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Class type Netmime.mime_body

class type mime_body = object .. end
A MIME body with both read and write method. It is still possible, however, to set the read-only flag to make this kind of body immutable, too.

The value of the body can be set either by a string, or by writing to an object channel. Both ways are possible independently of where the value is stored, in-memory, or as external file.

method ro : bool
whether this body is read-only or not
method set_value : string -> unit
Sets the value. If the value is immutable, the exception Immutable will be raised.

The passed string must be in decoded form. When the body is stored in an external file, the file is overwritten.

method open_value_wr : unit -> Netchannels.out_obj_channel
Opens the value for writing. The current value is overwritten. If the value is immutable, the exception Immutable will be raised.

For example, to copy the file f into the value:

 let ch = body # open_value_wr() in
 let f_ch = new Netchannels.input_file f in
 ch # output_channel f_ch;
 f_ch # close_in();
 ch # close_out();

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