Module Rpc
module Rpc: sig
.. end
Common types and exceptions
protocol =
mode =
server_error =
| |
Unavailable_program |
| |
Unavailable_version of (Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4) |
| |
Unavailable_procedure |
| |
Garbage |
| |
System_err |
| |
Rpc_mismatch of (Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4) |
| |
Auth_bad_cred |
| |
Auth_rejected_cred |
| |
Auth_bad_verf |
| |
Auth_rejected_verf |
| |
Auth_too_weak |
| |
Auth_invalid_resp |
| |
Auth_failed |
| |
RPCSEC_GSS_credproblem |
| |
RPCSEC_GSS_ctxproblem |
val string_of_server_error : server_error -> string
returns a string for debug purposes
exception Rpc_server of server_error
an exception generated by the RPC server
exception Rpc_cannot_unpack of string
RPC protocol error (bad data)