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Module Netmech_spnego_http

module Netmech_spnego_http: sig .. end
SPNEGO (GSSAPI) authentication for HTTP

This module enables the Negotiate authentication method for HTTP, which is an encapsulation of the SPNEGO protocol. SPNEGO in turn is a layer on top of GSSAPI, and adds mechanism negotiation.

This is the usual way of kerberizing HTTP.

This implementation of the Negotiate method requires a HTTPS connection by default. Running it over unencrypted HTTP would be possible, but we don't do it because the additional security can be easily lost. In particular, a man-in-the-middle could steal credentials, or he could run a downgrade attack on the authentication method (and replace it by e.g. "basic").

The Negotiate authentication method is somewhat special because it implicitly authenticates the whole connection, and not only a single message. At least this is what MS Windows implements, the reference implementation of this authentication method. Other implementations nevertheless require per-message authentication, e.g. Apache's mod_auth_kerb. Both behaviors are basically compatible to each other if implemented with some care.

In order to keep authenticated messages somewhat separate, this client only submits requests bearing Negotiate headers on TCP connections that have been specially created for this purpose. Basically, the authenticated communication with the server is seen as a separate transport subsystem. The flow of requests/responses is as follows:

  • A fresh HTTP request does not carry any authentication data. Because of this, it is sent over the normal transports to the server.
  • The server replies with a 401 response and an SPNEGO token.
  • The client authenticates the request (usually this is a one step action)
  • The authenticated request cannot be sent over the existing TCP connection. A second connection is created which will be used for authenticated requests only.
  • The request is sent over this connection.
  • The server responds with content data
This way we can be sure that requests are handled normally that either need not to be authenticated at all, or that are authenticated with different methods.

Technically, the route of the HTTP request depends on the transport_layer ID. As long as the HTTP request has an ID of Nethttp_client.https_trans_id, it will go over the normal transports. If the ID changes to Nethttp_client.spnego_trans_id, the separate transports for SPNEGO are used.

If it is already known that the HTTP request needs to be authenticated with SPNEGO, the authentication protocol can be abbreviated by directly switching to Nethttp_client.spnego_trans_id:

c # set_transport_layer Nethttp_client.spnego_trans_id

The effect is that only one request/response cycle is needed to process the request c (except it is the very first request).

Although GSSAPI mechanisms, and in particular Kerberos often do not require a password, you need to set up a "key" object. User and password of this key are ignored. The realm, however, must be set to the fixed string "SPNEGO" (and not to the Kerberos realm). A full example how to use this method:

module A =

let keys = new Nethttp_client.key_ring ()
let () =
  keys # add_key (key ~user:"" ~password:"" ~realm:"SPNEGO" ~domain:[])
let a = 
  new Nethttp_client.generic_auth_handler
        keys [ (module A : Nethttp.HTTP_MECHANISM) ]
let p = new Nethttp_client.pipeline
let () =
  p # add_auth_handler a
let c = new Nethttp_client.get ""
let () =
  p # add c;
  p # run()

At the moment, this authentication protocol cannot be configured, so you always get the default behaviour of GSSAPI.

module type PROFILE = sig .. end
module Default: PROFILE 
The default profile for Netmech_spnego_http: Use spnego_trans_id for the https transport, and reject any unencrypted transport (empty list).
module SPNEGO: 
functor (P : PROFILE) ->
The SPNEGO mechanism for HTTP, see Netmech_spnego_http
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