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Class type Netmime.mime_header_ro

class type mime_header_ro = object .. end
This is the read-only version of a MIME header. There are only methods to read the header fields.

method fields : (string * string) list
method field : string -> string
method multiple_field : string -> string list
The current fields of the header. fields returns the complete header. field name returns the value of the field, or raises Not_found. multiple_field name returns all fields with the same name.

Note that field names are case-insensitive; field "content-length", and field "CONTENT-LENGTH" will return the same field. However, the method fields returns the original field names, without adjustment of the case.

The order of the fields is preserved.

Access methods for frequent standard fields.

These methods will raise Not_found if the fields are not present.

method content_length : unit -> int
Returns the Content-length field as integer
method content_type : unit -> string * (string * Mimestring.s_param) list
Returns the Content-type as parsed value. The left value of the pair is the main type, and the right value is the list of parameters. For example, for the field value "text/plain; charset=utf-8" this method returns ("text/plain", ["charset", p]) where p is an opaque value with Mimestring.param_value p = "utf-8".
method content_disposition : unit -> string * (string * Mimestring.s_param) list
Returns the Content-disposition field as parsed value. The left value is the main disposition, and the right value is the list of parameters. For example, for the field value "attachment; filename=xy.dat" this method returns ("attachment", ["filename", p]) where p is an opaque value with Mimestring.param_value p = "xy.dat".
method content_transfer_encoding : unit -> string
Returns the Content-transfer-encoding as string
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