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Class Netftp_data_endpoint.ftp_data_receiver

class ftp_data_receiver : ?tls:(module Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_CONFIG) * string option * string option -> ?protector:ftp_protector -> esys:Unixqueue.event_system -> mode:transmission_mode -> local_receiver:local_receiver -> descr:Unix.file_descr -> timeout:float -> timeout_exn:exn -> unit -> object .. end
This engine receives data on a FTP data connection, and forwards them to a local receiver. The socket must already be open.

It is ensured that local_receiver is always closed after operation (whether successful or not). The socket descr remains open.

tls: may be set to (config, peer_name, resume_data)

method local_receiver : local_receiver
The local receiver. It is closed when the logical EOF is found in the data connection
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