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Module Rpc_packer

module Rpc_packer: sig .. end
The first n bytes of the packed value

type packed_value 
val pack_call : ?encoder:Xdr.encoder ->
Rpc_program.t ->
Rtypes.uint4 ->
string ->
string ->
string -> string -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> packed_value
val pack_call_gssapi_header : Rpc_program.t ->
Rtypes.uint4 -> string -> string -> string -> packed_value
val unpack_call : ?mstring_factories:Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories ->
?decoder:Xdr.decoder ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string ->
packed_value ->
Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * string *
string * string * string * Xdr.xdr_value
val unpack_call_frame : packed_value ->
Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * string *
string * string * string
val unpack_call_frame_l : packed_value ->
Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * Rtypes.uint4 * string *
string * string * string * int
val extract_call_gssapi_header : packed_value -> int
val unpack_call_body : ?mstring_factories:Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories ->
?decoder:Xdr.decoder ->
Rpc_program.t -> string -> packed_value -> int -> Xdr.xdr_value
val unpack_call_body_raw : packed_value -> int -> string
val pack_successful_reply : ?encoder:Xdr.encoder ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string ->
Rtypes.uint4 -> string -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> packed_value
val pack_successful_reply_raw : Rtypes.uint4 ->
string -> string -> Xdr_mstring.mstring list -> packed_value
val pack_accepting_reply : Rtypes.uint4 ->
string -> string -> Rpc.server_error -> packed_value
val pack_rejecting_reply : Rtypes.uint4 -> Rpc.server_error -> packed_value
val unpack_reply : ?mstring_factories:Xdr_mstring.named_mstring_factories ->
?decoder:Xdr.decoder ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string ->
packed_value -> Rtypes.uint4 * string * string * Xdr.xdr_value
val unpack_reply_verifier : Rpc_program.t -> string -> packed_value -> string * string
val peek_xid : packed_value -> Rtypes.uint4
val peek_auth_error : packed_value -> Rpc.server_error option
val length_of_packed_value : packed_value -> int
val string_of_packed_value : packed_value -> string
val packed_value_of_string : string -> packed_value
val mstrings_of_packed_value : packed_value -> Xdr_mstring.mstring list
val packed_value_of_mstrings : Xdr_mstring.mstring list -> packed_value
val prefix_of_packed_value : packed_value -> int -> string
The first n bytes of the packed value
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