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Module Uq_engines_compat

module Uq_engines_compat: sig .. end
Compatibility with OCamlnet-3

In Ocamlnet-4 many definitions were moved to separate modules that once used to reside in Uq_engines. In order to ease the transition, this module here provides the old version of Uq_engines.

In order to use it, just put this line at the beginnging of the ml file:

 module Uq_engines = Uq_engines_compat 

Note that this is really meant as a help for getting through transition phases. This module will disappear in future versions of OCamlnet.

exception Closed_channel
exception Broken_communication
exception Watchdog_timeout
exception Timeout
exception Addressing_method_not_supported
exception Cancelled
type 't engine_state = [ `Aborted | `Done of 't | `Error of exn | `Working of int ] 
type 't final_state = [ `Aborted | `Done of 't | `Error of exn ] 
val string_of_state : 'a engine_state -> string
class type ['t] engine = object .. end
class ['t] delegate_engine : 't #engine -> ['t] engine
val when_state : ?is_done:('a -> unit) ->
?is_error:(exn -> unit) ->
?is_aborted:(unit -> unit) ->
?is_progressing:(int -> unit) -> 'a #engine -> unit
class ['a] signal_engine : Unixqueue.event_system -> object .. end
val signal_engine : Unixqueue.event_system ->
'a engine * ('a final_state -> unit)
class [['a, 'b]] map_engine : map_done:('a -> 'b engine_state) -> ?map_error:exn -> 'b engine_state -> ?map_aborted:unit -> 'b engine_state -> ?propagate_working:bool -> 'a #engine -> ['b] engine
val map_engine : map_done:('a -> 'b engine_state) ->
?map_error:(exn -> 'b engine_state) ->
?map_aborted:(unit -> 'b engine_state) ->
?propagate_working:bool ->
'a #engine -> 'b engine
class [['a, 'b]] fmap_engine : 'a #engine -> ('a final_state -> 'b final_state) -> ['b] engine
val fmap_engine : 'a #engine ->
('a final_state -> 'b final_state) ->
'b engine
class ['a] meta_engine : 'a #engine -> ['a final_state] engine
val meta_engine : 'a #engine ->
'a final_state engine
class ['t] epsilon_engine : 't engine_state -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['t] engine
val epsilon_engine : 't engine_state ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> 't engine
class [['a, 'b]] seq_engine : 'a #engine -> ('a -> 'b #engine) -> ['b] engine
val seq_engine : 'a #engine ->
('a -> 'b #engine) -> 'b engine
class [['a, 'b]] qseq_engine : 'a #engine -> ('a -> 'b #engine) -> ['b] engine
val qseq_engine : 'a #engine ->
('a -> 'b #engine) -> 'b engine
class ['a] stream_seq_engine : 'a -> ('a -> 'a #engine) Stream.t -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] engine
val stream_seq_engine : 'a ->
('a -> 'a #engine) Stream.t ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a engine
class [['a, 'b]] sync_engine : 'a #engine -> 'b #engine -> [('a * 'b)] engine
val sync_engine : 'a #engine ->
'b #engine -> ('a * 'b) engine
class [['a, 'b]] msync_engine : 'a #engine list -> ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['b] engine
val msync_engine : 'a #engine list ->
('a -> 'b -> 'b) ->
'b -> Unixqueue.event_system -> 'b engine
class ['a] delay_engine : float -> (unit -> 'a #engine) -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] engine
val delay_engine : float ->
(unit -> 'a #engine) ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a engine
class ['a] timeout_engine : float -> exn -> 'a engine -> ['a] engine
val timeout_engine : float -> exn -> 'a engine -> 'a engine
class watchdog : float -> 'a #engine -> [unit] engine
val watchdog : float -> 'a #engine -> unit engine
class type ['a] serializer_t = object .. end
class ['a] serializer : Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] serializer_t
val serializer : Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a serializer_t
class type ['a] prioritizer_t = object .. end
class ['a] prioritizer : Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] prioritizer_t
val prioritizer : Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a prioritizer_t
class type ['a] cache_t = object .. end
class ['a] cache : (Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a engine) -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] cache_t
val cache : (Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a engine) ->
Unixqueue.event_system -> 'a cache_t
class ['t] engine_mixin : 't engine_state -> Unixqueue.event_system -> object .. end
module Operators: sig .. end
class poll_engine : ?extra_match:exn -> bool -> (Unixqueue.operation * float) list -> Unixqueue.event_system -> object .. end
class ['a] input_engine : (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> Unix.file_descr -> float -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] engine
class ['a] output_engine : (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> Unix.file_descr -> float -> Unixqueue.event_system -> ['a] engine
class poll_process_engine : ?period:float -> pid:int -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [Unix.process_status] engine
class type async_out_channel = object .. end
class type async_in_channel = object .. end
class pseudo_async_out_channel : #Netchannels.raw_out_channel -> async_out_channel
class pseudo_async_in_channel : #Netchannels.raw_in_channel -> async_in_channel
class receiver : src:Unix.file_descr -> dst:#async_out_channel -> ?close_src:bool -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] engine
class sender : src:#async_in_channel -> dst:Unix.file_descr -> ?close_src:bool -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] engine
class type async_out_channel_engine = object .. end
class type async_in_channel_engine = object .. end
class output_async_descr : dst:Unix.file_descr -> ?buffer_size:int -> ?close_dst:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> async_out_channel_engine
class input_async_descr : src:Unix.file_descr -> ?buffer_size:int -> ?close_src:bool -> Unixqueue.event_system -> async_in_channel_engine
type copy_task = [ `Bidirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Tridirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Uni_socket of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
| `Unidirectional of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr ]
class copier : copy_task -> Unixqueue.event_system -> [unit] engine
type inetspec = [ `Sock_inet of Unix.socket_type * Unix.inet_addr * int
| `Sock_inet_byname of Unix.socket_type * string * int ]
type sockspec = [ `Sock_inet of Unix.socket_type * Unix.inet_addr * int
| `Sock_inet_byname of Unix.socket_type * string * int
| `Sock_unix of Unix.socket_type * string ]
val sockspec_of_sockaddr : Unix.socket_type -> Unix.sockaddr -> sockspec
val sockspec_of_socksymbol : Unix.socket_type -> Netsockaddr.socksymbol -> sockspec
type connect_address = [ `Command of string * (int -> Unixqueue.event_system -> unit)
| `Socket of sockspec * connect_options
| `W32_pipe of Netsys_win32.pipe_mode * string ]
type connect_options = Uq_engines.connect_options = {
   conn_bind :sockspec option; (*Bind the connecting socket to this address (same family as the connected socket required). None: Use an anonymous port.*)
val default_connect_options : connect_options
type connect_status = [ `Command of Unix.file_descr * int
| `Socket of Unix.file_descr * sockspec
| `W32_pipe of Unix.file_descr ]
val client_endpoint : connect_status -> Unix.file_descr
val client_socket : connect_status -> Unix.file_descr
class type client_endpoint_connector = object .. end
class type client_socket_connector = client_endpoint_connector
val connector : ?proxy:#client_socket_connector ->
connect_address ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
connect_status engine
type listen_options = Uq_engines.listen_options = {
   lstn_backlog :int;
   lstn_reuseaddr :bool;
type listen_address = [ `Socket of sockspec * listen_options
| `W32_pipe of
Netsys_win32.pipe_mode * string * listen_options ]
val default_listen_options : listen_options
class type server_endpoint_acceptor = object .. end
class type server_socket_acceptor = server_endpoint_acceptor
class direct_acceptor : ?close_on_shutdown:bool -> ?preclose:unit -> unit -> Unix.file_descr -> Unixqueue.event_system -> server_endpoint_acceptor
class direct_socket_acceptor : Unix.file_descr -> Unixqueue.event_system -> server_endpoint_acceptor
class type server_endpoint_listener = object .. end
class type server_socket_listener = server_endpoint_listener
val listener : ?proxy:#server_socket_listener ->
listen_address ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
server_socket_acceptor engine
type datagram_type = [ `Inet6_udp | `Inet_udp | `Unix_dgram ] 
class type wrapped_datagram_socket = object .. end
class type datagram_socket_provider = object .. end
val datagram_provider : ?proxy:#datagram_socket_provider ->
datagram_type ->
Unixqueue.event_system ->
wrapped_datagram_socket engine
class type multiplex_controller = object .. end
exception Mem_not_supported
val create_multiplex_controller_for_connected_socket : ?close_inactive_descr:bool ->
?preclose:(unit -> unit) ->
?supports_half_open_connection:bool ->
?timeout:float * exn ->
Unix.file_descr ->
Unixqueue.unix_event_system -> multiplex_controller
class type datagram_multiplex_controller = object .. end
val create_multiplex_controller_for_datagram_socket : ?close_inactive_descr:bool ->
?preclose:(unit -> unit) ->
?timeout:float * exn ->
Unix.file_descr ->
Unixqueue.unix_event_system ->
type onshutdown_out_spec = [ `Action of
async_out_channel_engine ->
multiplex_controller ->
unit engine_state -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Initiate_shutdown ]
type onshutdown_in_spec = [ `Action of
async_in_channel_engine ->
multiplex_controller ->
unit engine_state -> unit
| `Ignore
| `Initiate_shutdown ]
class output_async_mplex : ?onclose:[ `Ignore | `Write_eof ] -> ?onshutdown:onshutdown_out_spec -> ?buffer_size:int -> multiplex_controller -> async_out_channel_engine
class input_async_mplex : ?onshutdown:onshutdown_in_spec -> ?buffer_size:int -> multiplex_controller -> async_in_channel_engine
module Debug: sig .. end
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