a signed 32 bit int in network byte order

There is no index bounds check!

val s_read_string_array_unsafe : string -> int -> int -> int32 -> string array -> int
let pos' = s_read_string_array s pos len max a: Decodes the XDR repr of an array of strings without length field. The array must start at pos in s, and may have up to len bytes. The array is passed in a, and the elements are set by this routine. Returns in pos' the position of the first byte after the array. It is checked whether the array is represented within the allowed len bytes. If not, pos'=-1 will be returned, together with an empty array.

max is the maximum length of the string elements. max is unsigned. If this is violated, pos'=-2 will be returned.

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