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Class type Nethttpd_engine.extended_async_environment

class type extended_async_environment = object .. end
  • extended_environment

Environment also providing asynchronous views to I/O

method input_ch_async : Uq_engines.async_in_channel
This is the input_ch channel taken as asynchonous channel. This type of channel indicates when data is available to read, and also sends notifications. Note that this is only an alternate interface of the input_ch object.

The method can_input returns true when there is at least one byte of the body to read, or the EOF has been seen. The channel buffers any arriving data (which can be limited in amount by config_pipeline_size).

The behaviour of this channel is influenced by the configuration option config_input_flow_control.

method output_ch_async : Uq_engines.async_out_channel
This is the output_ch channel taken as asynchronous channel. This type of channel indicates when space is available for further output, and also sends notifications. Note that this is only an alternate interface of the output_ch object.

The method can_output returns true only when the internal buffer is empty, i.e. all data have been transmitted to the client. Independent of this, the channel buffers all data written to it.

The behaviour of this channel is influenced by the configuration option config_output_flow_control.

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