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Module type Rpc_client.USE_CLIENT

module type USE_CLIENT = sig .. end
This module type is what the generated "clnt" module assumes about the client interface

type t 
The client type
val use : t -> Rpc_program.t -> unit
Announcement that this program will be used. The client may reject this by raising an exception.
val unbound_sync_call : t ->
Rpc_program.t -> string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> Xdr.xdr_value
unbound_sync_call client pgm proc arg: Invoke the remote procedure proc of the program pgm via client. The input arguments are arg. The result arguments are returned (or an error is raised)
val unbound_async_call : t ->
Rpc_program.t ->
string -> Xdr.xdr_value -> ((unit -> Xdr.xdr_value) -> unit) -> unit
unbound_ssync_call client pgm proc arg emit: Invoke the remote procedure proc of the program pgm via client. The input arguments are arg. When the result r is available, the client will call emit (fun () -> r) back. When an exception e is available, the client will call emit (fun () -> raise e) back.
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