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Module Netsys_global

module Netsys_global: sig .. end
Global variables

This module provides a place to store global variables that work across subprocess boundaries. In order to push values to related processes it needs a propagator. The propagator is not included here. The Netplex library implements a propagator that is automatically activated.

Variables are limited to string type.

type variable 
val access : string -> variable
access name: Create or look up a variable with this name
val get : variable -> string
Get the value of the variable (after checking for an update)
val set : variable -> string -> unit
Set the value of the variable
val get_v : variable -> string * int64
Get the value and the version number of the variable
val set_v : variable -> string -> int64
Set the value and get the new version number
val iter : (string -> string -> int64 -> unit) -> unit
iter f: for every variable call f name value version
class type propagator = object .. end
val get_propagator : unit -> propagator option
Get the current propagator or return None
val set_propagator : propagator option -> unit
Set the current propagator to Some p, or remove the propagator with None
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