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Module Netgssapi_support

module Netgssapi_support: sig .. end
Support functions for GSS-API

val oid_to_der : Netsys_gssapi.oid -> string


val der_to_oid : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> Netsys_gssapi.oid
Convert OID's to/from DER. der_to_oid takes a cursor as second arg.
val oid_to_der_value : Netsys_gssapi.oid -> string
val der_value_to_oid : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> int -> Netsys_gssapi.oid
Convert OID's to/from DER. This variant does not include the header (hex 06 plus length). der_value_to_oid takes a cursor and the length in bytes.
val wire_encode_token : Netsys_gssapi.oid -> Netsys_gssapi.token -> string
val wire_decode_token : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> Netsys_gssapi.oid * Netsys_gssapi.token
Encode tokens as described in section 3.1 of RFC 2078. This is usually only done for the initiating token.
val encode_exported_name : Netsys_gssapi.oid -> string -> string
val decode_exported_name : string -> int Pervasives.ref -> Netsys_gssapi.oid * string
Encode names as described in section 3.2 of RFC 2078
val gs2_encode_saslname : string -> string
val gs2_decode_saslname : string -> string
Encodes "," and "=" characters, and forbids null bytes, and checks whether the names are UTF-8-encoded (as required for the "saslname" production in section 4 of RFC 5801). Fails if something is wrong.
val parse_kerberos_name : string -> string list * string option
let (name_components, realm_opt) = parse_kerberos_name s: Returns the slash-separated name components as name_components, and the realm following "@" as realm_opt.

Fails on parse error.

Create tokens

Format of the tokens: see RFC 4121
val create_mic_token : sent_by_acceptor:bool ->
acceptor_subkey:bool ->
sequence_number:int64 ->
get_mic:(Netsys_gssapi.message -> string) ->
message:Netsys_gssapi.message -> string
Create a MIC token:

  • sent_by_acceptor: whether this token comes from the acceptor
  • acceptor_subkey: see RFC
  • sequence_number: a sequence number
  • get_mic: the checksum function (e.g. Netmech_scram.Cryptosystem.get_mic)
  • message: the message to be signed
The function returns the MIC token
val parse_mic_token_header : string -> bool * bool * int64
Returns the triple (sent_by_acceptor, acceptor_subkey, sequence_number) from the header of a MIC token that is passed to this function as string. Fails if not parsable
val verify_mic_token : get_mic:(Netsys_gssapi.message -> string) ->
message:Netsys_gssapi.message -> token:string -> bool
Verifies the MIC token with get_mic, and returns true if the verification is successful
val create_wrap_token_conf : sent_by_acceptor:bool ->
acceptor_subkey:bool ->
sequence_number:int64 ->
get_ec:(int -> int) ->
encrypt_and_sign:(Netsys_gssapi.message -> Netsys_gssapi.message) ->
message:Netsys_gssapi.message -> Netsys_gssapi.message
Wraps a message so that it is encrypted and signed (confidential).

  • sent_by_acceptor: whether this token comes from the acceptor
  • acceptor_subkey: see RFC
  • sequence_number: a sequence number
  • get_ec: This function returns the "extra count" number for the size of the plaintext w/o filler (e.g. use Netmech_scram.Cryptosystem.get_ec).
  • encrypt_and_sign: the encryption function from the cryptosystem. The plaintext is passed to this function, and the ciphertext with the appended signature must be returned in the string.
  • message: the payload message
The function returns the token wrapping the message.
val parse_wrap_token_header : Netsys_gssapi.message -> bool * bool * bool * int64
let (sent_by_acceptor, sealed, acceptor_subkey, sequence_number) = parse_wrap_token_header token

Fails if the token cannot be parsed.

val unwrap_wrap_token_conf : decrypt_and_verify:(Netsys_gssapi.message -> Netsys_gssapi.message) ->
token:Netsys_gssapi.message -> Netsys_gssapi.message
Unwraps the token using the decryption function decrypt_and_verify from the cryptosystem.

The functions fails if there is a format error, or the integrity check fails.

Non-confidential messages cannot be unwrapped with this function.

Token functions for non-confidential messages are still missing
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