module Server:sig
init_credentials =(string * string * (string * string) list) list -> 'credentials
. The mechanism may pick any element
of this list which are considered as equivalent.
Types are defined per mechanism. All mechanisms understand the "password" type, which is just the cleartext password, e.g.
[ "password", "ThE sEcReT", [] ]
lookup = {
lookup : |
val create_session : mech:Netsys_sasl.sasl_mechanism ->
lookup:lookup ->
params:(string * string * bool) list -> unit -> session
function is used to
get the credentials for a given user name and a given authorization
name (which is the empty string if not applicable). If the lookup
function returns None
, the user can either not be found, or the
user does not have the privileges for the authorization name.
is called as lookup.lookup mech init_creds user authz
. You
need to call init_creds
back in order to prepare the credentials,
let f_lookup : 'c . sasl_mechanism -> 'c init_credentials -> string ->
string -> 'c option =
fun mech init_creds user authz =
let password = ... in
let creds = init_creds [ ("password", password, []) ] in
Some creds
with Not_found -> None
let lookup = {lookup = f_lookup }
User name and authorization name are passed in UTF-8 encoding.
The parameters are given as list (name,value,critical)
Critical parameters must be interpreted by the mechanism, and
unknown critical parameters must be rejected by a Failure
exception. Non-critical parameters are ignored if they are unknown
to the mechanism.
val process_response : session -> string -> unit
. As an exception,
however, this function may also be invoked with the initial client
response, even if the session state is `Emit
, so far the mechanism
permits at least optionally that the client starts the protocol.val process_response_restart : session -> string -> bool -> bool
`Restart id
after process_response
, and in this case
the old session with id
can be restarted. This function
should be called with the same message string as
was just called with.
If the bool arg is true, a stale response is created. This is a special restart which forces the client to run through the authentication process again, although everything else was successful. (If the protocol does not support the stale flag, it is silently ignored.)
Returns true if the restart is successful. If not, false is
returned. In this case, the session
object can (and
should) still be used, but the caller must treat it as new
session. In particular, the session ID may change.
All in all, the idea of this function is best illustrated by this authentication snippet how to process responses (the session cache functions need to be written by the user of this module):
let update_cache() =
match session_id session with
| None -> ()
| Some id ->
replace_in_session_cache id (stash_session session) in
let rec check_state_after_response() =
match state session with
| `Restart id ->
let old_session_s, time = find_in_session_cache id in
let old_session = resume_session ~lookup old_session_s in
let set_stale = current_time - time > limit in
let cont = process_response_restart session msg set_stale in
if not cont then
delete_in_session_cache id;
(* Now check state again, should be `Emit now *)
| `Emit ->
let out_msg = emit_challenge session in
| ... ->
process_response session msg;
val emit_challenge : session -> string
.val stash_session : session -> string
val resume_session : mech:Netsys_sasl.sasl_mechanism ->
lookup:lookup -> string -> session
function.val session_id : session -> string option
val prop : session -> string -> string
val gssapi_props : session -> Netsys_gssapi.server_props
val user_name : session -> string
)val authz_name : session -> string
)val channel_binding : session -> Netsys_sasl_types.cb