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Module Netplex_config

module Netplex_config: sig .. end
Read the configuration file

exception Config_error of string
val read_config_file : string -> Netplex_types.config_file
Reads a filename and returns the representation object
val repr_config_file : string -> Netplex_types.config_tree -> Netplex_types.config_file
repr_config_file name tree: converts the tree to a full config_file object. name is the filename reported by the object.
val read_netplex_config : Netplex_types.parallelization_type ->
Netplex_types.logger_factory list ->
Netplex_types.workload_manager_factory list ->
Netplex_types.processor_factory list ->
Netplex_types.config_file -> Netplex_types.netplex_config
Reads a configuration file like:

 netplex {
      controller {
          logging {
      service {
          name = "name_of_service";
          protocol {
              name = "name_of_protocol";
              lstn_backlog = <n>;
              lstn_reuseaddr = <bool>;
              so_keepalive = <bool>;
              tcp_nodelay = <bool>;
              address {
                  type = "local";
                  path = "socketname";
              address {
                  type = "internet";
                  bind = "bind_address:port";
          processor {
              type = "type_of_processor";
          workload_manager {
              type = "type_of_manager";

The controller section is explained in Netplex_controller.

The logging section is explained in Netplex_log.

The service section may also contain two parameters user and group. They instruct the service container to drop root privileges and to become the configured user and group. Note that this is only possible in multi-processing mode.

Address types:

  • local: This is a OS-dependent default IPC mechanism for local connections. On Unix, local means Unix Domain sockets. On Win32, local means the w32_pipe_file mechanism. In path, the name of the Unix Domain socket or the file with the pipe name must be specified.
  • internet: Internet socket. In bind the bind address and the bind port are given.
  • unixdomain: Unix domain sockets. In path give the path.
  • socket_file: An emulation of Unix Domain sockets: A server socket bound to and an anonymous port is used instead. The port number is written to a file. The file must be given as path.
  • w32_pipe: Win32 named pipes. The name of the pipe is given as path.
  • w32_pipe_file: An emulation of Unix Domain sockets: A named pipe with an unpredictable random name is created instead. The name of this pipe is written to the file given by path
  • container: this special address causes that a separate local socket is created for each started container. The name of the socket file is automatically chosen. The names of the socket files can be queried with Netplex_cenv.lookup_container_sockets. This type of socket is useful to control the load sent to each container directly, e.g. to drive a farm of worker processes.
More documentation: See Example - A Simple Web Server for a complete example of a config file. See Creating Sockets for explanations how to specify sockets in the config file.
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