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Index of exceptions

Abort [Unixqueue]
Event handlers can raise this exception to cancel a group of handlers, events, and resources.
Addressing_method_not_supported [Uq_engines_compat]
Addressing_method_not_supported [Uq_engines]
Raised by client_endpoint_connector and server_endpoint_acceptor to indicate that the passed address is not supported by the class.
Already_installed [Shell_sys]
Raised when the job handlers are already installed
Authentication_error [Netpop]
Authentication_error [Netsmtp]

Bad_glob_expr [Netglob]
An syntax error in the glob expression; the argument is the bad expression
Bad_header_field [Nethttp]
Raised when a header field cannot be parsed.
Bad_message [Nethttp_client]
The server sent a message which cannot be interpreted.
Bad_state [Netpop]
Break [Netshm]
Broken_communication [Uq_engines_compat]
Broken_communication [Uq_engines]
Some engines indicate this error when they cannot continue because the other endpoint of communication signals an error.
Buffer_underrun [Netchannels]
Raised by input methods if the internal buffer of the channel is too empty to read even one byte of data.
Byte_order_mark [Netconversion]
Raised when it is tried to get the code point of the BOM at the beginning of the string

Cancelled [Uq_engines_compat]
Cancelled [Uq_engines]
The callback function of a multiplex_controller is invoked with this exception if the operation is cancelled.
Cannot_represent [Netnumber]
raised if a conversion can't be done
Cannot_represent [Netconversion]
Raised when a certain Unicode code point cannot be represented in the selected output encoding
Client_is_down [Rpc_client]
The RPC call cannot be performed because the client has been shut down in the meantime.
Closed_channel [Netchannels]
Raised when channel operations are called when the channel is closed
Closed_channel [Uq_engines_compat]
Closed_channel [Uq_engines]
Raised when a method of a closed channel object is called (only channel methods count).
Cluster_service_unavailable [Rpc_proxy.ManagedSet]
Raised by mset_pick when no available endpoint can be found, or all available endpoints have reached their maximum load.
Command_failure [Netchannels]
Raised by close_in or close_out if the channel is connected with another process, and the execution of that process fails.
Communication_error [Rpc_client]
an I/O error happened
Config_error [Netplex_config]
Connection_lost [Rpc_server]
raised by the 'reply' function if the connection to the original caller has been lost in the meantime.
Container_variable_not_found [Netplex_cenv]
The variable does not exist
Container_variable_type_mismatch [Netplex_cenv]
The (dynamically typed) variable has the wrong type
Context [Netsys_gssapi.GSSAPI]
Corrupt_file [Netshm]
Raised when a violation of the object format is detected
Credential [Netsys_gssapi.GSSAPI]
Cursor_out_of_range [Netconversion]
Raised when it is tried to move the cursor beyond the beginning of the string or beyond the end of the string.

Deadlock [Netshm]
Raised when a deadlock situation was detected.
Dest_failure [Netxdr]
raised if the dest_* function are applied to non-matching xdr_value

EAGAIN_RD [Netsys_types]
EAGAIN_RD [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
EAGAIN_WR [Netsys_types]
A read or write cannot be done because the descriptor is in non-blocking mode and would block.
EAGAIN_WR [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
A read or write cannot be done because the descriptor is in non-blocking mode and would block.
Empty [Netmcore_queue]
Raised when the queue is empty and the operation cannot be done
Empty [Netcamlbox]
End_of_string [Netconversion]
Raised when it is tried to access the character after the end of the string (at position n_max)
Err_status [Netpop]
Error [Rpc_transport]
Passed back as `Error.
Error [Nettls_gnutls_bindings]
Error [Netulex.Ulexing]
Lexical error
Executable_not_found [Shell_sys]
Raised when an executable file cannot be found; the argument is the search name
Extension_not_found [Netx509]
Extensions_not_supported [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when the server enables an unsupported extension.

FTP_error [Netftp_client]
Something went wrong, often on socket level
FTP_method_perm_failure [Netftp_client]
FTP_method_temp_failure [Netftp_client]
FTP_method_unexpected_reply [Netftp_client]
These exceptions may be raised during execution by the FTP method.
FTP_protocol_violation [Netftp_client]
The server violates the FTP specification
FTP_timeout [Netftp_client]
A timeout on the control or data connection (this is a fatal error)
Fatal_error [Shell_sys]
An error is fatal if it is not possible to recover from it in a predictable manner.

GSSAPI_error [Netftp_client]
An error on GSSAPI level

HTTP [Netcgi_common]
Exception raised by various functions of this library to return to the user agent an appropriate error page with the specified http-status (this exception must be caught by the connector and a default answer sent).
Host_not_found [Uq_resolver]
This host cannot be resolved
Http_error [Nethttp_client]
Deprecated in the scope of pipeline.
Http_protocol [Nethttp_client]
The request could not be processed because the exception condition was raised.

Immutable [Netmime]
Raised if it is tried to modify a read-only value.
Integrity_error [Netmech_scram.Cryptosystem]
Invalid_encoding [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when something cannot be decoded.
Invalid_server_signature [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when the signature sent by the server is invalid (i.e.
Invalid_username_encoding [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when the username does not match the requirements.

Keep_call [Rpc_client]
This exception can be raised by the callback function that is invoked when the server response arrives.

Late_drop [Rpc_server]
This can be raised in encryption/decryption functions to prevent that a response is sent.
Line_too_long [Netmime_string]
Raised when the hard limit of the line length is exceeded
Line_too_long [Uq_io]
May be raised by Uq_io.input_line_e

Malformed_URL [Neturl]
Raised by a number of functions when encountering a badly formed URL.
Malformed_code [Netconversion]
Raised when an illegal byte sequence is found
Malformed_code_at [Netconversion]
An illegal byte sequence is found at this byte position
Mem_not_supported [Uq_engines_compat]
Mem_not_supported [Uq_multiplex]
May be raised by multiplex controller methods start_mem_reading and start_mem_writing if these methods are not supported for the kind of file descriptor
Mem_not_supported [Uq_engines]
Message_lost [Rpc_client]
got EOF when some pending procedure calls were not replied or even sent
Message_timeout [Rpc_client]
After all retransmissions, there was still no reply
Message_too_big [Netcamlbox]

Name [Netsys_gssapi.GSSAPI]
Name_resolution_error [Nethttp_client]
Could not resolve this name - same as Uq_engines.Host_not_found
Next [Netshm]
No_Unix_process_group [Shell_sys]
Raised by functions referring to Unix process groups when the job has not been started in its own process group.
No_reply [Nethttp_client]
There was no response to the request because some other request failed earlier and it was not allowed to send the request again.
No_resource [Netmcore]
No such resource, or no resource of the expected type
Not_implemented [Netcgi1_compat]
Raised by some functions/exceptions when a feature of the old model cannot be implemented in the new model or vice versa
Not_in_container_thread [Netplex_cenv]
Raised when the caller's thread is not a container thread
Null_pointer [Nettls_gnutls_bindings]
Null_pointer [Netgss_bindings]

Out_of_handlers [Equeue]
Raised by run when the event source adds new events to the queue but there are no event handlers to process them
Out_of_pool_memory [Netmcore_mempool]
Out_of_range [Netasn1]
Out_of_range [Netnumber]
raised if string position out of range
Out_of_space [Netsys_mem]
Oversized [Netcgi.Argument]
Oversized [Netcgi_common]

Parse_error [Netasn1]
Byte position in string
Parse_error [Netaddress]
A parsing error.
Partial_character [Netconversion]
Raised when the last character of the string is an incomplete multi-byte character, and it is tried to get the code point (using uchar_at).
Permanent_error [Netsmtp]
Protocol_error [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when the server violates the protocol.
Protocol_error [Netpop]
Protocol_error [Netsmtp]
Proxy_error [Nethttp_client]
An error status from a proxy.

Recv_queue_empty [Nethttpd_kernel]
Redirect_request [Nethttpd_types]
The "early" redirect is only allowed in stage 1 of HTTP processing.
Redirect_response [Nethttpd_types]
The "late" redirect is only allowed in stage 3 of HTTP processing.
Reject [Equeue]
May be raised by event handlers to reject events
Response_dropped [Rpc_client]
Drop reason: The response exceeded the configured maximum message size
Response_too_large [Nethttp_client]
The length of the response exceeds the configured maximum
Rpc_cannot_unpack [Rpc]
RPC protocol error (bad data)
Rpc_server [Rpc]
an exception generated by the RPC server

SASLprepError [Netsaslprep]
Raised when a string cannot be transformed
Send_queue_empty [Nethttpd_kernel]
Server_error [Netmech_scram]
Raised by clients when the server sent an error code
Service_unavailable [Rpc_proxy.ManagedClient]
Procedure calls may end with this exception when the reliability cache disables the service
Sharedvar_no_permission [Netplex_sharedvar]
It is not allowed to set the value
Sharedvar_not_found [Netplex_sharedvar]
The variable does not exist.
Sharedvar_null [Netplex_sharedvar]
The initial value of a shared exception variable
Sharedvar_type_mismatch [Netplex_sharedvar]
The (dynamically typed) variable has the wrong type (string/exn)
Short_memory_buffer [Nettls_gnutls_bindings]
Shutdown_not_supported [Netsys]
See gshutdown
Socks_error [Uq_socks5]
Raised when error messages of the SOCKS proxy are received, or because of other SOCKS-related problems.
Standard_response [Nethttpd_types]
Some HTTP containers allow you to raise this exception.
Subprocess_error [Shell]
The string contains the called commands in a readable representation.

TLS_error [Netsys_types]
A fatal error occurred (i.e.
TLS_error [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
A fatal error occurred (i.e.
TLS_switch_request [Netsys_types]
The server requested a rehandshake (this exception is thrown in the client)
TLS_switch_request [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
The server requested a rehandshake (this exception is thrown in the client)
TLS_switch_response [Netsys_types]
The client accepted or denied a rehandshake (this exception is thrown in the server).
TLS_switch_response [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
The client accepted or denied a rehandshake (this exception is thrown in the server).
TLS_warning [Netsys_types]
A non-fatal error occurred.
TLS_warning [Netsys_crypto_types.TLS_EXCEPTIONS]
A non-fatal error occurred.
Telnet_protocol [Nettelnet_client]
Wrapper for exceptions that already passed the exception handler.
Terminate [Equeue]
May be raised by event handlers to accept events while terminating themselves
Timeout [Nethttp_client]
A timeout.
Timeout [Uq_engines_compat]
Timeout [Uq_engines]
Used by input_engine and output_engine to indicate timeouts
Too_many_arguments [Netcgi_common]
Hit the limit max_arguments
Too_many_descriptors [Netsys_pollset_win32]
Too_many_redirections [Nethttp_client]
While following redirections the limit has been reached
Transient_error [Netsmtp]
Type_mismatch [Netplex_encap]
Raised when an encapulated type is tried to be unwrapped by the wrong encapsulation module

URL_syntax_error [Nethttp_client]
This URL cannot be parsed after a redirection has been followed.
Unbound_exception [Rpc_client]
This exception can be raised by the callback function that is invoked when the server response arrives.
Unsupported_expr [Netglob]
The notations :class:, .symbol., =eqclass= inside ... are not supported by this implementation.

Watchdog_timeout [Uq_engines_compat]
Watchdog_timeout [Uq_engines]
Used by the watchdog engine to indicate a timeout.

Xdr_failure [Netxdr]
Usually a problem during packing
Xdr_format [Netxdr]
Format error found during unpacking a string
Xdr_format_message_too_long [Netxdr]
The message is too long and cannot be packed into a string
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