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Module Nettelnet_client

module Nettelnet_client: sig .. end
Telnet client

This is a Telnet client providing the basic Telnet services. It supports sending and receiving data (asynchronously), and the negotiation of Telnet options, but it does not implement any option.

exception Telnet_protocol of exn
Wrapper for exceptions that already passed the exception handler.
type telnet_command = 
| Telnet_data of string (*User data*)
| Telnet_nop (*No operation*)
| Telnet_dm (*data mark*)
| Telnet_brk (*break*)
| Telnet_ip (*interrupt process*)
| Telnet_ao (*abort output*)
| Telnet_ayt (*are you there?*)
| Telnet_ec (*erase character*)
| Telnet_el (*erase line*)
| Telnet_ga (*Go ahead*)
| Telnet_sb of char (*Begin of subnegotiation*)
| Telnet_se (*End of subnegotation*)
| Telnet_will of char (*Acknowledges that option is in effect*)
| Telnet_wont of char (*Acknowledges that option is rejected*)
| Telnet_do of char (*Requests to turn on an option*)
| Telnet_dont of char (*Requests to turn off an option*)
| Telnet_unknown of char (*Unknown command*)
| Telnet_eof (*End of file*)
| Telnet_timeout (*Timeout event*)
A telnet_command is the interpretation of the octets in a Telnet session, i.e. it is one level above the octet stream. See RFC 854 for an explanation what the commands mean. Telnet_data represents the data chunks between the commands. Note that you do not need to double octets having value 255; this is done automatically. Telnet_unknown represents any command not covered by RFC 854, for example the End-of-record-mark (introduced in RFC 885) would be Telnet_unknown '\239'. Telnet_eof represents the end of the octet stream, useable in both directions. Telnet_timeout is added to the input queue if I/O has not been happened for the configured period of time.
type telnet_options = {
   connection_timeout : float;
   verbose_input : bool;
   verbose_output : bool;
telnet_options: modifies the behaviour of the client. Do not mix these options up with the options negotiated with the remote side.

  • connection_timeout: After this period of time (in seconds) a Telnet_timeout pseudo-command is added to the input queue, and the connection is aborted.
  • verbose_input: Enables printing of input events to Netlog.Debug.
  • verbose_output: Enables printing of output events to Netlog.Debug

type telnet_negotiated_option = 
| Telnet_binary (*see RFC 856*)
| Telnet_echo (*see RFC 857*)
| Telnet_suppress_GA (*see RFC 858*)
| Telnet_status (*see RFC 859*)
| Telnet_timing_mark (*see RFC 860*)
| Telnet_ext_opt_list (*see RFC 861*)
| Telnet_end_of_rec (*see RFC 885*)
| Telnet_window_size (*see RFC 1073*)
| Telnet_term_speed (*see RFC 1079*)
| Telnet_term_type (*see RFC 1091*)
| Telnet_X_display (*see RFC 1096*)
| Telnet_linemode (*see RFC 1184*)
| Telnet_flow_ctrl (*see RFC 1372*)
| Telnet_auth (*see RFC 1416*)
| Telnet_new_environ (*see RFC 1572 and 1571*)
| Telnet_option of int (*all other options*)
telnet_negotiated_option: names for the most common options, and the generic name Telnet_option for other options.
type telnet_option_state = 
| Not_negotiated
| Accepted
| Rejected
An option has one of three states:
  • Not_negotiated: There was no negotiation about the option. This means that the option is turned off (but this client is allowed to reject it explicitly)
  • Accepted: Both sides have accepted the option.
  • Rejected: One side has rejected the option. This also means that the option is off, but the client refuses to send further acknoledgements that the option is off (to avoid endless negotiation loops).

val char_of_option : telnet_negotiated_option -> char
Converts the option name to the character representing it on the octet-stream level.
val option_of_char : char -> telnet_negotiated_option
Converts a character representing an option to the internal option name.
type telnet_connector = 
| Telnet_connect of (string * int)
| Telnet_socket of Unix.file_descr
  • Telnet_connect(host,port): The client connects to this port.
  • Telnet_socket s: The client uses an already connected socket.
Why Telnet_socket? Telnet is a symmetrical protocol; client and servers implement the same protocol features (the only difference is the environment: a client is typically connected with a real terminal; a server is connected with a pseudo terminal). This simply means that this implementation of a client can also be used as a server implementation. You need only to add code which accepts new connections and which passes these connections over to a telnet_session object via Telnet_socket.
class telnet_session : object .. end
A telnet session


module Debug: sig .. end
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