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Module Netplex_workload

module Netplex_workload: sig .. end
Workload management

Workload managers control when additional containers are started or idle containers are stopped. See Workload Management for additional documentation how they are configured.

val create_constant_workload_manager : ?restart:bool ->
?greedy_accepts:bool ->
?max_jobs_per_thread:int -> int -> Netplex_types.workload_manager
A constant number of threads is created (the int argument).

restart: If threads crash, new threads are created until the specified number is again reached. This is on by default.

greedy_accepts: whether greedy accepts are allowed (default: false)

max_jobs_per_thread: if passed, limits the number of jobs (connections) that can be simultaneously processed by a thread/process. By default there is no limit.

val constant_workload_manager_factory : Netplex_types.workload_manager_factory
Reads a workload_manager section like

 workload_manager {
      type = "constant";
      threads = <n>;
      max_jobs_per_thread = <n>;
      greedy_accepts = <bool>;

class type dynamic_workload_config = object .. end
val create_dynamic_workload_manager : dynamic_workload_config -> Netplex_types.workload_manager
val dynamic_workload_manager_factory : Netplex_types.workload_manager_factory
Reads a workload_manager section like

 workload_manager {
      type = "dynamic";
      max_jobs_per_thread = <n>;
      min_free_jobs_capacity = <n>;
      max_free_jobs_capacity = <n>;
      max_threads = <n>;
      greedy_accepts = <bool>;

val workload_manager_factories : Netplex_types.workload_manager_factory list
All built-in workload manager factories
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