class type cgi_argument =object
also defines a conversion function that allows to
connect old scripts to the new infrastructure. Finalizing
cgi_argument a
will also finalize a
.method name : string
method value : string
method open_value_rd : unit -> Netchannels.in_obj_channel
method ro : bool
method store : store
method content_type : string
method content_type_params : (string * Mimestring.s_param) list
content_type : unit -> string * (string *
Mimestring.s_param) list
defined instead of content_type
and content_type_params
to be coherent with
-- yet as easy to use.method charset : string
method filename : string option
method representation : representation
method finalize : unit -> unit
method set_value : string -> unit
method which -- as already remarked -- can be
dealt with in a purely functional way.
The new interface contains commodity functions to update
lists of arguments (see Netcgi.Argument
method open_value_wr : unit -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel