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Class Uq_lwt.lwt_backend

class lwt_backend : Unixqueue.event_system -> object .. end
Adapter for turning an Ocamlnet event_system into an Lwt Lwt_engine.t.

Use it like:

       class lwt_engine esys =
         inherit Lwt_engine.abstract
         inherit Uq_lwt.lwt_backend esys

(We've intentionally left out this definition to avoid any build dependency on Lwt. Also note that Lwt_engine is in the package lwt.unix.)

Now, activate this Lwt engine (event loop):

      Lwt_engine.set (new lwt_engine esys)

Note that Lwt can only deal with one event loop at a time, and the new event loop will be used for all Lwt code.

It is, unfortunately, necessary that you use the Lwt main loop ( or, because otherwise some hook functions are never executed (and execution will hang).

For an example, see tests/equeue/manual/ in the distribution tarball.

method iter : bool -> unit
method private cleanup : unit
method private register_readable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method private register_writable : Unix.file_descr -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
method private register_timer : float -> bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit Lazy.t
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