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Class type Netplex_types.socket_service

class type socket_service = object .. end

method name : string
The name of the socket_service is used to identify the service in the whole netplex process cluster. Names are hierarchical; name components are separated by dots (e.g. "company.product.service"). The prefix "netplex." is reserved for use by Netplex. The name "netplex.controller" refers to the service provided by the controller.
method sockets : (string * Unix.file_descr array) list
A socket_service consists of a list of supported protocols which are identified by a name. Every protocol is available on a list of sockets (which may be bound to different addresses). The sockets corresponding to `Container addresses are missing here.
method socket_service_config : socket_service_config
The configuration
method processor : processor
A user-supplied object to process incoming connections
method shutdown : unit -> unit
Shuts down the master sockets
method create_container : parallelization_type ->
socket_service -> container
Internal method. Called by the controller to create a new container. The container must match the parallelization type of the controller. This call is already done in the process/thread provided for the container.
method on_add : controller -> unit
Get some runtime configuration aspects from this controller. This is called when the socket service is added to the controller
method startup_directory : string
The current directory at Netplex startup time (same view as controller)
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