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Module Netmcore_queue

module Netmcore_queue: sig .. end
Shared queues

type ('a, 'b) squeue 
Queues where the elements have type 'e and the header has type 'h
type ('a, 'b) squeue_descr 
The marshallble descriptor of queues
exception Empty
Raised when the queue is empty and the operation cannot be done
val create : Netmcore.res_id -> 'a -> ('b, 'a) squeue
create pool h: Creates an empty queue in the pool, with header h
val push : 'a -> ('a, 'b) squeue -> unit
push x q: Pushes a copy of x to the end of the queue q
val pop_p : ('a, 'b) squeue -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'c
pop_p q f: Takes the first element x from the queue, removes it there, and calls f x. During the execution of f the value x is pinned and cannot be garbage-collected.

Raises Empty if the queue is empty.

val pop_c : ('a, 'b) squeue -> 'a
pop_c q: Takes the first element x from the queue, removes it there, and returns a copy of x in normal memory.

Raises Empty if the queue is empty.

val top_p : ('a, 'b) squeue -> ('a -> 'c) -> 'c
pop_p q f: Takes the first element x of the queue, and calls f x, without removing x from the queue. During the execution of f the value x is pinned and cannot be garbage-collected.

Raises Empty if the queue is empty.

val top_c : ('a, 'b) squeue -> 'a
pop_p q f: Takes the first element x of the queue, and calls f x, without removing x from the queue. Returns a copy of x in normal memory.

Raises Empty if the queue is empty.

val clear : ('a, 'b) squeue -> unit
Removes all elements from the queue
val is_empty : ('a, 'b) squeue -> bool
Tests whether the queue is empty
val length : ('a, 'b) squeue -> int
Returns the number of elements in the queue (O(1))
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) squeue -> unit
iter f q: Iterates over the elements of the queue and calls f x for each element x. The function considers the list of elements at the time of calling iter as the list to iterate over. The queue is not locked during the iteration, and hence elements can be popped from the queue and pushed to the queue in parallel. The iteration does not take these modifications into account, though.

The elements x are pinned during the execution of f and will not be garbage-collected, even if a parallel pop removes them from the queue.

val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 'c) squeue -> 'a
fold f accu q
val header : ('a, 'b) squeue -> 'b
Returns the header
val heap : ('a, 'b) squeue -> Obj.t Netmcore_heap.heap
Returns the underlying heap
val descr_of_squeue : ('a, 'b) squeue -> ('a, 'b) squeue_descr
Returns the descriptor
val squeue_of_descr : Netmcore.res_id ->
('a, 'b) squeue_descr -> ('a, 'b) squeue
Look up the queue for this descriptor
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