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Class type Http_client.transport_channel_type

class type transport_channel_type = object .. end

method identify_conn_by_name : bool
Whether connections must be identified by name, and not by IP address. (Set for TLS connections.)
method setup_e : Unix.file_descr ->
channel_binding_id ->
float ->
exn ->
string ->
int ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
tls_cache -> Uq_engines.multiplex_controller Uq_engines.engine
setup fd cb tmo tmo_x host port esys tls_cache: Create or configure a communication circuit over the file descriptor fd that can be driven by the returned multiplex controller object. Since OCamlnet-3.8, the method can also return private data for the connection cache.

tmo is the timeout. After inactivity the exception tmo_x must be raised.

host is the name of the machine to connect to. port is the port number. The descriptor fd is already connected to this port, directly or via a proxy.

method continue : Unix.file_descr ->
channel_binding_id ->
float ->
exn ->
string ->
int ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> exn option -> Uq_engines.multiplex_controller
continue is called when an already established circuit needs to be continued. The additional argument contains the stashed TLS session.

Note that the event system can be different now.

If it is not possible to continue, the method may raise Not_found.

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