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Class type Http_client.auth_handler

class type auth_handler = object .. end
An authentication handler has the capability of adding the necessary headers to messages.

method create_session : http_call ->
http_options Pervasives.ref -> auth_session option
Create a new authentication session. The passed call has status 401.
method create_proxy_session : http_call ->
http_options Pervasives.ref -> auth_session option
Same for proxy authentication
method skip_challenge : string option
If non-None, this method allows to skip the challenge entirely for authentication. This means that the credentials are added to the HTTP request before any previous response was seen from the server. This adds additional security risks, and may cause that credentials are sent to servers that forge their identity. This is only supported for basic authentication. The string describes the URL space to which this applies (e.g. "http://the-server/subdir"). Set the string to "*" to enable everywhere. As no challenge is known, the realm string is simply assumed to be "anywhere".
method skip_challenge_session : http_call ->
http_options Pervasives.ref -> auth_session option
Create a session for the case that the challenge was skipped
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