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Class type Nethttpd_types.request_info

class type request_info = object .. end

method server_socket_addr : Unix.sockaddr
The socket address of this server. May raise Not_found if there is no such address
method remote_socket_addr : Unix.sockaddr
The socket address of the client. May raise Not_found if there is no such address
method request_method : string
The method like GET. May raise Not_found
method request_uri : string
The URI of the client request. This is often without the server designation, i.e. just /path?query. May raise Not_found
method input_header : Nethttp.http_header
The request header. May raise Not_found
method cgi_properties : (string * string) list
The distilled CGI properties
method input_body_size : int64
The size of the input body. May raise Not_found
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